Are you Fucking kidding me!?

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The trio walked towards the large crowd. Toshinori was standing off to the side. As they started to walk towards the man, Izuku said "700 yen that he dropped the bottle and the villain escaped."

"You're on!/sure," Mei and Hitoshi said at the same time.

"Hello, again Mr.Toshinori!" Izuku said, startling the skeleton looking man.

"O-oh hello young ones," Toshinori said, rubbing the back of his head... The trio looked at the scene and found that Izuku's hypothesis was correct. Mei and Hitoshi groaned as Izuku smirked.

Noticed something (other than the gross sewer looking villain), Izuku blocked the sun with his hand and narrowed his eyes at the scene. "Is that....Kacchan?" Izuku said. Then his hand fell back to his side, "Are you Fucking kidding me right now!?" Groaning slightly, Izuku hopped over the police barrier.

"Wait, where are you going?"Hitoshi said worried for his 'friend'.

"Going to save my childhood bully, wish me luck," Izuku said while doing a fake salute with two fingers before turning around and running towards the villain. He blankly ignored the heroes and cops yelling at him to get back. Jumping, Izuku slammed his heel into the eye that he had already stabbed.

The villain screamed in agony. Bakugou freed himself from the sludge as Izuku jumped away, doing a backflip, and flipped off the heroes on the scene. (who easily could have gone for the already wounded eye.) Landing, Izuku bowed before turning and walking back to his friends as the heroes ran to capture the villain.


Hitoshi and Mei watched as Izuku got scolded, almost sorry for the pro. The hero kept saying how it was dangerous and how he could have been killed. Which prompted Izuku to say "But did I?"

"Well no but-"

"Then shut up and let me go home. Your just upset because you got outshined by a quirkless kid."Before the pro could defend himself, Izuku continued, "Don't even try to defend your self because that would just prove me right. And Isaw you over there praising Bacchanal for his 'bravery' when he was in more danger than I was. Now tell me, why do you care so much about my conscious decision but didn't seem to care when he was literally dying?"

When the pro couldn't answer, Izuku said "No? That's what I thought. Now if you don't mind, I'm going home and eating ice cream."With that, the small boy stood up and walked over to his friends. He then jumped at Hitoshi and with a sigh, he carried the smaller boy. Izuku and Mei talked as they walked.

They only got a few blocks away when they heard Bakugou yell from behind them. Hitoshi turned so both he and Izuku could look at the angry boy. "Yes, Kacchan?" Izukuasked, clearly annoyed.

"I didn't need your help! I had it handled! You'll never be a hero, you hear!"

"Oh, sure Kacchan. You can totally breathe through slime. You done now? Good." Bakugou stared as the trio turned and walked away. Scoffing, Bakugou turned and walked the other way. Izuku leaned his head on Hitoshi's shoulder while watching the explosive blond walk the other way. Toshinori soon joined them, carrying groceries.  

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