Chapter Twenty: The House Cup

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Lily and Teddy were playing catch in between their beds in the hospital wing when Harry woke up. They still hadn't been allowed to leave, at least not yet. They had to wait until tomorrow and they were both incredibly bored. Bored enough that they had already planned the first month's worth of pranks for their second year. Finally, they heard Harry groan and looked over at his bed. 

"Hiya Harry!"

Harry put his glasses on and looked around,

"Lily? Teddy? What happened?" Lily groaned and turned to Teddy,

"Do I have to explain it again?" Teddy shrugged,

"Just give him the shortened version." Lily nodded reluctantly and turned back to Harry,

"Quirrell's dead. You killed him. The stone is destroyed. Everyone loves me." she turned back to Teddy and beamed at him,

"Ta-da! The super short version." Teddy laughed and before Harry could ask questions, Dumbleduck swept into the room and told Harry the long version of what happened. 

After he left, Hermione, and Ron came running into the hospital wing and hugged all three of them. 

"Oh-you guys! Harry! You're all right, Dumbledore was so sure-," Hermione broke off and Ron said,

"The whole school's talking about it. What really happened?"

Harry explained about everything that happened involving him, and then Lily and Teddy took turns explaining the rest. By the time they were done, Hermione and Ron were both speechless. Then the conversation turned to how off his rocker Dumbleduck was. At one point Lily said,

"Well he may have meant for Harry to do all that, but I'm pretty sure he had no idea of anything me and Shadow were going to do. Oh Ronald, you should have seen it when we made the duck and Chicken shoot out of his wand. It was hilarious, I sincerely doubt Dumbleduck meant for that to happen. I think if it were anyone other than us who pranked Tommy, they'd have been dead in a heartbeat. Remember what I said Harold? Everyone loves me, I'm just too adorable!" They all laughed. Soon Madam P came back and kicked Hermione and Ron out, saying they needed rest. Lily wasn't sure why she was keeping her and Teddy there, but doubted she could win an argument with her.

The next day, Lily and Teddy were extremely happy to get out of the hospital wing. The linked arms and skipped all the way to the great hall, singing stupid songs. When they got there, they smirked at each other. Lily didn't really mind that they hadn't won the house cup, she was just happy to be a Hogwarts, and was excited for her last prank of the year. 

"Another year gone," Dumbleduck said, "And I must trouble you with an old man's wheezing waffle before we sink our teeth into our delicious feast. What a year it has been! Hopefully your heads are all a little fuller than they were... you have the whole summer ahead to get them nice and empty before next year starts. Now as I understand it, the house cup needs awarding and the points stand thus: in fourth place, Gryffindor, with three hundred and twelve points; in third, Hufflepuff, with three hundred fifty-two; Ravenclaw have four hundred twenty-six; and Slytherin, four hundred and seventy-two." 

Slytherin started cheering, but Dumbleduck interrupted,

"Yes, yes, well done Slytherin. However recent events must be taken into account. I have a few last minute points to dish out, 

"First- to Mr. Ronald Weasly... for the best played game of chess Hogwarts has seen in many years, I award Gryffindor house thirty points.

"Next to Miss Hermione Granger, for the cool use of logic in the face of fire, I award Gryffindor house thirty points.

"Third to Mr. Theodore Walters, for outstanding loyalty, I award Gryffindor thirty points.

"Fourth, to Miss Lily Black, for incredible loyalty, and making Lord Voldemort laugh, I award Gryffindor thirty points." At that, quite a few people laughed in disbelief,

"Fifth, to Mr. Harry Potter, for pure nerve and outstanding courage, I award Gryffindor forty points." Lily did the math in her head and had to speak to Teddy in her head for him to be able to hear her over the noise,

Shadow, we're tied with the Slytherins!

Really? Came his response,

Yep. They hugged and listened as Dumbleduck continued,

"There are all kinds of courage. It's takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends. I therefore award ten points to Mr. Neville Longbottom." It sounded like an explosion went off from all the cheering. Lily and Teddy jumped up and down together in excitement when an actual explosion went off covering the great hall in thick smoke. The noise immediately quieted. When the smoke cleared, the entire Slytherin house had red or gold hair and there were Gryffindor banners and pins all over their table. Then fireworks went off spelling out,

'You had better come prepared next year, because Flame and Shadow are going nowhere,' Lily waved her hand and a couple pictures appearing in them of the scene in front of her. Then the hall erupted in cheering again, making her grin. 

The rest of term was wonderful in Lily's opinion. Soon enough, the exam results came. Lily and Hermione were tied for top of their year, and Teddy wasn't far behind.  Harry and Ron each managed to get good marks and passed, even Neville scraped by.

Soon after they recieved their results, they had packed and were on the Hogwarts Express on their way home. Lily and Teddy were sitting in their usual compartment, talking about the summer. They agreed to alternate between their houses, making sure to be at Teddy's for the full moons. They had both been invited to Ron's house for part of the summer, something they were both excited for. They didn't plan on spending a moment apart during the summer, they had both had an awful time during the Easter Break when they were without each other. 

When the train reached the platform, they had both changed into muggle clothes. Lily and Teddy were wearing matching black jeans and grey longsleeved shirts. They had agreed on that weeks ago, and grinned when they saw each other in them and Harry, Ron, and Hermione had all laughed.

Lily climbed out of the train and hurried to hug both her parents and Teddy's. She also met Hermione and Ron's parents who were all very kind. Then she and Teddy followed Harry over to the Dursley's despite his protests. Lily stepped right up to Vernon Dursley and stuck out her hand,

"Hello Mr. Dursley. My name is Lily Black and my father's a mass murderer. If you continue to treat Harold here the way that you do, I won't hesitate to follow in his footsteps." She grinned and Teddy said,

"I normally hold her back, but like she said, if you continue treating Harry like you do, then I won't hesitate to become an accomplice." He linked arms with Lily and they walked away, leaving the Dursleys standing there shocked, and Harry grinning. 

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