Chapter Six: Teddy's Secret

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The next morning, Teddy looked horrible. Lily remembered him telling her he got sick often, but she was still worried when he looked half-dead at breakfast. She kept asking what was wrong, but Teddy kept avoiding the question. Lily had noticed him not looking too good for a few days now, but this was a whole new level. She barely noticed when she received a Nimbus Two-Thousand from Minnie at breakfast. She just hurriedly put it away and returned to Teddy's side. It's a good thing that today was Saturday, so she could keep a close watch on him to make sure he was okay without being interrupted by unimportant things, like classes and such. Lily had gotten a ton of chocolate from the kitchens that morning because it seemed to be the only thing that really made him feel any better.

This is why her and Teddy were currently sitting outside in warm jumpers eating chocolate and talking about Cerberus. 

"You know who we should ask about him?" Teddy said a few minutes later, and when Lily shook her head he exclaimed, "Hagrid! He loves magical creatures. I highly doubt there would be something like that in the castle without him knowing about it." 

Lily smacked her forehead and sarcastically dropped to her knees and sobbed,

"Oh master, you are such a genius, I am not worthy to be in your presence. Pinch me, this can't be real!" Teddy smirked and pinched her. Lily scowled at him and smacked his arm,

"What was that for!" 

"What? You told me to!"

"I didn't actually mean it!"

They playfully bickered back and forth as they walked down to Hagrid's hut. Lily knocked on the door, and Hagrid opened it and invited them in for tea. Once they were all sitting around his fire, Lily bluntly said,

"Do you know about a three headed dog in the castle?" Hagrid choked on his tea. He coughed a bit before saying,

"O' course! 'e's mine, called Fluffy." This time, it was Lily and Teddy who choked on their tea. They looked at each other and nodded, before turning to Hagrid and saying at the same time, 

"We think our name is better," Hagrid looked a little shocked, but asked,

"Oh? And wha' name is tha'?

"Cerberus," They said at the same time again and Hagrid nodded approvingly,

"Like tha' dog from 'em Greek Myths. Not a ba' name act'ally. Yeh min' if I keep it?" They both shook their heads smiling and Lily said,

"Not at all, he's quite fond of that name already. It's what Teddy and I call him." Hagrid nodded and said,

"Yeh call 'im tha'? Yeh mean yeh go in ther' do yeh?" Lily answered,

"Yup, we met him on the first day of school and befriended him, he treats us like we're his own pups!" Hagrid smiled softly at that and said,

"Alrigh' but don't go through tha' trapdoor, it's dangerous an' strictly between Dumbledore an' Nicholas Flamel." Teddy glanced up interestedly,

"Isn't that the guy who made the Philosopher's stone? Is that what's down there?" 

Hagrid looked rather uncomfortable, so Lily said,

"I'll bet you it is. Don't worry Hagrid, we don't want to live forever, we just want to live this life, I mean it'll be a right shame when I die seeing as I am the literal definition of perfection, but I suppose I can pass on the mantle." Hagrid smiled gratefully at Lily, who grinned back while Teddy chuckled.

Later that day, Teddy seemed to be feeling absolutely horrid, and still wouldn't tell Lily what was going on. Too bad for him though, Lily had her ways of figuring out secrets, and she followed him when he left the castle with Madam Pomfrey. She had seen him take a potion of some sort, and watched with curiousity as Madam Pomfrey used along still to prod a knot in the base of the Whomping Willow. The old tree immediately froze, and they disappeared into a passageway at the base of the tree. 

Ten minutes later, Madam Pomfrey came back up to the castle and disappeared inside. Lily glanced up at the sky and took note of the full moon. Then she heard screams coming from the direction Teddy went, and listened in horror as they slowly transitioned into howls. 

Teddy was a werewolf.

It made quite a bit of sense actually, he said he got sick a lot, and every month was a lot, Lily supposed. Teddy being a werewolf didn't make her adore her friend any less. If anything, it made her do so even more. He went through so much pain every month because of something completly beyond his control, and yet he still laughed with her and made the best of life. 

Lily couldn't think of anything more admirable. She had greatly admired her friend before, but now, she knew that nothing could keep her away from him. She would protect him to her last breath, and if anyone hurt him, then they would find themselves facing the wrath of Lily Remus Black. She was even named after a werewolf, well her middle name anyway. 

Remus Lupin, was one of the mauraders and a werewolf. The other three mauraders became Animagi to help with his tranformations-wait a minute, that's it! Lily could become an animagus! Unregistered of course, like her father was. Lily wondered to herself what her animagus form would be.

Lily settled herself against the castle wall, and prepared herself for a long night of waiting.

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