Cats and Crushes

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Hitoshi walked beside Izuku, ignoring the the stares they got. Izuku didn't seem to care ether. Hitoshi was grateful for the smaller boy, and Mei of course. Hitoshi was used to being rejected by people because of his quirk and yet the two never seemed to mind of his quirk and even encouraged it's use. Izuku was a sweetheart who loved to analyze quirks and Mei was an crazy inventor who loved to make support. Hitoshi fit perfectly into a group, as if they were a puzzle and he was the last piece.

Hitoshi's thought were interrupted by a small 'meow.' Izuku and Hitoshi turned and saw a small tortoiseshell cat. "Kitty!" Izuku ran over to the small kitten and kneeling down next to it. Hitoshi walked over as Izuku picked up the kitten and stood up. Hitoshi noticed that the kitten's fur was matted and muddied, though Izuku didn't seemed mind as he gently rubbed the kitten on his cheek.

The Kitten purred into Izuku's gentle touch. Hitoshi figured that it was abandoned. "Izuku," Hitoshi sweat dropped, "why are you crying?"

"He's just so tiny and adorable," Izuku cried, being over dramatic, holding the kitten closes to his chest, " I'm naming him Damien and he is my baby!"

Sighing, Hitoshi smiled slightly at his friend's antics. Izuku held the kitten, Damien, close as they continued walking and Hitoshi could hear him purring. "oh crap!" Izuku said suddenly.

"What's wrong, Izuku," Hitoshi said turning to the smaller boy.

"I just remembered that I can't keep Damien," Izuku said, almost crying.

"Why not?"

"Because My mom works a lot and when I'm not with you or Mei, I'm focusing on school work."

"I can take him."



"Thank you! Thank you, Hitoshi!" Izuku said happily, hugging Hitoshi and gently kissed his cheek. Hitoshi could see how much Izuku loved the kitten and smiled slightly, ignoring the fact that his face was completely red. The duo continued walking to Hitoshi's turn. Izuku handed Damien to Hitoshi. The two said their good byes and went their separate ways.

Hitoshi found walking alone was not as appealing as walking with Izuku. When Hitoshi reached his house, he tried to sneak in with out his parents noticing. Unfortunately, It didn't work as he had to open the door with one hand in fear that if he put Damien down, that he would run off to never come back and Izuku would be sad.

"What do you have there?" Hitoshi stopped and slowly turned towards the long haired man that leaned against the door way to the living room.

"Hi pa," Hitoshi said nervously, hiding the kitten behind his back, "I don't know what you talking about."

"you have a cat don't you," the man asked.


"You can keep it IF you take care of it."


"That's a surprise," a gruffer voice cut in, "Usually you complain till we agree to take care of them."

"So what's different this time?" a new voice join the conversation.

"I found him with a friend," Hitoshi whispered as he took Damien from out behind his back.

"A friend?" Hizashi asked slightly before yelling, "My baby has friends!"

"Do they know about you quirk?" Shota asked.

"No, I lied to them," Hitoshi said sarcastically, "OF COUSE THE KNOW DAD!"

"Sorry, just checking."

"What are they like!"

"Uh, ok? Well, first there's Mei. She's a crazy smart inventor, who is an inventor. Then, there's Izuku, he is just perfect. He's super nice, and kind, and just amazing. He's quirkless but could probably kick my ass."

"Oh~, Someone has a crush," the only female in the house, his aunt Nemuri, teased her nephew. She teased him all night.

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