cristiano ronaldo - when will you stop getting botox?

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There are many assumptions and theories from plastic surgeons that you most certainly have gone under the knife.

So Cristiano is it true that you have undertaken several surgical and non-surgical procedures?


What? *shocked but acts unfazed* My lawyer will hear about this *I thought I kept this this shit hidden like Cristiano Jr's mother*

You see I am ziii best and everyone hates on the best. This is all complete nonsense. I've always looked thîsss beautiful, everyone tries to copy mi style.

EXCUSEE MEEE! Why did you put my mirror down.

Assistant: *hand dead, holding diamond mirror for several hours*

I need more concealerrrrr, I want to look airbrushed, I mean I already do in real lifeee ahaaa.

Make up artist: yes sirrr

ITS AH SIIIIII GOAT not sIR!!! Alsoooo don't puuutt any spfffff or else I'll get flashback in the photographsss. I need to get 5 millions likesss on instagram. You do know I'm the most followed person right.

Make up artist: I want to make him look like flash back mary then he'll see

*rolls eyes*

Cristiano: Ay DON'T PUUT tHe miRROR dOwN iTs nOt thAt ARDD I trAin 25 timesss A dAy

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Cristiano: Ay DON'T PUUT tHe miRROR dOwN iTs nOt thAt ARDD I trAin 25 timesss A dAy

Everyone wantsss Mi skinnn Siiii I drink 10 gallons of wAter a dayyyyy! *stalling the question*

"Cristiano you didn't answer the quest—"

I was brought here to answer questions about my next moves not this nonsense!

It's all diet and exercise anyway not any plastic waste in miii skin *lies effortlessly*

Anymore questîons like thiiis and I won't hesitate to sueeeee you.

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WOAH wonder if this is true ???

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WOAH wonder if this is true ???

WOAH wonder if this is true ???

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