Chapter Twelve: Snape the Referee

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The rest of the holidays went by quickly, well for Lily at least, she assumed they went by much slower for Harry after he found the Mirror of Erised. She had been in her fox form at one point and heard Harry and Ron discussing it. She had heard of the mirror, of course, it was said to show someone's deepest desire when they looked into it. She had decided not to go looking for it because she didn't want to go mad.

The rest of the school had arrived back by now, and Lily was excited about the next Quidditch match. On one particularly muddy practice, Wood was in a foul mood which only got fouler as the Weasley twins kept pretending to fall off their brooms. Finally, Wood snapped and yelled,

"Will you stop messing around! Snape's refereeing this time, and he'll be looking for any reason to knock points off Gryffindor!" George fell off his broom for real that time.

Later in the Gryffindor common room, Lily was telling Teddy about Snape refereeing. They both thought it was brilliant, they were just talking about convincing the twins to hit bludgers at him, when Neville fell through the portrait hole with his legs locked together. Teddy and Lily howled with laughter at that while Hermione leapt up to undo the hex. Lily hurried up the boys' dormitories and shifted into her fox form before prancing back down and right into Neville's lap, who gave her a hug and pet her as he told Harry, Ron, and Hermione what had happened.

"It was Malfoy, I met him outside the library, said he needed someone to practice on." Lily felt awful for Neville. He truly was a nice boy, and Dracula was just a prat. Harry kindly gave Neville his last chocolate frog and told Neville he was worth twelve of Dracula. Lily smiled inwardly at that. Her godbrother was just so nice! Neville gave Harry the card from the chocolate frog and set Lily down, before going up to bed. Harry flipped the card over and gasped. Lily immediately jumped into Harry's lap and read the card. Dang it! This mentioned Nicholas Flamel. They were going to find out about the philosopher's stone and do something stupid. Lily just knew it. 

She sulkily walked back over to the chair Teddy was in and curled up in his lap. He picked her up and carried her up to his dormitoy where she shifted back and told him her suspicions. He agreed that they would most definitely do something stupid. Lily was still annoyed and decided to stay with Teddy in her fox form that night, which he said was fine. 

The day of the quidditch match, Lily and Teddy seemed to be the only ones in high spirits. They were actually looking forward to the game, while the rest of Gryffindor was sure Snape would be biased. Lily agreed, but loved quidditch to much to really care. She didn't really mind if they won or not as long as she got to play. Teddy was mostly in high spirits because Lily was in high spirits. Her smile was infectious. 

In the locker rooms, Lily was bouncing excitedly on the balls of her feet while the rest of the team sat around looking depressed. Especially Harry for some reason. Lily finally had enough or their moping and said,

"Oh, come on guys, are you really going to let Snape ruin the fun of quidditch?" They all grumbled to themselves and Lily just sighed before walking over to the window. She looked out it and saw practically the entire school sitting outside. Blimey! Even Dumbleduck was there! She told the rest of the team there, and Harry immediately brightened. Oh, he must have thought that something was going to happen like what did during the first match of the season. 

The game began and it was immediately obvious that Snape was favouring the Hufflepuffs. Lily didn't really mind though, and enjoyed playing the game because it was a game. She watched in amusement as George hit a bludger at Snape, causing him to give the Hufflepuffs a penalty shot. Lily and Teddy had managed to convince him to send a bludger his way, and it was totally worth the penalty to see his face when the bludger went whizzing by, an inch from his face. 

Lily then saw Harry go into a spectacular dive. Lily crossed her fingers and saw Teddy do the same as he went down, down, down. Snape managed to turn around just in time to see Harry shoot past him.

Suddenly, Harry pulled out of his dive with the snitch clasped in his hand. Lily cheered with everyone else, and flew down to congratulate him. Everyone was quite proud of Harry, and Lily had even managed to score in the short game. She fought her way through the crowd and found Teddy. She squealed and jumped into his arms. He laughed and congratulated her.

An hour later, most everyone had gone inside. Lily and Teddy were sitting under their tree talking, when they saw Harry jump back on his broom to follow a cloaked figure towards the forest. Lily immediately hopped onto hers too with Teddy on it behind her. They followed Harry and landed above him in the same tree. She watched in fascination as Snape threatened Quirrel about something related to the philosopher's stone. Once they had both left, and it was just Harry, who was perched on a tree branch below, and Lily and Teddy who were both swinging their legs from above, Lily said,

"Well that was certaintly something. It explains why you were so nervous about the quidditch match, you must think Snape's trying to steal the stone." 

Harry nearly fell out of the tree when he heard her voice, but managed to catch himself just in time. 

"Erm-what? What are you two doing here?"Lily laughed lightly,

"Same as you Harold dear."

"My name's not Harold," he mumbled, then in a louder voice said, "I knew it! I knew you guys knew more than you were saying!" Lily smirked,

"Of course we did Harold. We just weren't allowed to say anything. We promised Hagrid. Although it was rather funny watching you guys completly fail at your search for Flamel. When Hagrid mentioned the name to us, it took Shadow about two seconds to figure out what Cerberus is guarding." Harry scowled at her and exclaimed,

"Are you serious!" Lily smirked and said,

"Nope, that would be my dad." Teddy burst out laughing at that. Her dad's name was Sirius Black, so her was the sirius one.  Harry shook his head, lips twitching and said,

"Come on, let's get back to the castle, I want to tell Ron and Hermione." Lily shook her head and asked,

No thanks, you can go inform them about how we knew all along, but can you bring my broom? Shadow and I have something to do." Harry nodded looking confused and took her broom, before flying off. Lily turned to Teddy excitedly and said,

"Come on! Let's go find that hippogriff," Teddy's face lit up and he said,

"Yeah let's! For some reason I am terrified of heights on a broom, but actual animals make me feel safe. I am such a weird person." Lily nodded solemnly,

"You are a weird person, but I am too and you still love me, so I love you despite your weirdness." Teddy grinned and hugged her. 

It didn't take them long to find Buckbeak (They had learned his name from Hagrid when they asked about him). He happily gave them a ride around the black lake and back to Gryffindor Tower. He let them climb off at an open window in the common room and they both bowed deeply to him before he flew back to the forest.

When they turned back around, they realized that the entire common room was silent and everyone was staring at them. Harry finally spoke up incredulously,

"That's what you had to do?" Lily and Teddy nodded at the same time and Harry shook his head in disbelief,

"You are a weird person Lily Black." Lily positivly beamed at that remembering the conversation between her and Teddy in the forest.

"That is exactly why you all love me, well other than my amazing personality and even better looks, that is." she said thoughfully.

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