Classes with Mei and Nezu

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 The bell rang, signaling that science was about to start for most of the class. For Izuku, It meant his first class with Mei in the support class. "Bye losers!" Bye Hito-Chan! See you later!" Izuku said with a smile while grabbing his stuff.

"W-wait, where are you going?" Iida said, about to yell at him for 'skipping'.

"To my class, Iida-Kun! I'm also in support."

"What!?" Most of the class yelled, standing up. He's so amazing/manly Kirishima and Kaminari thought at the same time, hearts in their eyes. Bakugou rolled his eyes of course the nerd one-upped everyone.

"I'll be going now, goodbye!" Izuku said, walking out of the room and waving over his shoulder. Many Teachers were walking through the halls and he waved to every single one.

Power-Loader was not excited to have Izuku in his class. Mei, on the other hand, was practically jumping off the wall with excitement and was freaking out some of her classmates. Don't get him wrong, Izuku was a good kid, sweet too, but Mei was already hard to deal with. He didn't think he would have made it through the year with one member of the dubbed 'Chaos Trio', let alone two.

Izuku pushed open the door open and was greeted with a load, "Izuku!" as Mei tackled him. He laughed while hugging Mei on the floor. The class stared at the two laughings, in both fear and shock.

"Hi, sir!" Izuku smiled from the ground.

Sighing, the pro smiled and said "Hello, Izuku. You may sit next to Mei."

"YES!!" The duo yelled, finally standing up and with giant smiles plastered on their faces. Then the class was told that they could do whatever they want as long as it has to do with support items. The students and Teacher were shocked to see Mei atomically put her hair in a ponytail with Izuku there.

They started making Izuku's support items, including a metal Bo staff, a pair of war fans (a real thing, look it up if you want!) and a cape made out of a fabric Izuku accidentally made. The mitral was tough to make things out of but its strength made up for that. It was near indestructible due to its ability to spread pressure evenly across itself and any energy from attacks.

Izuku was quickly known as the 'Class Mom' in the support department. He encouraged people to make whatever they want and got mad when they don't follow the workshop safely. He'd also threaten them with his shoe if they didn't listen and fix whatever they were doing.

The class also learned why Mei automatically put her hair up. Izuku would have gotten mad and no one wants to make him mad.


A couple of hours later and it was time for Izuku's first lesions with Nezu. Izuku figured he was going to be late due to the long winding halls of the school, So he took a short cut that only a few could. The vents. Despite his size, he easily got into the vents (which was yet another thing no one knows how he did them without a quirk) and began crawling through them.

After a while, he was surprised to find Nezu in the vents. It was in an area where the roof was slightly higher and had bean bags. "Uh, Nezu-San?" Izuku said making his presents known by the bear.

Nezu jumped slightly and nearly spilled his hot tea on himself. "Oh, Izuku! It's just you!"

"...Are we going to be doing classes in here or something?"

"If you want to."

"I would love that, yes." And that's how they got their own place to do their classes as nobody other than them seemed to be able to get into the vents. It also became a conmen sight to see Izuku stick his head out of a vent entrance in the teachers' lounge to ask Aizawa and Mic something. Students, however, will never be prepared for Izuku sticking his head out of the vent when the need to ask a question to a teacher.

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