Chapter Nine: Quidditch

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November came, and Lily was very excited for her first game of quidditch. She could tell Harry was more nervous than excited, but she had a feeling that it was only because people were either telling him he would do great or that they hoped he fell off his broom. Somehow, it had leaked out that he was the new Gryffindor seeker, which Wood was annoyed about. Despite people knowing he was seeker, not many people had actually seen him play. Lily had seen him play and had to admit that she was impressed. 

On the other hand, nobody other than the quidditch team and Teddy knew that Lily was the new Gryffindor chaser, and she couldn't wait for their reaction at the game.

On the morning of the game, Lily and Teddy ate in the kitchens so that no one would know she was on the team until the very last minute. Lily, being Lily ate, well she ate a lot. She was quite confident in her ability to play quidditch and wasn't very worried. She just hoped Harry could play with everyone staring at him. Lily didn't have a problem with crowds, in fact, they were kind of her natural habitat. She quite enjoyed being the center of attention, making quidditch her kind of sport.

Lily and Teddy were rather advanced in magic, and had no trouble casting disillusionment charms over themselves as they walked down to the quidditch pitch. When they reached the locker rooms, Teddy pulled her into a hug, and said,

"Good Luck Lily, I'll be cheering for you, along with everyone else, but just ignore them seeing as I'm the beautiful one." Lily laughed and responded,

"Of course, it would be impossible to look at anyone else when your there, well unless I am, we both know I'm the pretty one." Teddy frowned good-naturedly and ruffled Lily's hair, making her jump back with a squeal,

"Shadow, how many times do I have to tell you! Never mess us the hair! It's my pride and glory, you know that" Lily exclaimed, glaring at him, then she reached up and messed up his hair, making him look at her in horror,

"Oh, you'd better run Lily-Flower, you know how I feel about my hair." Lily just crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow, saying,

"Well now you know how I feel Shadow, now we both know never to mess up the hair. Lets swear not to touch it unless we have permission from the owner of the hair," Teddy nodded formally and they shook hands firmly, swearing,

"I solemnly swear never to mess up Lily/Shadow's hair unless permission is expressed, and if I see anyone else messing us their hair, then I will mess them up." They grinned at each other and Teddy kissed her cheek, wishing her good luck once again.

Then Lily entered the locker rooms to find the rest of the team waiting for her. When Wood saw her he immediately demanded,

"Where have you been? The match is about to start!" 

"Teddy and I were doing something very important." Wood looked annoyed as he questioned,

"Oh? And what was that?" Lily smirked,

"We were vowing never to mess up each other's hair ever again, and to beat up anyone who tried to." Wood just shook his head incredulously and muttered,

"Of course you were," then he turned and told Harry about his first match when he was out cold in the hospital wing for two weeks. He's not very good at peptalks. Then they flew out onto the pitch, and Lily smirked when she heard the gasps. Lily did hear Teddy shout,

"That's my Lily-Flower! Beat their butts girl!" Lily grinned at that and waved to him and the match began.

The game was very fast-paced and Lily absolutely loved it. They were winning, when she looked up and noticed that Harry was barely hanging on to his broom as it bucked and tried to throw him off. She paused for a moment and waited until he was back on the broom, before flying to the other side of the pitch and scoring. She and Katie Bell high-fived and they watched together as Harry brought his broom into a dive. He sort of fell off his broom and did a somersault. He looked like he was going to be sick. Lily's eyes widened as he choked up the snitch, meaning they won the game. Lily and Katie hugged before landing next to Harry to hug him too. Once she hugged Harry, she climbed back onto her broom and met Teddy at their favorite tree by the lake. 

She landed and was immediately tackled to the ground in a huge hug from Teddy who was grinning like a maniac. Lily laughed and exclaimed,

"We won! And did yoiu see their faces when they realized I was chaser! It was hilarious," Teddy laughed and nodded. Lily popped up from the ground with a smirk on her face. When Teddy saw her expression he immediately jumped up too, and asked,

"So Lily-Flower, who are we pranking today?"

"Why, my dear Teddy-Bear, I'm thinking along the lines of red, gold, and Dracula." Teddy's face lit up and he said,

"Of course, shall we milady?" Lily took his outstretched arm and formally said,

"We shall."

Lily and Teddy spent the rest of the day pranking and running away from Filtch when he tried to catch them at the scenes of their crimes. By dinner time, half the Slytherin house was covered in red and gold paint. They had managed to convince Peeves to help them too. They were some of the only students that Peeves actually liked, with their mischeivious ways.

Lily linked arms with Teddy and they skipped into the Great Hall for dinner, laughing at the red and gold Slytherins who were scowling at them from across the hall. Lily and Teddy plopped into seats next to Harry, Ron, and Hermione who were whispering to each other. Lily stuck her head in the middle of them and whisper-yelled,

"What are we whispering about?" The other three were so surprised that Ron dropped his fork, Hermione knocked over her goblet, and Harry faceplanted in the pudding. Lily pulled out a wizarding camera and took a couple pictures, before putting it back in her bag. The three whispered some more, before turning to Lily and Teddy who were watching with interest.

"We are trying to figure out who Nicholas Flamel is. Hagrid accidently let it slip that he has something to do with whatever the dog's guarding." Lily's eyes narrowed and she said,

"One, the dog has a name, and it's Cerberus, and two, why on earth do you need to know what he's guarding?" Hermione looked kind of taken aback and exlaimed,

"What? You aren't all curious as to what tha- erm- Cerberus is guarding?" Lily and Teddy exchanged a glace. They both already knew what he was guarding and didn't have much interest.

"Nope, not at all good luck with Flamel though, although I hardly see why you rresearching him when I'm obviously the best looking person ever. Oh and Shadow too, we are the best looking people ever," Teddy grinned and Hermione huffed before turning back to Harry and Ron. 

Teddy high-fived her and she grinned, before turning back to her mountain of food she had yet to inhale.

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