Chapter Fourteen: Full Moon

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Teddy looked horrible. 

Lily meant that in a good way. Well sort of. The full moon was tonight and he was horribly tired and ill. He was in the hospital wing with Lily who refused to leave, eating chocolate. Amazingly, they still had yet to run out of chocolate. They had both gotten loads of it for Christmas, but they had been eating it non-stop since then. Lily wasn't sure whether to be excited or scared for the full moon tonight. Teddy kept trying to talk her out of joining him, and she kept stuffing chocolate in his mouth to shut him up. 

He swallowed his current bite of chocolate and finally gave up,

"Fine Flame, you can come, just promise to be careful, I won't be completely myself, you know the wolfsbane only does so much." Lily smiled at him and collapsed on top of him dramatically,

"Finally! If you'd have kept trying to talk me out of it, we would have been out of chocolate in no time, and we definitely don't want that. Hey, I wonder if we'll be able to do the mind thing when you're a wolf! Maybe I'll be able to talk to your wolf instead of you. That would b funny!" Teddy just rolled his eyes and ate more chocolate. 

Around eight, Madam Pomfrey kicked Lily out of the hospital wing so she could take Teddy to the Shrieking Shack. Lily walked out into the corridor and smirked, shifting into her fox. 

Are we leaving yet? I miss you. Lily asked impatiently in Teddy's head. A moment later, she heard his response,

Yup, we're walking out the doors now, try not to draw attention to yourself, and I literally just saw you! Lily jumped straight into Teddy's arms the moment he came into view, making him sigh in exasperation and Madam P, shriek in shock.

"She's my pet, Madam Pomfrey, she can be quite clingy and loves the attention. Sorry for scaring you." He gave Lily a pointed glare which she ignored and wrapped herself around his neck like a scarf. 

Are we there yet? Lily whined in his head, making him chuckle a little and respond,

Almost, what happened to not drawing attention to yourself?

I never said I would do that, plus it's in my nature, I can't just give up the opportunity to let people adore me! She exclaimed. Teddy only huffed and rolled his eyes.

Soon enough, they were in the shrieking shack and alone for the night. Lily watched in horror as Teddy cried out, his bones breaking and rearranging themselves. A few minutes later, his cried of pain, turned to howls and whimpers. Lily reached out with her mind and hesitantly asked,

Hello?  The werewolf turned towards her curiously and sniffed her. In her head, Lily heard a voice that wasn't exactly Teddy's saying,

What is this creature? Threat? Does it need my protection? Lily made herself look small, so that the wolf would understand not to hurt her, and protect her instead. He seemed to understand, because he nuzzled her side with his face and yipped playfully. Lily yipped back, and rolled over onto her back. The wolf jumped on her playfully and licked her fur. Lily saw this as a good sign, and launched herself onto his back. They played for a while longer until they got tired. Then Lily climbed back onto his back and curled up in his fur, resting her head ontop of his.

When Lily woke up the next morning, she was still in fox form, but Teddy was back to human and looking better than he ever had after a full moon. She shifted back to human, and wrapped him in a blanked from one of the other rooms.

Soon enough, Teddy woke up and got dressed in some spare clothes he had brought. He picked up Lily and they met Madam P at the entrance to the tunnel.

What happened Flamie? Did I hurt you? Lily shook her furry head and thought to him,

Nope, I think your wolf adopted me. Teddy smiled at that and said,

Really? I feel much better than I usually do, I mostly just tired and my side hurts a bit. Lily looked up at him guiltily.

Sorry about that, we were playing and you rolled into a piano. Teddy's smile brightened and he chuckled a bit,

That's the funniest way I've ever gotten hurt in wolf form before!

They reached the hospital wing and Teddy layed down, immediately falling asleep. Lily looked at him fondly for a moment, before curling up on his chest and falling asleep too.

The next day, they both left the hospital wing, feeling much better. They were on their way back to the common room, when they quite literally ran into Harry, Ron, and Hermione. 

"Oh! Hey guys, have you have any luck with figuring out why Snape wants the stone?" They all shook their heads and Lily sighed,

"That's too bad. Where are you guys going?" 

"The library, we've got loads of homework. Do you two want to join us?"

What do you say Shadow?

Why not Flamie, let's get our stuff and meet them there.

"Alright," Lily said, "We'll grab our stuff first though and meet you there." They all smiled at each other and Lily and Teddy hurried to grab the piles of homework, the professors had assigned for the week.

Ten minutes later, they all met in the library to do their homework and study for their exams. Neither Lily, nor Teddy were too worried about the exams. Lily had her Hyperthymesia, and Teddy could communicate with her in his head, so she could give him the answers if he forgot something, not that that was very likely. They were both very bright. 

Hermione kept bugging Harry and Ron about studying for the exams properly, who kept grumbling that they were so far away. Whenever she mentioned studying for the exams to Lily or Teddy, they would look at each other and burst out laughing. Eventually Hermione just gave up in trying to convince them to study and went back to nagging Harry and Ron. 

They had a lovely afternoon, even if most of it was taken up by studying. Lily and Teddy kept telling each other jokes in their heads, making them burst into fits of laughter at the most random times, well at least it looked that way to Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

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