Sports Festival: Obstacle Race

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 Izuku stood next to his two best friends, waiting for Present Mic to tell them to go. The tunnel was a bit crowded but he didn't really care. Finally, the pro gave them the go-ahead, and Todoroki ran ahead, freezing everything behind him, mumbling an apology. While others complained about the cold, Izuku hoisted Hitoshi over his shoulder and tucked Mei under his other arm, knowing that they won't be able to keep up with him on the ice.

Izuku then threw himself forward, along with Bakugou, Kirishima, Momo, and Aoyama. Izuku landed and started to slid on the Ice. "Nice trick Todoroki!" Momo yelled at the half and half boy.

"I won't let you get away so easily, you icy hot bastard!" Bakugou screamed, his explosions getting bigger.


"Yes Sir!" Mei fake saluted to him and turned on her boosters on her boots. It gave then them enough speed to reach Todoroki. Mei turned them off when Izuku stepped onto the ground. Todoroki stared as the trio past him, Izuku winking and sticking his tongue out slightly and Mei putting the middle finger up at him.

Todoroki tried to keep up with them, but, even with Izuku carrying two people, one of which as a bunch of equipment, Izuku was still to faster. At the exit were a bunch of robots, including zero pointers. Izuku decided to put his friends down, but he still held their hands, dragging them slightly. The Chaos Trio managed to past the robots before Todoroki froze them.

He was desperately trying to keep up with them, leaving a disaster behind him for all the other participants. Izuku was honestly having fun. Mic was announcing as The Trio reached the next thing, "If you fall, you're out! If you don't want to fall, then crawl! It's 'The Fall'!"

"I've got this one, Izuku!" Mei said confidently, putting her hands on her hips. As she got ready to pass the thing, Todoroki regained the lead. "Look, all you support companies across the country!" Mei said moving around slightly before securing her friends to her sides. A wire came from her belt and pulled all three of them forwards as she continued to yell, "Come, take a look, all you companies! Especially the big ones!"

They began falling slightly before getting pulled up, "Look at my super cute babies!"

"Nice..." said Hitoshi, though he looked really tired with his friends shit. Todoroki kept the lead for a bit, him using his ice to slide across the wires. I can understand hating my dad, I mean Endeavors a piece of shit, but why the fuck aren't you using your fire? You are making yourself weaker, Izuku thought while watching him.

They overtook him again just before he reached the stairs. This time it was Hitoshi who flipped him off. Izuku was matched his pace to his friends this time, so they could keep up. Izuku and Mei talked as they ran. "And now, we've quickly arrived at the final barrier! The reality here is... that it's a minefield!"

Izuku started hopping through the thing, avoiding the clearly dug up places. Mei and Hitoshi weren't having any trouble either. Soon Todoroki and Bakugou reached it to, with others following. "DEKUUUU!" Bakugou threw himself aiming for the green-haired boy.

"What?" Izuku asked as he hopped to the side. Todoroki soon reached the same spot as Bakugou, but not Izuku. He just sighed as dodged the attacks from both of them. Mei and Hitoshi caught up to him and smiled at his annoyed expression. They past the danger zone, and run properly. They neared the end and Hitoshi purposely rammed into Izuku's back, securing him as the winner.

"The first person back in the stadium is that man... Izuku Midoriya is the winner! Followed By Hitoshi Shinsou and Mei Hatsume!" The crowd cheered and Izuku smiled brightly. Todoroki glared slightly at the boy and his friends. Izuku picked Hitoshi up and spun him around.


This is the link for the fic

Sorry for writing more chapters. I do plan on writing more for this but I currently have NO ideas or motivation for this fic. Instead, my brain just keeps coming up with ideas for new fics. I will be updating at some point as well as making a new schedule, however, it will not be every week like before. ~ Author 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2021 ⏰

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