Chapter Seven: Hospital Wing

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Lily watched as Madam Pomfrey hurried across the grounds to fetch Teddy from the shrieking shack. She had decided that's where he must have been all night, plus that's where Uncle Moony went when he went to school here. She followed Madam Pomfrey and Teddy to the hospital wing. Teddy looked rather beat up, Lily knew he had wolfsbane potion, but even that could only do so much. When Madam Pomfrey bustled away to get something, Lily pulled a chair up next to Teddy's bed. He had passed out as soon as he got into the bed and Lily's heart broke at how helpless he looked, laying there.

When Madam Pomfrey came back, she shrieked at the sight of Lily sitting there, and tried to shoo her away, but Lily held firm,

"I already know about his furry little problem Madam Pomfrey and there's no getting me away from this bed unless you knock me out, and if you knock me out then I'll just be back in the hospital wing anyway, so there's no point in even trying," she said stubornly. Madam Pomfrey looked taken aback for a moment, but then she smiled and said,

"That's nearly the exact same thing your father said you know, and they always called it a furry little problem too," Lily smiled at the thought,

"I'm sure Remus wasn't exactly happy with the nickname," she said fondly, remembering her Uncle Moony's tired but happy face. Madam P nodded and returned to cleaning Teddy's wounds.

A while later, Lily was sleeping in the chair next to Teddy's bed when he woke up. He panicked a little when he saw her, but then smiled when her realized she was sleeping in an uncomfortable chair just for him. He reached out and shook her awake.

Lily bolted straight to her feet and looked around in confusion. Then her gaze landed on a laughing Teddy and she grinned. Her grin quickly faded when she remembered where they were and why there were there. She sat back down and said,

"We need to talk." Teddy nodded nervously, obviously unsure of whether Lily knew or not,

"Okay," Lily said bluntly, "I'm going to become an unregistered animagus." Teddy's eyes registered his confusion and he blankly said,

"Erm, what?" she hit him lightly on the shoulder and repeated,

"I'm going to become an unregistered animagus," 

"Okay, er-why exactly?" Lily rolled her eyes and said,

"Jeez, you are really thick, no wonder you weren't a Ravenclaw. I'm going to become an unregistered animagus to help you on the full moons. My dad did it, and I will too. Oh, also we need to come up with nicknames for each other, like the mauraders did." 

Teddy stared at her blankly, then said uncomfortably,

"F-full moons? I have no idea what your talking about." Lily rolled her eyes and said,

"Cut the crap. I know you're a werewolf, and I'm going to help you, and if you argue, the I'm taking you and leaving you in the forbidden forest." Teddy's eyed filled with tears and he flung himself at Lily, who happliy accepted the hug.

"You are the best friend ever Lily-Flower," he whispered into her hair, and she whispered back,

"Thanks Teddy-Bear, I love you too," They hugged for a while, and then they started talking about nicknames.

"You can't be Moony, because Remus took that, and we aren't going to decide on mine until I have my animagus form, because that'll make it a lot easier to determine, but we can still choose one for you. What about Fangs?" Teddy wrinkled his nose and shook his head. 

After a lot of arguing, they decided on Shadow for Teddy. Like shadow of the moon, plus wolves are quite good at blending with the shadows.

Lily managed to get her hands on a mandrake leaf and was now keeping it in her mouth for a month, which she found rather annoying, but it was much better than leaving Teddy to go through all the full moons alone. 

Lily was quite smart, smarter than her dad and his friends, and estimated she would become an animagus sometime over christmas break, which was great, she and Teddy had both already owled their parents to let them know they were staying at Hogwarts for the holidays and they had responded saying that was quite alright.

The animagus process was fairly complicated, she had to have the mandrake leaf in her mouth for a month, and she also had to say the words, 'Amato, Animo, Animato, Animagus every night at sundown. Once the month was over, then she had to add the mandrake leaf to a potion and wait for a lightning storm. After that, she would have to move to a secure place, drink the potion, say the incantation one more time. 

It would take Lily a long time, but she wasn't giving up. She had put the leaf in her mouth last night, so a month from then, she could add it to the potion. The part that would take the longest was waiting for the lightning storm. Lily had checked the weather using a magical radar and found that the next lightning storm would be on Christmas Eve. To say she was excited was an understatement. The only thing she wasn't happy about was that Teddy had to spend two more full moons alone, before she could join him without putting herself in danger. 

So Lily kept the leaf in her mouth, and never even thought of giving up, no matter how disgusting it tasted. 

The next full moon came and went and Lily waited in the hospital for Teddy all night so she could see him first thing in the morning. She refused to move from her position curled in the chair until Teddy was there and she could make sure he was okay. 

Lily and Teddy loved each other dearly. Not in a romantic way, nor in a sibling way, more in a way of them sharing a soul, they were each other's other half and could hardly bear to be apart, so they did absolutely everything together.

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