Chapter Five: The Midnight Duel

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Time passed quickly, and before Lily knew it, it was Thursday and the day of their first flying lesson. Lily had never flown a broom, but she had been to quidditch games and read all about the sport. Lily and Teddy were actually early to the lesson, making a bunch of people look at them funny, having become used to their tardiness. Lily was bouncing on the balls of her feet excitedly as she waited for the lesson to start.

Finally, Madam Hooch blew her whistle and began explaining what to do. Lily walked up to the left side of her broom and firmly said,

"Up!" making the broom jump into her hands at once. She glanced around and noticed that she was one of only a few other people to do it on her first try. She smiled when she saw that Harry, like her, had managed to get his first try. She knew Harry would be a good quidditch player, she remembered his father, or as she called him, Uncle Prongs, telling her stories about quidditch matches he had played when he went to school here. 

Lily glanced at Teddy and noticed his face was white and his broom hadn't moved an inch.

"Are you afraid of heights?" she asked the pale boy next to her, who nodded immediately. She patted his shoulder consolingly, 

"Don't worry, you can cheer me on when I play, safe in the stands." He nodded gratefully but finally managed to get his broom into his hand. Madam Hooch told them the next instructions and, Neville being Neville, managed to lose control of his broom. Lily couldn't very well let him get hurt, so she mounted her broom and shot into the air, catching Neville as he fell and pulling up out of her dive, with his robes gripped in her fist. He smiled gratefully at her, but seemed in shock, so Madam Hooch took him away to the hospital wing for a draught of peace. 

Teddy came and gave Lily a hug and they whispered together about quidditch. Lily aprubtly stopped talking when Dracula picked up the remembrall that Neville's gran sent him that morning. Lily grew angry quickly and when Dracula and Harry shot up into the air, she immediately followed.

"Give it here Malfoy or I'll knock you off your broom!" Harry yelled at Dracula and Lily said,

"He may knock you off your broom Dracula, but I'll do much worse. I suggest you give it to him." Dracula made no move to give it back, so Lily being Lily, flew at him and deftly snatched it out of his hand. Then she pretended to fumble, and dropped it so that Harry could show off how good of a seeker he was. Sure enough, Harry dived after it and caught it a foot from the ground. Lily grinned broadly at this, and landed gracefully next to a smiling Harry.

Just then, Minnie came rushing out of the school, with her hat askew and looking a mix between worried and mad. When she was close enough, she called out,

"Potter! Black! Follow me," Lily glanced back at Teddy and mouthed,

'Wish me luck," Teddy gave her a worried smile and mouthed back,

'Good luck!' Lily and Harry followed Minnie as she led them through the castle. She stopped in front of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom and asked for Wood. Lily's heart leapt. She had never met Oliver Wood, but had heard of him. He was the Gryffindor quidditch captain. Did that mean she had made the team? That didn't make much sense seeing as she had broken the rules. Ah well, this is what she liked about Minnie. 

"Black, Potter, this is Oliver Wood," Minnie said, "Wood, you mentioned that Ms. Spinnet dropped off the team and you were in need of a new chaser. Is that spot still open?" Wood looked confused but nodded,

"Well, Wood, then I have found you both a Seeker and a Chaser. They are both as good as their fathers. Good luck." Woods eyes widened and he looked at them excitedly. Lily had a different reaction. She went right up to Minnie and hugged her. Minnie's eyes widened, but she hugged her back, smiling at her antics. She was just like her father, she was. Minnie had come to care for the girl like her own daughter at somepoint and was glad to see her happy.

Lily immediately went off to the Great Hall, for dinner, and to inform Teddy of her new spot on the team. She sat across from Teddy and casually said,

"You might have to be cheering me on earlier than we anticipated," Teddy's eyes widened and he dropped his fork,

"Don't tell me you made the quiddich team?" he asked incredulously. Lily smiled proudly and whispered,

"Yup, chaser. You can't tell anyone though, Wood wants it to be some sort of secret until the first game. You're technically not allowed to know, but well you know me Teddy-Bear, rules are meant to be broken." she winked and he laughed. 

Lily glanced down the Gryffindor table and notices Harry and Dracula arguing. After a couple minutes, Dracula walked away smirking, and Harry sat back down moodily. Lily looked back at Teddy,

"I wonder what that was about," she wondered aloud. Teddy just shrugged and they went back to eating.

That night, Lily and Teddy were exploring the castle at night again, when Lily heard a shout of,

"RUN!" and Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville came sprinting down the corridor. They grabbed Lily and Teddy, and dragged them with them as they ran away from Filtch. At least, Lily assumed it was Filtch, he was generally the only one other than herself and Teddy who were out that late. Lily wished they hadn't grabbed her and Teddy, seeing as they knew how to escape Filtch easily. But unfortuanatly, the four Gryfinndors dragegd them into Cerberus' corridor. 

Lily and Teddy walked over to Cerberus, who pushed them behind him, growling at the other four. Cerberus had taken a liking to Teddy and her, after they started bringing him food from the kitchens, and now treated them like his own pups. 

The other four Gryffindors screamed at the sight of his three heads and took off running again. Lily just rolled her eyes and said,

"I thought Gryffindors were supposed to be brave," Teddy nodded and they both gave Cerberus some pats before also returning to Gryffindor Tower.

They climbed through the portrait hole to find Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Neville already there. When those four saw them, they immediately relaxed.

"Why were you guys out there tonight?" Harry asked, breaking the silence. Lily shrugged and said,

"We're always out there, why were you out there?" Harry and Ron glanced at each other and Lily's eyes narrowed.

"We were supposed to meet Malfoy in the trophey room for a duel, but-" Lily nodded, piecing it together and interrupted Harry,

"You actually thought Dracula would show up? Jeez, I mean I know we're not Ravenclaws but honestly. Let me guess, I'll bet Hermione was only there to try to stop you, and Neville most likely forgot the password. So you went to the trophey room, and Filtch almost caught you, so you you ran. I'll bet that was when you found us, and we know the rest already. Am I right, or am I right?" Everyone exept for Teddy stared at her like they hadn't seen her before and she shrugged and asked,

"What? I'm smart you know. It's not just my looks and jokes, it's a full package, I'm like a goddess," Lily smirked and Teddy burst out laughing. 

"That was exactly right. You are smart," Ron said, sounding impressed. Lily smiled sweetly at him and batted her eyelashes,

"Aww! You think I'm like a goddess too. Thank you!" Teddy was on the ground intears of mirth, and Harry and Ron just looked confused. Hermione huffed and said,

"I'm going to bed, before any of you do anything to get us killed, or worse, expelled," then she turned on her heel and marched up to the dorm she, Lily, and a couple other girls shared. Lily smirked, she like Hermione. She was smart and had attitude, great mix, it was almost a shame the best friend spot was taken by Teddy.

But not really. No one could beat Teddy. Lily turned to them and said,

"I'm with Hermione on this one boys, I'd rather die here than get expelled. See ya in in the morning. Goodnight Teddy-Bear!" Teddy grinned tiredly at her and said,

"I agree. Goodnight Lily-Flower!" They exchanged a smile, while the other boys watched in baffled silence. Lily then turned on her heel and headed the same direction as Hermione.  

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