Chapter 7

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The weather is nice again today huh? Well, this is also perfect for our joint practical exam with Class 2-A. I will make sure to beat their asses! I raised my clenched hand in the air and shouted, "Yosh! I'm ready! Where are the opponents?!"

A hand suddenly smacked the back of my head. I looked back to a grinning Hizashi. The freakin audacity?!

"Stupid Hizashi! Why'd you do that for!?" my voice rings throughout the ground beta. I am super irritated by just looking at his face!

"You're going to lose again to me anyways! No need to be so worked up. Just be a good girl and say that I am better than you," the aggravating blonde mocked.

I can feel my vein pop by what he said. While it is true that somehow we end up being rivals in every mock battle, I also lost quite a few times. However, that is not the case today because I trained hard for the past months and I knew I have improved greatly. Before I can reply to him I saw the approaching figures of two boys, one with a smiley face and the other emotionless.

"Oi! Oi! If it isn't your crush L/N!" Hizashi announced like our school's intercom. Gaah! This is so embarrassing why did he even noticed that I have a crush on Aizawa?! Of all people, why him?! He never shuts up about it ever since he confirmed my feelings.

"Shut up Hizashi! Your voice is annoyingly loud even without your quirk!" I tried to punch his loud mouth but he evaded it quickly and laughed like there's no tomorrow. Damn him! I'll make sure to have my revenge next time!

I felt a gentle pat on the back of my head and looked up to see Shirakumo grinning with his clouds surrounding him. While Hizashi makes it a point to tease me, Shirakumo has always been incredibly supportive of my feelings for Aizawa. He even told me that he keeps harping on about my positive qualities to Aizawa in the hopes that the latter will recognize them and like me as well. But so far, nothing seems to be progressing because Aizawa won't even look at me! Let alone converse with me! Ah! This is so aggravating!

"Hizashi don't tease our Kouhai like that," Shirakumo's gentle voice is such a blessing that I find myself gaping at him in awe for a brief moment. Yes! Just for a second because he called me his Kouhai again! It's because, even though we're in the same grade level, I'm two years younger than them.

I glared at the two who's now laughing together. Stupid boys wearing stupid grins! They looked at my grim face and laughed even harder than the last time. I'm infuriated!

"Oi. You two, let's go. Sensei is calling us," my eyes trailed to the owner of the flat voice I come to like. He takes hold of the collars of the two and dragged them over to where their other classmates are.

Aaah! I've been saved by Aizawa. I sigh dreamily. Aizawa is cute and kind. I wish we will have our school romance just like in mangas. I sighed again. It would be nice to hold hands together, go on a date, kiss, and maybe... Ummm... do things more than that.

I feel a blush creeping on my face. What?! Oh no! What am I thinking? No. No! I should focus on my studies and training. After all, I shouldn't waste the recommendation the government gave me. I slapped both of my hands on my cheeks. The sting makes me wake up.

"Y/N Focus! Don't lose sight of your end goal! Do your best!" I psyched myself up.

"Well, if it isn't my favorite student," the familiar voice of Nezu-sensei made me turn around to see him strolling casually towards me with a teacup in hand. I only glared at him as he smirked. Oh for fudge sakes! I know that smirk!

"Yes, yes! You will be against Aizawa today, fighting machine. Please prepare your heart," the mouse continued his stroll as if he isn't aware of how much I want to kill him right now.

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