Chapter Four: The First Day of Pranking (Oh, and School Too)

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The next morning, Lily and Teddy walked into the Great Hall smirking, immediately causing Minnie to look at them worriedly. She knew those smirks. They were the same ones the Mauraders wore whenever they were about to do something against the rules. And indeed, they were doing something technically against the rules. 

They were pranking.

Lily and Teddy had stayed up all night working on their prank, and they were quite proud of it. At exactly 8:30 am, the professors would all turn into different animals. Dumbledore was a swan, Snape was a snail, Flitwick was a squirrel, Quirrel was a snake, and so on. The only professor they didn't prank was Minnie. The perks of being their favorite, they supposed. 

Lily watched in amusement as the clock struck 8:30, putting their plan into effect. The Great Hall was suddenly filled with a bunch of different noises. It sounded like one of those muggle zoos. Lily and Teddy both fell out of their seats with tears of mirth streaming down their faces as they laughed. Lily quickly pulled out a wizarding version of a camera and took some pretty hilarious pictures, which caused her and her best friend to start rolling around on the floor again. 

Minnie came up to them, trying to look stern. She also found the prank quite amusing, but was wondering why she was the only one who didn't get pranked. She cleared her throat loudly and said sternly,

"Black, Walters, follow me please." Lily and Teddy followed her from the hall, their laughter still not ceasing. When they reached her office, Minnie made them both sit in front of her desk and waited until they were done laughing. 

Half-an-hour later, they finally stopped and were wiping their tears when Minnie began to speak,

"You both have detention for the week with me. You will report to my office at seven pm sharp. Do I make myself clear?" Lily grinned up at her and said,

"Of course Minnie, now you can ask what you really want," Minnie eyed them suspiciously and reluctantly asked,

"Why was I the only one who wasn't pranked?" Teddy and Lily exchanged smirks and Teddy began,

"Well you see, considering you are our favorite teacher-"

"We decided you should have certain benifits that come with the job-" Lily continued and smirked as Teddy finished,

"For example, getting pranked less often." They both grinned up at her and Lily notcied Minnie had a slight smile on her face as she shooed them away. Lily as Teddy both stood up, and kissed her either cheek, saying,

"See ya in class Minnie!"

Lily had already decieded that Hogwarts was her new favorite place in the world, and that Teddy and Minnie were her new favorite people in the world. She absolutely loved Hogwarts with all her soul. She linked arms with Teddy and they skipped off to class together, which just happened to be transfiguration with Minnie. They had no trouble getting there, since they knew where everything was already. Therefore the only reason they were late was because they wanted to be. They entered the classroom right behind Harry and Ron who appeared to have acutally gotten lost. Lily watched in amusement as they were told off by Minnie who was a tabby cat animagus. She threatened to turn them into a pocket watch or a map, which of course Lily found highly amusing. Then Minnie turned to them and sighed,

"I don't suppose I need to turn either of you into a map?" Lily grinned cheekily,

"No thanks Minnie, we know where everything in the castle is already, but thanks for offering, I'm sure I would make a really cute map." Teddy imitated her expression of innocence and Lily noticed that Minnnie was obviously resisting the urge to roll her eyes as she said,

"Well, seeing as your nights are already full of detentions this week, you may as well sit down." Lily and Teddy sat down and Lily whispered to Teddy,

"We are so Minnie's favorite students Teddy-Bear,"

"Of course we are, who wouldn't love us Lily-Flower." They smirked at each other and spent the lesson planning their next prank. Last night, Teddy had informed her that he too had already memorized their couse books over the summer to make room for pranking, to which she had responded with a high five and a 'Great minds think alike! Well, ours do anyway,' 

The week went by very quickly for Lily, who had adjusted quite quickly to life at Hogwarts. Her and Teddy had each managed to land themselves a month's worth of detention within the first two days. A fact which they were both quite proud of, seeing as they actually enjoyed their detentions. 

On Friday morning, Lily and Teddy, along with the rest of Gryffindor and Slytherin's first years had their first potions lesson, which neither Lily, nor Teddy were looking forward to. Lily remembered that her father had called Snape, Snivellous and had been calling him that in her head all week. She hadn't called him it to his face, because even she didn't particularly enjoy his detentions. 

Once she was seated at her desk with Teddy by her side, she waited impatiently for the lesson to start, because the sooner it started the sooner it ended. She watched angrily as Snivellous picked on her godbrother, but for once didn't speak up, not trusting her mouth if she opened it. She made the potion and to her delight, it was the exact shade it was supposed to be. When Snivellous walked by her station he only harrumphed, obviously wishing she was awful at Potions so he could have something to pick on her for.

That afternoon, once classes were out, Lily and Teddy made their way to the forbidden forest. They looked at each other excitedly, drew their wands, and entered the forest. They made their way through the forest and Lily stopped when she came across a Hippogriff. She made eye contact with the creature before sweeping into an extravagent bow, which she saw Teddy imitate out of the corner of her eye. The hippogriff looked rather amused by their over the top bows but seemed to like them anyway any bowed back just as extravagently.

Lily, bouncing with excitement, made her way over to the beautiful creature and stroked his feathers softly with Teddy at her side. 'Wow,' she thought to herself, 'Hogwarts really is amazing.' She watched as their new hippogriff friend knelt down as if offereing them to climb on. Lily excitedly told Teddy,

"Hop on Teddy-Bear! Our new friend is offering us a ride!" Teddy grinned broadly at her, before climbing up. Lily hopped up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist, grinning just as broadly. The hippogriff let off a cry and they were off. 

Lily whooped as they circled around the forbidden forest, and Teddy laughed at the feeling of freedom. Their new friend swooped in the direction of Hagrid's hut and Lily noticed Harry and Ron on their way back up to the castle and called out to them,

"Hey Harry! Hi Ron!" They both jumped and turned around, before gaping at the sight of Lily and Teddy on the back of a Hippogriff. Then they waved and called back,

"Hi Lily, hi Teddy! What exactly are you guys doing?" Lily just laughed,

"What does it look like we're doing!" Then the hippogriff landed and Lily slid off his back with Teddy on her heels. They both swept him and extravagent bow, which he returned, and called,

"See you soon new friend!" Then they turned and caught up to Harry and Ron, who were both standing there with their mouths wide open. Lily waved her hand in front of her godbrother's face and said,

"You two should really close your mouths. You'll catch flies if youjust stand like that." They both hastily closed their mouths as Lily linked arms with Teddy before skipping away.

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