Chapter Thirteen: Legillimancy

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Lily shifted in and out of her fox form quite often and she found it annoying that she couldn't communicate with Teddy when she was a fox. So she spent hours pouring over books in the library to find some way for them to communicate. One day, she was looking at a book on Legillimancy when she had an idea. She immediately pulled out another book on non-verbal and wandless spells and her plan began to form.

Later, she lugged the heavy books up to the Gryffindor common room, smiling brightly. She hurried over to where Teddy was reading on the sofa. She dropped into the seat next to him and put the books she had checked out on the table in front of them. Teddy looked from the books to Lily and grinned, figuring out her plan. 

"Let's do it."

In the days and weeks that followed, Lily and Teddy were no where to be found except for in classes when they would whisper to each other in the back of the classroom. Everyone was incredibly confused as to what they were doing, that had them so focused, they pulled less pranks. They still went to everything they had to except for meals. They would just grab random food from the kitchens every now and then. Even the professors began to notice their disappearances. Fred and George had checked their fake copy of the Marauders map and were incredibly confused when they were no where to be found.

What Lily and Teddy were doing was so secret, that they never spoke of it except in the room of requirement, where they would disappear to every day. Lily and Teddy were learning how to do wandless and non-verbal legillimancy so that they could speak to each other in their minds. Once they mastered legillimancy verbally and with a wand, they worked on their occlumency. If the professors ever found out what they were doing,they would be very impressed, seeing as the two eleven year olds were actually making progress with their plan. They both found magic very easy and it generally only took them one try to do a spell. This, however, was much higher than NEWT level and was taking them considerably longer. 

Two weeks in to their attempts at wandless magic, they both found themselves sucessful. They had mastered non-verbal magic within the first week, so now they just needed to put them both together. They were hoping to be able to do it by the time the first full moon that Lily would be able to help with rolled around. So they studied incredibly hard, and by the third week, they were both adept in non-verbal wandless magic, including legillimancy. They were both overjoyed when they finally managed it, which was now. They both sat in the room of requirement, facing each other with their wands away. Lily concentrated on her occlumency and created a sort of antechamber in her mind, which she allowed only Teddy to be able to get into. She felt his magic pushing at the barriers in her mind and allowed him in. Then she projected what she wanted to say,

Did it work Shadow? She asked in her mind, and laughed when she saw Teddy nearly jump out of his skin. She guessed that meant it worked. It was confirmed when sh heard his voice in her head saying,

It worked Flamie! Can you believe it? I thought for sure it was going to take us years!  Lily grinned,

Don't tell anyone, but I thought so too. We can actually talk to each other in out minds! It's brilliant! I'm going to shift into fox form, and try it like that okay?

Sure Flamie, here goes nothing. Lily shifted into her fox formed and asked,

Did it work Shadow?

It worked Flame! Wow this is so weird, I'm technically talking to a fox. Lily jumped onto his lap and shifted back, crossing her arms haughtily,

"No, your technically talking to me!" They both burst out laughing and Lily squealed, jumping up and down. After a couple minutes of this, a mischevious smirk crept onto her face and she asked,

"You know what we need to do in celebration Shadow?" Teddy grinned and nodded, as they both yelled,

"PRANK!" Lily jumped around in excitement,

"Jeez, we have been really wrapped up in this, we've barely eaten and we forgot to prank! How on earth did we forget to prank?" Teddy shrugged and said,

"Who cares! It's time to reintroduce Hogwarts to Shadow and Flame, pranksters extraordinaire!" Lily pumped her fist,

"Yeah it! Let's turn the castle pink!" Teddy's face lit up,

"Yeah! And let's charm the food so that when people try to eat it at breakfast tomorrow, it'll float out of reach, except for us and Minnie of course." Lily smirked and linked arms with her best friend as they skipped out into the night to prank Hogwarts to death.

The first thing they did was find Peeves. His eyes lit up when he saw their matching smirks,

"Are Flame and Shadow back yet?" They nodded simultaneously and Peeves pretended to faint,

"Thank god! It's been so boring without my pranking buddies, where have you guys been anyways?" 

Can I tell him? He's our other pranking buddy. Lily thought to Teddy, who responded with,

Oh, all right, but not about the fox part.

Yay! Thanks Shadow!

"All right Peeves. We'll tell you, but you have to swear never to tell anyone else about this, not one soul, even Dumbleduck." Lily said seriously. Peeves nodded solemnly and formally said,

"I swear on the prankster's code, never to tell another soul about what you tell me." They all grinned, the prankster's code was the highest thing you could swear on for a prankster. Lily shook his hand and said,

"Well Peeves, since you swore on that, we can talk to each other in our minds and can both do wandless and non-verbal magic. It will be really helpful for pranking, among other things." Peeves' jaw actually dropped and he weakly said,

"Aren't you guys eleven?" They both nodded and Peeves smirked, saying,

"That's my pranking buddies!" They both grinned proudly and decribed their idea for a prank to Peeves who immediaely loved it.  They added one extra part and began setting up for the morning.

The next morning, the entirety of the school, other than Lily, Teddy, and Peeves, were completely confused as to why the castle was bright pink. The entire castle was bright pink. Teddy, and Lily were sitting in the Great Hall leaning on each other. They had stayed up all night to do their prank, Peeves was the only reason they managed to stay awake, and they were grateful for him, seeing as they wouldn't have been able to finish the prank, if they had fallen asleep. Professors and students alike looked around the castle in confusion, before their eyes landed on the half-asleep pair sitting at the Gryffindor table. Some people were pleased to have them back, others were horrified that they're pranks would be returning. 

Chaos ensued when no one could eat their food, because it would always float just out of reach. Well everyone's food except for Lily, Teddy and Minnie's of course. Right when Minnie was walking over to them, the fireworks exploded, spelling out,

'Flame and Shadow are back, and never leaving again.' Lily grinned at that and snapped a picture of the chaos, before waving her hand under the table, and making it all go back to normal. And by all, she meant all. The fireworks disappeared, people could suddenly eat, and the walls returned to their normal color.

Everyone looked around in bewilderment because none of them had seen anyone do anything to make it disappear. Minnie reached the pair, and gave them their detentions, smiling at the thought of them being back. Not that she would admit it, but she had been worried when they spent weeks without interacting with people. She watched fondly from the professors' table as they both fell asleep, leaning on each other. 

A/N; Sorry for any grammatical errors

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