Chapter Eight: Hallowe'en

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The last month passed quickly for Lily Black. Well except for the days surrounding the full moon at least, since she had been worried out of her mind about Teddy, or as she now called him, Shadow. Lily and Teddy still had detention practically every night because of their pranking which had not ceased in the slightest. On a happy note, on the day of the full moon, it had been a month since she put the leaf in her mouth, so she had gladly taken it out and added it to the potion, which she had made. Lily had made sure not to include Teddy in the potion making, because, well, let's just say he wasn't the best at potion-making.

On Halloween, she was very excited and could tell that Shadow was as well. In charms, Professor Flitwick finally let them make objects float. Teddy, Lily, and Hermione were the only ones who were good at it, let alone find it easy. Everyone else seemed to find it quite difficult. Lily and Teddy just shrugged to each other when they got in on their first trys. Hermione made Ron kind of mad by telling him her was doing it wrong and then doing it right herself. Lily didn't see her at all during afternoon classes and she was somewhat worried about her.

By the time the Hallowe'en feast rolled around, Lily had practiaclly forgotten about Hermione. She and Teddy were having a contest to see who could eat more pasta, when Professor Quirrel came running in looking terrified,

"Troll-in the dungeons-thought you ought to know," then he collapsed in a dead faint. Lily's face lit up hearing this, and she and Teddy followed Harry and Ron, away from the group. Lily turned to Teddy and made puppy dog eyes,

"Can we go fight a troll, please!" she begged. Teddy just said,

"Let's just go wherever it is Harry and Ron are going, if we run into the troll, then we can fight it, but lets not go looking for it." Lily grinned at him and hopped on his back. He caught her easliy and they trailed after Harry and Ron, wherever they were going. 

Lily watched in disbelief as Harry and Ron lock the troll in the girls' lavatories. She jumped off Teddy's back and crossed her arms poutily,

"Hey," she whined, "I wanted to fight the troll, not lock it in a bathroom!"

Harry and Ron paled when she said bathroom and she frowned in confusion,

"Hey what's wro-," she was cut off by a feminine scream from the bathroom. They immediately yanked open the door ran through to find Hermione cowering against the wall. Lily rolled her eyes and whispered to Teddy,
"Hey Shadow, again with the Gryffindor and bravery thing, honestly I think she would have done better in Ravenclaw," he nodded absently and they watched as Harry ran and jumped on the troll. How stupid can you get Prongslette, she thought to herself and finally decided to help. She drew her wand and levitated the troll's club above it's own head and let it fall. The troll immediately fell over, unconcious and Lily wiped her and hands on her robes and said,

"That was fun, I don't suppose there are any more are there?" Teddy snorted and shook his head, saying,

"Nope, it really is too bad, I would have loved to have a go at one too." Lily nodded understandingly and the other three Gryffindors stared at them like they were crazy. Teddy just put an arm around Lily's shoulders and leaned on her looking bored.

Just then, the teachers came running through the open door and took in the scene before them. Harry was wiping troll bogies off his wand, Hermione was covered in white plaster dust from all the stuff that the troll desroyed, and Ron just looked baffled, though he did usually look baffled so it wasn't that much of a surprise. Teddy and Lily just had their arms around each other, looking utterly bored. 

Minnie spluttered a bit angrily and Hermione interrupted her saying that she went looking for the troll, and they went looking for her. Lily had to fight the smile threatening to take over her face, Hermione Granger, lying to a professor's face, who would've thought.

Minnie took five points from her, and then gave the other four, five points each. Lily took note of how worried Minnie looked, when she looked at her and smiled a bit. She actually cared about her, Lily realized and smiled warmly at Minnie.

Lily and Teddy linked arms and skipped back up to the common room together, where the feast was still going on, not that either of them were very hungry, seeing as they had stuffed their faces during the actual feast earlier. 

Teddy sat down on the couch in front of the fire, and Lily curled up into his side. Together, they quietly watched the fire, and the people around them, while Teddy played with her hair. Before long, they were both sound asleep on the couch, curled together. When the other Gryffindors saw them, they couldn't help but smile and aww at the adorable scene.

A/N; Sorry this chapter is shorter, this was just too cute of a place to stop

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