Chapter Two: Platform 9 3/4

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The rest of the summer went by quite quickly for Lily, who spent all day, every day in her room studying the assigned course books. She wanted to be able to get good grades, while still spending her time pranking rather than studying. So she spent the last two months of summer reading those books. Because of her Hyperthymesia, she was able to memorize the books from only reading them once, which is the reason she had bought so many books in the first place so that she would know as much as possible for school. Lily's absolute favorite thing to do was to prank, but she did love learning new things as well. Well, unless she found whatever it was she was learning boring that is.

On the 1st of September, Lily woke up quite early and was practically bouncing off the walls. The bouncing off the walls was normal for her, the waking up early and with no complaint, was not. However Lily was absolutely thrilled about the idea of going to Hogwarts and she was going to do everything in her power to make sure she would get there in time. 

By ten o'clock, Lily's trunk was sitting in the middle of the kitchen, packed quite well, and Marauder's carrier sat ontop of it. The actual cat, however, was sitting in Lily's arms and purring loudly. Lily's parents came in to the kitchen, ready to go,and grabbed her arm and school things before apparating to King's Cross. For a moment all Lily could do was stare, then she was bouncing again. Her parents helped her load her trunk onto the train and gave her lots of hugs, telling her to write, and to try not to get in too much trouble, seeing as it was inevitable that she go in some, with her pranking ways. 

Soon, Lily found herself in the train corridor searching for a compartment to sit in. She passed one with two boys in it and doubles back to stare. One of them was Harry Potter. He looked exactly like his father. Lily had known his father as a baby, in fact James Potter was her godfather, and her father was his godfather. They had met as babies. She doubted he would remember anyways. 

She didn't stop to chat though, and continued on with Marauder snuggled deep in her arms. Eventually, Lily came upon a compartment that held only another first year who basically seemed like the boy version of herself personality-wise. He was bouncing on the balls of his feet and had that mischievous glint in his eyes that she saw every day in the mirror. He had dark brown hair and bright green eyes too. She grinned broadly and pulled the door open, exclaiming,

"Your new best friend has arrived!" The boy's head shot up and he grinned at the sight of her, saying, 

"Hello new best friend! What might your name be?"

Lily liked this boy already. He seemed exactly like her. 

"Lily Black, at your service," she said bowing extravagantly, "Who might you be, dear bestie?" Her new best friend bowed back just as extravagantly,

"Theodore Walters madam. Call me Teddy. Everyone does."

Lily shook his hand smirking and said,

"Well Teddy Walters,I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship. I love the scars by the way, they really add character."

Teddy beamed at her, happy that she didn't question them. Lily sat down and introduced Teddy to Marauder, who responded by leaping into his lap and purring. 

"Marauder likes you and he's an excellent judge of character! I guess that means your stuck with us now, there's absolutely no getting rid of me now!" They grinned at each other, both happy to have made a friend. 

"So Teddy, tell me about yourself." she said and he complied at once,

"Well, I'm eleven, I'm a half-blood, I don't like playing Quidditch, I want to be in Gryffindor, I get sick a lot and I love pranking. Seriously, I won't last a week without pranking someone."

Lily liked him even more now if that's possible,

"Interesting, my dear Teddy, I'm a half-blood too, my dad is a convicted murderer, but I'm pretty sure he's innocent, my mum died when I was a baby, so I was raised by adopted parents who are the best, I like playing chaser for Quidditch, I love animals, I also want to be a Gryffindor, and I doubt I can go three days without pranking someone."

Lily and Teddy spent the rest of the train ride getting to know each other better, planning pranks, and eating sweets. Lily even showed him a few spells they could use for pranks. 

All too soon, the train slowed to a stop and they climbed out and joined the other first years gathered around Hagrid. Teddy and Lily climbed into a boat together and were soon joined by Harry Potter and his friend from the train.

Lily stuck out her hand to Harry's friend and said,

"I'm Lily Black and this is Teddy Walters. Who are you?" the red haired boy shook her hand and said,

"I'm Ron Weasley. Nice to meet you." Lily grinned broadly at Ron before turning to Harry and holding out her hand, saying,

"Like I said, I'm Lily Black. We knew each other as babies and I was named after your mother." The three boys stared at her in shock and Teddy hit her shoulder exclaiming,

"You never thought to mention that on the train!" Lily just shrugged and turned back to Harry who seemed to be coming back to his senses. Finally, he said,

"Erm-What? Did you say we knew each other as babies? And that your named after my mum?" Lily grinned at him and nodded. Harry finally let out a breath and said,

"Well Lily Black, it's nice to meet you."

With that, Lily turned back to Teddy and they got back on the topic of pranks. A couple minutes later, they turned the bend and Hogwarts came into view. It was huge! Really beautiful too. Lily and Teddy exchanged a look, both thinking the same thing,

'In a castle that big, there must be tons of places to hide after a prank!' They grinned together as the boats came to a stop and they climbed out following Hagrid to a pair of huge wooden doors.

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