Chapter Seventeen: The Forbidden Forest

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At breakfast, the day after Harry had come rushing into the library to tell them what he's heard, Lily, Harry, Hermione, Neville, Teddy, and Dracula all received messages that said similar things. Everyone other than LIly and Teddy's read,

'Your detention will take place at eleven o'clock tonight. Meet Mr. Filch in the entrance hall.' and were signed by Minnie. Teddy and Lily's messages read,

'I don't really understand why you want to join them, but meet Mr. Filch at the entrance hall at eleven o'clock tonight. Do be careful.' and Minnie actually signed them as Minnie, which Lily and Teddy absolutely loved.

Later, they all said goodbye to Ron and proceeded to meet Filch at the entrance hall where Neville and Dracula were already waiting. 

"Follow me," Filch said, lighting a lamp and leading them out into the darkness. As they marched across the grounds, Filch kept droning on and on about the old punishments of hanging people by their wrists fora few days. Lily ignored him and spent the walk talking to Teddy in her mind. They stopped thinking to each other when they heard Hagrid shout at Filch to hurry up. Harry looked really relieved that it was with Hagrid, and Filch immediately told him they were going into the forest. 

At that, Lily and Teddy exchanged excited glances. They had both been in the forest loads of times and thought it was fun. Dracula obviously didn't share their opinions, because he stopped dead in his tracks and sounded quite a bit less confident than usual,

"The forest? We can't go in there at night, there's all sorts of things-werewolves, I've heard." Lily and Teddy exchanged a glance and doubled over laughing, making the rest of the group stare at them like they were crazy. A few minutes later, they straightened up and Lily said,

"Werewolves, Dracula, really? You moron, it's not even a full moon, plus they're people too, I sincerely doubt they live in the middle of the forbidden forest." Dracula shut up after that. 

Hagrid explained to them that something was killing and injuring unicorns and that they were going to be looking for the injured unicorn. Then he split them up into groups. Lily was with Teddy, Harry, and Hagrid, and the other three were with Fang. 

Lily wasn't very worried about going in the the forest, in fact, she was excited. She had never been in the forest at night, she and Teddy always went during the day. She and Teddy were walking slightly behind Harry and Hagrid, as they searched for the injured unicorn. Suddenly Lily heard as slithering sound, sort of like a cloak on the dried leaves, and Hagrid picked her up, along with Harry and Teddy and put them behind a huge tree off the path, while he drew his crossbow. A few minutes later, the sound receded and they stepped back onto the path. 

A while later, a centaur came into view and Hagrid let out a sigh of relief, before saying,

"Oh it's you Ronan, How are yeh?" Hagrid introduced them to Ronan, who seemed nice enough. He asked them if they learned much at Hogwarts, to which Lily responded,

"Yup, we learn loads, but not everything, I doubt it's possible to know everything, which is good, because people should just make the best of what they do know," Ronan looked at her and said,

"That's true, too many humans try to learn eveything and end up living miserable pointless lives. What did you say your name was?"

"Lily. Lily Remus Black."

"Ah. An interesting mix of names Miss Black, just as you have an interesting future. Do your best not to turn to the dark side young one, too many people from your family already have." Lily did her best to smile, but there were tears in her eyes when she remembered how many people from her family were either dead or death eaters. She was sure her father was innocent, and Teddy agreed with her, because when they had looked at the marauder's map one night, they had found Peter Pettigrew's name and figured out that he was Scabbers. She and Teddy hadn't done anything about it, because they weren't sure how to convince people that he was Peter, when everyone thought he was dead. 

Lily hurriedly walked over to the base of a tree and sank down, burying her face in her hands. Teddy glared at the centaur before sitting down next to her and wrapping his arms around her. He whispered,

"Flamie, we know that your father is innocent remember? Focuson that rather than all those that are not, and remember that I'm here for you." Lily nodded and walked behind the tree and out of sight, coming back as a fox. She jumped straight into Teddy's arms, and he wrapped his arms around each other. They stayed like that until Harry and Hagrid were done talking to the centaurs, then Lily shifted back and they continued on.

A while later, Neville and Harry switched places because Dracula had snuck up on Neville and scared him enough to send up red sparks. Hagrid was furious. A while later, Lily heard a scream and Dracula came bolting back to them, with Fang and Hermione. Hagrid took off through the forest, and Lily followed him, along with the other four, while Dracula and Hermione explained.It turned out, that they found the unicorn, and whatever it was that was hurting it. They quickly found Harry and another centaur called Firenze, along with the dead unicorn. Hagrid immediately sent them up to the school, on strict orders to go staight to bed.

When they got back to the common room, Harry kept pacing in front of the fire as he told them what happened in the forest. Apparently, Voldemort was the thing in the forest that was killing unicorns. Harry still thought that Snape was the one who was working for Voldemort, but Lily thought differently. She still thought it was Quirrel.

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