Chapter Fifteen: Easter Holidays

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All the professors seemed to think that giving them more homework would better prepare them for their exams. Lily disagreed. Her opinion was that they should give them enough that they actually learned something from it rather than just copying it from a textbook because they were running out of time to get it done. Of course, Lily didn't copy out of the textbooks, she didn't even look at them, since the information was already in her brain from the million times she had read them already. Hermione and Teddy didn't copy from the textbooks either, but Lily couldn't deny that she had seen Harry and Ron doing so a couple of times, Ron more than Harry. Her and Teddy had grown closer to the trio and were now close friends with them. Of course, their friendship couldn't rival the one between Teddy and her, not even close. Lily and Teddy had gone through several more full moons together, and Teddy's inner wolf as she called it, seemed to love her more than ever. 

The Easter Holidays were alright. Her and Teddy had both gone home for them and missed each other terribly. They had found that their minds were so in tune to each other, that they were still able to communicate long distance, though it took considerably more effort. Lily found that she became sort of depressed when she wasn't around Teddy for that long, even though it was only two weeks. Her adoptive parents had noticed her change in behavior, but every time they asked about it, Lily would just wave them off. She spent most of her time in her room with Marauder, studying for the upcoming exams, not that she really needed to, since she already knew everything in the books. When she grew bored of studying, she would either shift into her fox, and play with Marauder, or read books on more advanced magic. She found one book that was interesting. When she flipped through it, her eyes caught on something called the patronus charm. She made a mental note to bring this book back to Hogwarts with her, so that she could learn it with Teddy.

On the last day of the holidays, Lily was in a very bright mood. She had packed her trunk the day before, and was bouncing around, excited to see Teddy again. Her parents noticed how excited she was and were laughing at her all morning. When it was time to go to Platform 9 3/4, she grabbed her trunk and Marauder and happily accepted her parents' arms to apparate to the platform. Lily stowed her trunk in the same compartment she had sat with Teddy in on the way to school for the first time and let Marauder stretch out on the seat. 

She was hugging her parents goodbye, when a shout came from behind her,

"FLAME!" Lily spun around and shouted

"SHADOW!" She tackled Teddy to the ground in a hug, while their parents watched an amused confusion. Lily and Teddy talked so rapidly, that their parents' were left staring at them like they were speaking a different language. Finally Lily threw her arms around Teddy and exclaimed,

"I missed you Teddy-Bear," Teddy hugged her back and said,

"I missed you too Lily-Flower," both sets of their parents were watching and finally decided to interrupt.

"Erm-Lily, why don't you introduce us to your friend." Lily beamed and her parents were startled, they couldn't remember the last time she looked that happy.

"Alright, mum, dad, this is Teddy Walters, Shadow, these are my adoptive parents." Teddy shook their hands politely and introduced Lily to his parents, who Lily immediately took a liking to.

Teddy's parents had been worried that he wouldn't make any friends at Hogwarts, and that if he did, that they'd dump him if they learned of his condition. Needless to say, they were extremely pleased to hear that he had a best friend who already knew about it and loved him anyway. When they met Lily, they were surprised. She was just so full of life. They could tell that her adoptive parents as she had called them, were surprised to see her that happy too. They couldn't remember the last time they had seen their son smile like that.

Lily happily shook the hands of Teddy's parents who told her she was welcome in their home at any time. Then the train whistle blew, and Lily hugged her parents one more time, and to the surprise of the Walters, hugged them too, before linking arms with Teddy and skipping onto the Hogwarts Express. She and Teddy made their way to their compartment, catching up on what they did over the holidays. Once they were in the compartment, Lily pulled out her wand and carved 'Flame' into the side of the compartment. Teddy did the same and carved 'Shadow' under her nickname. Then he sat down, and Lily put her head in his lap as they talked for the rest of the train ride. At one point, Lily brought out the book she had found and showed him the pages on the patronus charm. Teddy immediately agreed that it would be a good charm to know. When the trolley lady came by, for once Lily and Teddy declined because they each had huge bags of chocolate from Easter, which they were already eating at the time.

They talked about everything, even the upcoming exams which they were both pretty confident in. Then the topic turned to the Philosopher's Stone and Cerberus.

"I know Snivellous is an evil git and all, but I just can't see him taking the stone. Maybe it's Quirrell instead, I mean he was in those woods too. For all we know, Voldemort could be under that turban of his." Lily was saying, and Teddy nodded in agreement,

"Snivellous is definitely an evil git, but I've got to agree with you on the Quirrel thing. Creepy bloke, he is." 

"Yup, I'll bet you three galleons, it is Voldemort under that turban," Lily offered, holding out her hand, which Teddy shook firmly, saying,

"Deal. If Voldemort's under it, then I owe you three galleons, and if not, then you owe me the three."

They grinned at each other, glad to be back in each other's company at last.

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