Chapter 5

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The ride to the hospital was fast. After explaining the situation to the doctor, they decided to put Eri in isolation.

"This would be the best for her. She can't control her quirk, right? If she will get triggered to use her quirk then it would get dangerous for herself and us," Doctor Midorima explained as he glanced at the girl sleeping through the large glass window.

"What are we gonna do if it happens?" I asked a little bit worried. I have seen how it hurts her earlier.

"That's why we rely on you to keep her stable and grounded. Plus, if worse comes to worst, we have Eraserhead for that," the green-haired doctor responded.

The image of a bleeding and slumped Eraserhead comes to my mind. It has been an hour and a half since I last saw him. I peeked at Eri, she seems to be in a deep sleep.

"Is it okay to leave her for a while and check on the others?" I asked. I have people to thank and see if they're alright.

Doctor Midorima pushed his glasses up his nose bridge and nodded. He assured me that the girl will be fine for a few minutes. With that, I took a last glance at Eri and ran to the nearest nurse's station.

"Excuse me, nurse. Do you happen to know where the injured from the Hissaikai incident are?" I inquired pushing down the desperation I feel.

"Wait one moment," she muttered and typed on her computer. My feet started to tap the floor the longer she typed trying not to scream at the rest-deprived individual. (Y/n), please be patient! Geez!

Once she got the information, I thanked her and ran using my top speed making sure to avoid people on the way. I stopped when I caught a mop of black hair at my peripheral. I retraced my steps and went inside the room. I am greeted by Eraserhead's broad back as he is in a prone position while being stitched up by the doctor. His eyes trained on me the moment I entered and I tried my hardest to push down the tingling I feel in my gut. Damn you, Eraser!

"Are you okay?" worry laced my voice as I watched the doctor started to stitch another wound.

"Ah yeah. This is the tenth one," he replied flatly. A sigh of relief escaped my lips. At least he is already in his usual self.

"Only ten huh? Were you sleeping Eraser?" I smirked. He rolled his eyes at my sarcasm.

"How is Eri?" The doctor finished and Eraser slowly got up and faced me to hear my answer.

I trailed my eyes at his bare torso. I... didn't know that he is this muscular. I thought he is just lean. His six packs glared at me but it is his biceps that made me gulp. I pursed my lips to prevent myself from licking them.

"Are you going to answer or stare at me all day?" I snapped out of my thoughts instantly. I am sure that a faint blush appeared on my cheeks. Damn you again, Eraser! If it wasn't for the doctor in the room, I would've devoured him already. Kidding!

Kidding again! I would love to! Oh!

I cleared my throat to rid of my unholy thoughts, "When she got here she is severely dehydrated. They hooked her on an IV line. She has calmed down after giving her some visuals but her fever has not gone down still," I replied while frowning when he shrugged on his black long sleeves shirt. I guess bye-bye biceps for now.

"She is currently in isolation to avoid her from getting triggered to use her quirk. The doc said we should look out for her in case she will use it again," I finished.

He stood up and thanked the doctor before walking out the door. The nurse is on his back telling him to take it easy. I rolled my eyes and assured the nurse that he will be alright. I walked in step with him.

Meraki (Aizawa and Eri x Girl! Reader Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now