The Usj Attack

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 Aizawa reacted immediately, his capture scarf extended with his hair as he prepared to engage the villains. While his classmates were confused on how these many villains got in without being detected, Izuku thought they must have gotten here through the mist guy's quirk. It obviously some sort of portal therefor they weren't detected as they didn't technically cross any of the detectors.

"13 get the students out of here. Kaminari, try using your quirk to contact the school."

"What are you going to do, Sensei? You can't fight them all on your own!" Momo said, worried for her teacher, "There's too many of them! Even if you can nullify their quirks, your fighting style is not suited for this! Your power works best in stealth and one on one fights, it's not gonna help with a group!"

Izuku grimaced before saying, "You can become a pro without being prepared for all sorts of fights, Momo. You don't expect to be ALWAYS in fights where your quirks works perfectly, do you?"

"Midoriya is right," Aizawa said, approving of what Izuku had said, "You can't be a pro if you only have one trick. I'll leave it to you 13. And Midoriya?" Izuku looked up at his teacher, "Look out for any weakness in their quirks and fighting styles."

"On it!" With that, Aizawa jumped down and started fighting the villains. He was taking them out left and right. The leader said something that Izuku couldn't quite hear (which was a surprise as his hearing his great.)

The Mist villain said as he teleported to the students, "I hope you'll forgive us for the intrusion, but we decided to invite ourselves in." Bakugou and Kirishima jumped to attack the villain, but the missed and the villain had enough. "I've had enough of this foolishness; prepare to meet your deaths," he said as he surrounded them, teleporting them to different places in the dome.

The messy green-haired boy fell until he met cold water. He opened his eyes and saw a villain coming right at him. He moved to grab his Bo staff to defend himself until Tsu ran into the shark villain's head, kicking his slightly away with both her feet. Quickly, she grabbed him with her tongue and jumped out of the water with him. They landed on the bout and Izuku moved over to the railing. They were surrounded by villains.

Izuku groaned at the sight. "This is bad," Tsu said as she saw the amount of villains. She stared at the villains moving closer to the bout before turning to Izuku, "What do you think we should do, Midoriya, ribbit?"

He thought for a moment before asking, "How far can you jump? Say hypothetically, can you jump to land without touching the water?"

"By myself, yes I could clear the water-"

"Okay, I want you to do so."

"But what about you?"

"Don't worry about me, Tsu-Chan!" Izuku smiled a toothy grin, "I just need you to not touch the water for me."

"All right, Kuro..." She went closer to the edge so she could jump father as Izuku opened one of the pouches on his belt. She was about to jump, when she turned to him again, "Are you sure about this, ribbit?"

"Yup, there is no need to worry about me!" Izuku said, pulling out a ball that had a line down the middle. He pulled the sides slightly and they came apart, being held together by a tube. "After all, I didn't get into class 1-A by accident."

She nodded before getting on top of the ledge. She jumped as Izuku twisted the device and push the two halves together again. Tsu looked over the pool of water and Izuku dropped the device in the water. A few seconds passed before a shock wave of electricity went through the water, shocking the villains. Tsu suddenly understood why Izuku didn't want her to touch the water. Most of the villains were knocked out and the few that weren't, passed out when a second wave went through the water.

Tsu landed and looked back at the bout. Izuku dug through his pouch again until he found what he was looking for, a grafting hook. He smirked and aimed at a tree. It shot and attached it's self to a strong branch. He tied the wire to a hook on the bout and pulled out a different device. It attached itself to the wire, making a zip line. Izuku grabbed the handles and pushed himself away from the bout. He landed next to Tsu with a smile.

He could hear the fight near the entrance so he moved that way, Tsu following behind. Aizawa was being held down by a giant bird monster, his arm broken and his face shoved into the ground. Izuku felt his heart tighten and rage begin to blind up in his veins. He noticed that the bird villain's brain was exposed signaling to Izuku it was made in some sort of lab. How dumb can you be? Leaving the most vital organ of any living thing exposed? You left its biggest weakness wide open for attack!

The mist villain moved back over next to the hand villain. "Well did you do it; did you kill the 'Hero'?" The villain asked the mist. Izuku felt his eyes widen 13.

"The rescue hero is out of commission but one of the students got out of the facility." Most likely Iida, he is the fastest Izuku thought as the leader's face morphed into one of disappointment and anger.

"You had one job, and you couldn't even do that," The leader said as he began violently scratching the side of his neck, to the point it turned red, "If you weren't our warp gate, I'd tear apart every last atom in your body." He lowered his hands and said, "There's no way we can win if dozens of pros show up to stop us. It's game over. Back to the title screen."

Is he...? Talking in-game lingo? Wow, just wow! I wonder what class he thinks I am. Wait, no, bad Izuku! Stop getting distracted, he's a villain!

"And I was looking forward to finishing this today. Damn it. Let's go home." Looks like they're headed home, at least for now. Then the villain looked over at him a Tsu, or not. "Oh, before we leave, let's make sure the Symbol of Peace is broken. Let's wreck his pride."

The villain lunged at Tsu and reached for her face. Everything went in slow motion as the villain's hand made contact with Tsu's face. He held his breath until he saw nothing had happened to his frog friend. "Sill able to use your quirk? You really are cool, Eraserhead," The villain said as he turned to the pro hero, lowering his hand.

Izuku moved next, jumping into the air with his Bo staff, yelling, "Get the fuck away from her!"

"Nomu," the bird monster moved in between Izuku and the villain, taking the blow.

"Really? Pussy," Izuku deadpanned as he stared at the villain bird.

He then heard the villain say, "Quiet, brat," from the other side of the monster.

"No, it's not my fault you called your minion to block my attack."

"That's it!" The villain attacked Izuku and he dodged. The first thing he did nest was bitch slap the villain as hard as possible, which made the villain fall over and hold his red cheek. Izuku Just put hands on his hips.

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