toxic p2

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*Mattia's POV*
Next Day.
fuck i messed up. god. i haven't slept since y:n's been gone. I can't. not without her by my side. i can't believe myself. I don't even know why i did it. i love Y/n, and i could never stop. she's been with me through everything. she's been by my side since we were in high school all the way through college. I was going to propose next month. we were talking about having a baby together. i miss her. im disgusted with myself. since she's left i've blocked luci on every social she could get through to me. Luci was just a one night stand, i swear. idk what i was thinking. i cant live without y/n. she's my world and the only person i have close to family. she's my best friend. my lover. i can never forgive myself for what i caused that night. i want to take all of it back. i'm sorry. i pray she can forgive me...

*y/n's POV*
it's been a few weeks. i miss Mattia. i'm hurt but i know he didn't mean to. he's been with me since freshman year of high school. I know he didn't mean to hurt me, but it hurts. I love him a lot and i want to try it again. I'm just scared to get hurt, i'm mad but i want to try. I haven't been calling him or texted him recently and i've been staying with my mom for awhile until i decided to sort things out.
i picked up my phone and typed "Mattia" in the search box until his number popped up. I unblocked him and started to type.

Mattia ❤️

Mattia. i hope you do know what you did really hurt me, i'm mad and i'm very upset but i still love you and i want to try again. idk if your going to read this but i just really want you to know that we've been through everything together and i'm not ready to give it up.  so whenever your ready to talk lmk. i love you mattia.  i'm not going to give up on us. i'm not giving up on you.
read 7:30p


*mattias pov*
i received a text. i was sorta high, a little drunk. i'm exhausted from work.
i picked up my phone and saw it was "Y/n 💖".
my heart sunk into my chest. Was i dreaming rn? Was i really high?
without thinking anymore i opened the text quick. I read the message out loud and a smile started to appear on my face. I was happy. She still wanted to be with me. My heart came back together. I was in a hurry to text her back.

Y/n 💖

Mattia. i hope you do know what you did really hurt me, i'm mad and i'm very upset but i still love you and i want to try again. idk if your going to read this but i just really want you to know that we've been through everything together and i'm not ready to give it up.  so whenever your ready to talk lmk. i love you Mattia. I'm not going to give up on us and i'm not giving up on you.
ofc i want to talk Y/n . right now ofc. I'm sorry for what i did, i don't even know what i was thinking that night. I should've never done it and i'm so sorry and if i could take it back i would ma. I wouldnt want to do anything to hurt you and yk that. Your my world my best friend. my everything. I love everything about you and i'm not ready to give up on us either. I couldn't bare to see you with another dude and it's not me. Come back home please Y/n, i swear to you on every single fucking thing in my life i will never touch another female not even talk to one. I love you and i miss you so much. please come home tonight. please.
read 7:45p


*y/n's pov*
Mattia texted me back in a heart beat. I read his message and started to smile. I'm happy that he wants to be back together. I texted back telling him i would be over in an hour. he said ok and i started to get ready.
(half an hour later)
i got out of the shower and dried my hair a little then threw it into a bun and left two stands in front of my face and on my sides. I put on lashes then some lip gloss and left my face alone. I threw on a pair of gray sweats with a cropped long sleeved shirt. (wtv color u want). then a pair of black socks and black uggs. I grabbed my things and put them into a bag before turning off my light and walking out of my room. I went into the living room and sat down next to my mom who was watching tv. "hi babe. where are you going?" she asked as she pauses her show. "i'm going back home, me and mattia are going to work things out and get back together" I said as i set my things down. "Y/n, he cheated on you" she says as she shakes her head of disappointment. "ik mom but he's been with me since our freshman year of highschool through college and i want to be with him, not because he has fame or because he has looks or because he has money i want to be with him because i love him for who he is. We've been through everything together he's stuck with me and i've stuck with him. I love him Mom and i'm not gonna let a whore get in the way of it" i said as i stood up from the couch. "well, i respect your decision y/n. but remember if he does it again, just know it happened once, it will happen again" she said as she pats my hand before letting go. "But i don't think Mattia would do anything else to hurt me the way he did, i love you mom and i'll let you know what happens when we talk" i said as i gave her a kiss on the cheek. She smiles at me before i walked out of the house. I throw my stuff into my car before starting my car and leaving to me and mattias house.

*Mattias POV*
i was anxiously waiting on the couch, my leg bouncing non stop. I was so excited to see Y/n again, it's been..what feels like forever. I heard a car pull up into the driveway and a door open. I jumped up and looked out of the window. there she was. she looked amazing just like always. I ran over to the door and unlocked it before running out. I got to her car and stopped inches in front of her. She looked at me with a shocked expression. I smiled at her as we stood in silence, to my surprise she smiled back. We continued to stand in silence before she says "Hi mattia". Finally she broke the first word. "Hi Y/n" i said back quickly. "i missed you..a lot" she says as she closes the car door. "I missed you too" I said as i was pulling at the side of my pants nervously. Then out of nowhere, she places her arms around my waist and lays her head onto my chest. I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her tightly as i rested my head on hers. "Y/n?" I asked as he continued to hug..

Y/n's POV
Finally i was able to hold Mattia again. I miss him. so much. He did do wrong but I love him and I know he loves me and i wasn't ready to throw away all of this love over some fling. I know he feels bad for what he did but i know he'll make up for it.
"Y/n?" Mattia said quietly.
"yes" i said as i looked up at him.
"I'm sorry. I never meant to mess with someone else, i never wanted to hurt you the way i did. I love you a lot and I want to be with you for the rest of my life and I know i have to make up for this but I swear that it's never gonna happen again" he says as he looks down at me.
"I love you too Mattia. It hurt but i'm just glad that we're back together again. We've been through everything together and im not ready to throw that away and i know ur not either" i said as I smiled at him.
He smiles then he placed his finger under my chin and lifting my head up before laying his lips on top of mine.

the end.

(A.N-i actually fucking hated this. it can eat shit. i just hope you guys like this and yea..but anyways, so smut or another love story??? lmk)

sincerely, Mari <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2022 ⏰

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