Sleepover promise

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As the chaos trio walked away from the bullies, Izuku's grip on his friend's arms tightened as he started shaking and breathing heavy. "Izuku, you alright?" Hitoshi asked, concerned for his friend (*cough cough* crush cough).

"I think I need to sit down for a bit," Izuku said as he held on to friends arms, for stability. His worried friends guiding to a bench. Izuku had started mumbling at some point on the way. The other two members could only make out a few words but from words like 'Kacchan,' and 'school', they could understand what their friend was mumbling. "What are you worrying about, Izuku?" Hitoshi asked.

"What do you mean 'what are worrying about!?' They going to kill me at school tomorrow!"

Hitoshi sighed, before saying " i mean, why are you worrying about it? You said it yourself, you have the perfect case in court. Besides, you can defend yourself at school like you did to day. After all, wasn't that why you started taking martial art classed in the first place?"

"YA, and If any of them tries to even touch you I'll kill them!" Mei said really intensely.

Izuku giggled a bit a bit before whipping away the tears that had formed in the corner in his eyes. "Thanks for having my back, back there, guys."

"Well, you will always have our backs, so it was fair that we had yours."

"Yes. Now, let's go! We still have a part to pick up!" Mei declared loudly, grabbing both of the boys wrists. As Mei dragged them, Hitoshi said, "I'll buy you some Ice cream later, k?"

"I'd like that."

It didn't take long for Mei to get the part, as it was a small part that they had in stock in the store. And so the trio got Ice cream a lot faster then anticipated. Hitoshi got mint-chocolate and bout Izuku's neapolitan. (Mei had to buy her own, she got charcoal.)

Mei, of course, dragged the boy to many clothing stores, to buy Izuku many out fits. Izuku said they were spoiling him, and they, of course, denied that clam. (Mei had also made it her mission to buy Izuku a load of cute outfits to get back at Hitoshi(who becomes a blushing mess when ever he saw Izuku in the outfits) Because he didn't buy her Ice cream.)

It was a little before 6 when they got back to the work shop. Mei imminently went back to her support idem, and Hitoshi sat back down on his bean bag chair. But before he could take Damien out of his cage, Izuku sat down on his lap. Izuku didn't notice the people haired boy's blush, as he was scrolling through his phone and rested his head on Hitoshi's shoulder. Mei took a few photo's Before going back to her project.

A little while later, Izuku groaned, saying "Fuck."

"What's wrong?" Hitoshi asked his friend, lifting his head up.

"My mom just texted that she has to work late to night and said to go over to a friend's house, which means go to the Bakugous."

"You could always lie and say you went over," Mei said, spinning in her chair to look at him.

"Ya, but i hate lying to my mom," Izuku replied when an idea popped into Hitoshi's head.

"You could always come over to my house, Izuku," Hitoshi said.

"Really? I don't want to be a bother."

"Ya, I'm sure my parents won't mind. Actually, they'll probably be happy."

"Ok, if your sure."

Hitoshi yelled, "I'm home and I brought one of my friends!" as he opened the door to his house. Hizashi and Toshinori imminently appeared in front of them as if Hitoshi just summoned them like a couple demons.

"Hello! You must be Izuku! We've heard so much about you!" Hizashi said while shaking Izuku's hand, very excitedly.

Toshinori then said "It's a pleasure to meet you, Izuku."

Izuku stared at the adults for a moment before turning to his friend(who was closing the door so he could take Damien out of his carrier). "Hitoshi.." Izuku (almost) whispered darkly before excitedly yelling "why didn't you tell me your dads are the Pro heroes, All might and Present Mic!?"

Before the heroes could try to deny that and said they 'didn't know what he was talking about', Hitoshi asked "How'd you know know that?"

"Hito-chan, i have genius level intelligence, I have my ways."

"You hacked security cameras didn't, you?" Hitoshi eyed his friend while his two dads thought simultaneously WHAT!?

Izuku froze for a moment before replying a hesitant "Maybe."

"I'll take that as a yes. Why?"

"Well, Mei came over one day really upset and when I asked 'what's wrong' she said 'some dude stole my back pack with all my parts in it.' So, I hacked the cameras to find the guy. We found him but we also saw All might 'puffing' into Tiny might...... Anyways! Hi, Hello, I'm Izuku Midoriya, as you already know! Nice to meet you both!"

Chuckling a little, Hizashi said, "Hi, I'm Yamada Hizashi , and this is one of my husbands, Toshinori Yagi!"

"Do you mind if i ask you some questions about your Quirks?" Izuku asked, pulling out his note book and hopping on his toes a little.

"Sure, Little listener but first, come meet my other husband, he in the living room." And with that the two heroes lead the teen's into the living room, where a cocoon man laid on the floor, surround by cats.

"Hello, insomniac child." Shota said.

Izuku gasped before whispering "Under ground hero, Eraser head."

"Hello, I'm Aizawa Shota. You hurt my son, I hurt you."

Izuku chuckled a bit before saying, "I wasn't going to, mister Aizawa but I'll that in mind, sir."

Thousands of questions and some food later, Izuku laid in a sleeping bag on the ground next to his insomniac friend's bed. Hitoshi stared at the small green haired boy who was wearing on of his shirts. "Hey, Izuku?"


"Do you really think i could become a hero with my quirk?"

Izuku turn onto his side to face his friend, and said, "Of course you can, Silly! Your Quirk is so amazing. You can capture a villain with out having to resort to violence or stop a bank robber from ever hurting someone! Or get all the answers you need out of some one. Besides, the quirk doesn't control the user, the user controls the quirk. You can do anything, if you really what to." Izuku smiled at his friend.

Silence filled the room before Izuku said "For a long time, I believed I could never be hero but I kept pushing and moving foreword because everyone told me i couldn't. So,..." Izuku lifted his hand and stuck out his pinkie, "Let's promise to be heroes together, K?"

Hitoshi stared for a moment before locking his pinkie with Izuku's. "That sounds to me."

"We'll be the heroes duo, Mindbreacker and Dekiru!" Izuku smiled brightly. The two fell alseep, there pinkie's still locked together.

The Feminine Hero: Dekiru *Hiatus*Where stories live. Discover now