Chapter Sixteen: Midnight at the Astronomy Tower

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Lily was extremely pleased to be back at Hogwarts. So pleased, in fact, that she and Teddy's detentions now stretched all the way to the end of their second years for pranking. They had taken over the title of Hogwarts Pranksters, which made the Weasley twins unsure of whether to be happy or annoyed. They settled on proud. Harry, Ron, and Hermione had been acting somewhat strange, since a couple of days ago, and Ron was now in the hospital wing with a 'Dog Bite'. Lily immediately knew what it really was when she looked at it. A dragon bite. She loved animals of all kinds, magical and non-magical alike, and had spent years reading about them. She had at least five different books on dragons at her house. Lily had no idea of course, where they found a dragon to bite Ron, and didn't really care as long as he got better.

One night, Lily and Teddy were setting up their next prank, with Peeves which wasn't abnormal. they were turning all the paintings around on the walls so they were facing the wall. Suddenly Lily heard voices and hurriedly dragged Teddy into an alcove behind a secret passage. They heard Minnie's voice, and she sounded mad,

"Detention! And twenty points from Slytherin, how dare you-" Then Dracula's voice interrupted,

"No, you don't understand Professor! Harry Potter's coming, and he's got a dragon-" That would explain Ron's dragon bite. Lily wondered how Dracula knew about it,

"What utter rubbish! How dare you tell such lies, I shall see Professor Snape about you Malfoy!" With that, she led him away. 

Lily heard footsteps and followed them. She assumed it was Harry with the dragon. He could be really stupid sometimes. Her and Teddy followed the footsteps up the stair to the astronomy tower with interest. They were much quieter than Harry, seeing as they had so much practice.

At the top of the stairs, Harry whipped off his cloak to reveal him, Hermione? and some sort of carrier that she assumed the dragon was in. Lily and Teddy silently moved to the edge of the tower and sat down, with their legs dangling off the side. She resisted the urge to laugh when Hermione whispered,

"Malfoy's got Detention! I could sing!" Harry quickly advised her not to. 

That was hilarious Shadow! 'Malfoy's got detention! I could sing!'  Lily imitated in his mind.

Yup! Let's not tell them we're here until tomorrow. With their luck, they'll end up getting caught and losing us a bunch of points, and then they'll really need the friends. Lily smirked at that,

Yep. They really do have horrible luck, don't they? Tomorrow, let's ask Minnie if we can have our detention for whatever day they have their's with them.

That's a great idea, Lily heard in her head and grinned at Teddy before laying back to look at the stars. They decided not to do their prank, seeing as the Gryffindors would be mad enough already in the morning, so she waved her hand and all the paintings righted themselves, but not before Lily managed to take a picture.

Sure enough, the next day at breakfast, Gryffindor had one hundred and fifty fewer points than the day before. Lily and Teddy slid into the benches next to Harry and Hermione who looked like they were trying to disappear.

"So you guys, how are Norbert and Charlie's friends?" Lily asked casually, while reaching for a piece of toast. Their heads snapped up and they stared at her in a mix of shock, horror, and confusion. 

"W-w-what? H-how d-do you k-know about t-that?" Harry finally managed to stutter out. Lily just tsked and said,

"You should know by now, that we are everywhere, and see everything." They kept staring, so Lily imitated Hermione's voice from the night before.

"Malfoy's got detention! I could sing!" Then Teddy imitated Harry and said,

"Don't,"  Harry and Hermione's jaws dropped and Hermione squeaked out,

"W-what? How did you-?" Lily scoffed,

"You two aren't nearly as discreet nor observant as you think you are. Teddy and I were there. We heard you when you were under Harry's dad's invisibility cloak and followed you up to the tower. You didn't even notice us. We were sitting by the railing when Charlie's friends came. Cheery lot, weren't they?" Hermione and Harry just sat there gaping and Lily tapped her temple,

"Like I said, we know everything and are everywhere." Then she linked arms with Teddy and they skipped out of the Great Hall, leaving Harry and Hermione staring blankly after them.

Lily and Teddy managed to get their detention for whatever day the other four had it, to the same thing as them. Now they just had to wait a while, and try their best to earn Gryffindor's points back, rather than losing them like usual.

As time passed, Harry, Hermione, and Neville were treated as social outcasts. No one would talk to them anymore othere than Ron, Lily, and Teddy. It was the worst for Harry because of how well known he was. People didn't even bother to keep their voices down when insulting his. Lily and Teddy had taken to pranking people that they overheard talking rubbish about Harry. Hermione and Neville didn't have it nearly as bad as Harry did, but people just stopped talking to them. They basically denied they ever existed, it was awful. Harry even swore not to go poking around in other people's business, which goes to show how bad it really was. Harry was nosy by nature, so when he started keeping to himself, Lily could tell it was getting to him.

Lily was in the library one day about a week from the exams with Hermione and Ron, studying and revising and studying some more, for the exams, when Harry came bursting into the library. He hurried up to them and told them that he had just overheard Quirrel getting threatened, but there was no one else in the classroom. At that, Lily turned to Teddy smirking and said,

"Three galleons here I come," Teddy just rolled his eyes and the others looked at the two of them strangely.

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