Glitter Bombs!

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After the day of the 'mall incident', Izuku noticed two things changed at school. One: the girls became a lot nicer to him. Some even asked him for make up and clothing advise and became friends with him. Which was something the boys didn't like.

Which was the second things that changed. Unlike the girl, the boys (other then the three involved with incident) became ruder to the smaller boy. They tired to bully Izuku about his clothing choices out side of school (and ended up getting kicked in the balls). Izuku thought they we're just annoying and childish as he didn't give a flying fuck of what they thought anymore.

Izuku sat in class, chatting with one of the girls when she got called away by one of her friends. "Hey loser," Izuku heard a one of his male classmates say from behind him and turned to him.

"what do you want, Uyehara?" Izuku asked, already annoyed with the male.

"Stay away from her, she's mine!" Uyehara growled at the green haired male.

"First of all, no, she's not. She's her own person. Second of all, she's just a friend," Izuku hissed as he rolled his eyes.

Uyehara growled again before taking Izuku's notebook, and threw it out the window. Smirking, he walked away. Izuku looked at the teacher to see if he would do anything, but he just looked away. What the fuck, Why are you a teacher!?


Hitoshi and Mei looked up as Izuku walked into the workshop, slouching slightly. "Bad day?" Hitoshi asked when Izuku face planted into the cold floor.

"Terrible Fucking day!! I want to stab someone!! First, one of the dickless idiots bugged and threw my notebook into the koi pond. AND then the teacher had the ODDACTIY to ignore it!!"

"Oh so that's why you made copies," Mei said as Hitoshi "want a hug?"

"Yes i want a hug and duh, Mei, why else!? Did you think I was worried about losing it?" Izuku asked Mei while hugging Hitoshi.


Silence filled the room for a moment before Izuku asked "Hey Mei, do you still have the glitter from your dumb glitter jet pack thing you tried to make while back?"

"First of all, it wasn't dumb and second, of course i do. I'm not dumb."

"I'm using it."


"To make Glitter Bombs to get back!"

"OH count me in!!"

"I'm in too." and with that, the chaos trio began there devilish plan.


Most of the bomb where quite small and acted like little land mind. They easily fit into the shoes of the foolish boys and teacher. Izuku also made a bigger glitter bomb and placed it on the teacher's chair, as the lazy man barely stood up.

The bell rang that signaled the end of the day rang, and Izuku gathered his stuff off his desk. He left the room giggling as he heard the teacher yelled out of surprised and his classmates laughing. "Hey, Zuku!" Mei said outside the entryway and Hitoshi just waved.

"Hello, you here for the show?"

"Damn right, We are!"

The trio laughed and waited for his classmates to come down. Soon the boys came down and went to change there shoes, only to get glitter blasted up into there faces. Laughing the trio left the school

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