Chapter Nineteen: Three Galleons

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Lily and Teddy entered the chamber and froze with their mouths wide open. Harry was talking to Quirrell, but they both stopped talking and turned to look at them when they entered. Lily was gaping, finally, she managed to talk and said,

"You owe me three galleons." Teddy, who still had his mouth wide open, said,

"Yep," then he passed Lily her three galleons without taking his eyes off Quirrell, who it turned out, did have Voldemort under his turban. Then they looked at each other and burst out laughing. Quirrell and Harry looked at them like they were crazy, but Voldemort looked rather amused. Harry stared at them,

"What are you two doing here?" Lily shared a glance with Teddy, then said,

"I told you, you aren't very observant Harold," she turned to Voldemort and continued, "In fact, neither are you Voldy." Voldemort chuckled and said,

"Tell me, child, in what way am I not very observant?" Lily smirked and said,

"Well you see, Shadow and I were in the room with Cerbie the entire time, and none of you noticed." She shook her finger like she was scolding a dog, "I expected more of you Tommy." She had found his full name when she was bored and looking through the student records one day and rearranging the letters of random names, to spell out funny things and when she found his, accidentally rearranged to letters to find that he was Voldemort. 

Harry, Teddy, Quirrell, and Voldemort all gaped at her, until Voldemort said,

"You are quite bright for an eleven-year-old child. What is your name?" Lily smirked,

"I find that insulting, my age has nothing to do with how bright I am. My name is Lily Black, but Teddy calls me Flame," she could have sworn he smiled a little. 

"Ah, a Black, many of your family followed me. Do you plan to follow their path?" he sounded honestly curious. 

"Nope!" she said, popping the 'p', "I don't like the killing people business. I'd much rather prank people. It's much more fun, and plenty rewarding. You should try it sometime." She examined her fingernails. Voldemort's eyes held a twinkle of amusement as he studied the girl who obviously held no fear for him. He respected that in a person, and he found her amusing. He said,

"No thank you, I find killing people to be rewarding enough," Lily's eyes lit up and she laughed, putting a mocking hand over her heart,

"Did the oh so scary Lord Voldemort just make a joke?" 

"Indeed he did, now I would suggest leaving unless you want to watch me kill your friend." Lily's eyes flashed dangerously and she shook her head,

"No, thank you, and I sincerely doubt you'll end up killing him today Tommy." Tommy just shook his head in amusement and waved his wand, making ropes tie themselves around her and Teddy. She sighed and leaned on Teddy's shoulder, unable to speak because he cast the silencing charm on her and Teddy. Then she remembered their mind contact thing and thought to Teddy,

Well that was strange. I think he likes me. Although everyone likes me so it's not that surprising.

Teddy shook his head in a mix of disbelief and amusement,

I think you just made friends with the most powerful dark wizard of all time. Lily shrugged,

I guess I did. It's not my fault though! I'm just too cute!

You really are adorable Flamie. She beamed at him,

Do you think there's anything we can do without him killing us? Teddy shook his head frantically, then thought for a minute and nodded,

Yeah, we both know non-verbal wandless magic. Let's not kill him or anything though, and let's stay tied up so it's less suspicious. Lily's eyes lit up, kindling with mischief,

Are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting? Teddy smirked,

Well, that depends, what do you think I'm suggesting? Then they both though at the same time,

We prank Lord Voldemort!

Lily giggled silently to herself and waved her hands from where they were tied at her sides. Suddenly a live duck popped out of Quirrell's wand. Tommy looked at them in amusement, and they both pulled their most innocent faces, while dying of laughter on the inside. He turned back to Harry and kept doing whatever it was that he was doing. This time it was Teddy who waved his hand, making a live chicken come out of his wand. They watched in a mixture of horror and amusement as the chicken started showing off and trying to impress the duck. 

Lily burst out laughing, and Tommy/Quirrell waved his wand, making her able to speak again. 

"Why are there two barnyard animals trying to make mini baryard animals here?" Lily laughed more and said innocently,

"I have no idea what your talking about Tommy." He just sighed and turned back to Harry. Lily glanced down at the polariod pickture she had managed to take of Tommy looking at her in exasperation, and the barnyard animals doing what they were doing, her and Teddy were in the corner of it, wearing their innocent faces. She had used magic to take the picture, so she didn't need a camera.

She and Teddy didn't do much, other than watch as Quirrell tried to take the stone, resulting in him dying. They watched in fascinated horror as Harry fell unconscious. Then Dumbleduck, Minnie, Madam P, and Snivellous ran in looking horrified. Madam P immediately magicked Harry onto a strecher and walked back out.

Lily smiled brightly at them and said,

"'Ello Professors!" They all whirled around to see them tied to the pillar and Minnie waved her wand, freeing them from the ropes. Lily stood up and stretched,

"Thanks Minnie, I was getting a cramp from sitting like that." Minnie gaped at her and asked,

"W-what? Are you children alright? What happened?" Lily smiled at her and said,

"Well you see, Quirrell had Tommy on the back of his head. He was trying to get the stone for Tommy, to bring him back, and then Harry came down here, and Tommy must have tried to get Harry to get the stone for him, which obviously didn't work. Oh, and Tommy, Quirrell, Ron, Harry, and Hermione are all really unobservant because Shadow and I had been with Cerbie the whole time, and they all walked right past us, so I made sure Cerbie was okay, and then we followed them down the trapdoor, your protective thingys are really easy to get past by the way, and we passed Hermione and Ron, and came in here to find Harry with Quirrell and Tommy, and I think Tommy liked me, he even laughed at my jokes. Oh! We also pranked Tommy, and the chicken and the duck tried to have babies, and then Quirrell tried to kill Harry and then died himself, and then you guys came. So yeah." 

Minnie and Snivellous were gaping at her by the time she was done, and Dumbleduck was smiling at her. Then Minnie recovered enough to ask,

"Tommy?" Lily grinned,

"Why, Lord Voldemort of course!" Minnie looked at her like she was crazy, but before she could say anything, Dumbleduck said,

"Alright, did you mention something about him liking you?" 

"Oh yes. He asked if I was going to join him like a bunch of my family, and I told him that I much prefer pranking to killing, and he laughed and actually made a joke. He even suggested that Shadow and I leave so that we didn't have to watch Harry die. We didn't of course, and that's why he tied us up, but he didn't threaten us at all or try to convince us to join him, leading me to my conclusion of him liking me." Dumbleduck chuckled at that,

"I believe you are correct Miss Black. I also belive that was the most human emotions he has displayed in the last fifty years. Truly astonishing for it to be an eleven-year-old girl to make him feel again." Lily huffed and crossed her arms,

"Like I told Tommy, I find it insulting that you think it has anything to do with my age. Also, like I told Shadow, I'm just too cute for him not to love me!" Dumbleduck outright laughed at that, and Lily and Teddy exchanged a smile.

They all talked for a bit longer, before Lily and Teddy were escorted to the hospital wing, despite their protests.

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