Chapter 10 (Part 1)

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"Fucking shit," I cursed loudly as my hand stings from the hot oil that splashed while I flipped the fish. Breakfast is quite more challenging than I expected because I am now cooking for three people. I am so used to cook for myself alone that I didn't mind if I burn a few dishes or add a little bit of salt than normal. So now that somebody will eat my cooking riles up my nerves.

It is now Monday and the first day of daycare. Eri and I must be there early at around seven in the morning to prepare the last-minute details that I must have missed. I already showered and done my hair so I'll just change into my outfit later. I glanced at the analog clock on the wall behind me and I almost dropped my chopsticks when it's already six o'clock.

"Shit, okay. Let's wake Eri first then- fuck! Shit, the fish is burning," I panicked while salvaging the almost dark brown salmon. Inspecting for further damage, I sighed in relief when it seems that the skin is the only part that burned.

"At least, it's still edible," I murmured.

I turned off the heat and proceeded to Eri's room to wake the girl up. I knocked softly at her door and when she didn't answer, I pushed it open. A smile automatically appeared on my face when I saw her curled up in her Lemillion doll that Togata knitted for her.

Sitting beside her bed, I pushed away the stray hairs that cover her face. Ahh, what an angel, I thought to myself. She looks so peaceful that I kind of feel guilty to interrupt her sleep but it is needed. Shaking her lightly, I attempted to wake her.

After a few times of trying, she slowly opens her red hues. She looked disoriented at first but then focused her eyes on me after a few seconds.

"Good morning, Eri-chan~" I greeted her in a gentle whisper while brushing softly the knots in her hair using my fingers.

The girl set aside her Lemillion plushie and crawled to sit on my lap and put her head on my chest. I giggled silently as I feel my heart fill with warmth. Oh, how can you not love this child? She is more precious than anything in this world. I embraced her back as I continued to brush her hair.

"Hey sweet, you have to wake up," I gently uttered. Her lack of response indicates that she went back to dreamland once again. Well, that's kind of expected seeing as she went to bed late last night because of a certain someone who made her watch thousands of cat videos.

I got up while still holding her and walked the short distance to the kitchen. When I tried to put her down on the dining chair, she gripped my shirt tightly not wanting to be put down. I straightened up, "you have to sit down, sweetie. We'll eat breakfast in a moment."

She shook her head which made me raise one eyebrow. The clock says it's already 6:20 and I'm slightly stressed. If we have enough time right now, I would surely savor this little moment with Eri.

I kissed the top of her head and wandered to the end of the hallway where Shouta's room is. I shook the girl in my arms lightly to which I'm awarded by her sleepy gaze.

"How about you go wake Shouta up, doll? I'm sure he'll be happy to see you first thing in the morning."

I hope that this can get her to rouse from her dreamland, I thought to myself. It seems that hearing Shouta's name is enough for her to squirm in my arms to put her down.

"I'll wake Aizawa-san now," she rubbed her eyes with both hands and knocked gently on the door.

Satisfied to see her awake, I hurriedly went back to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. I plated the fish, completely ridding it of its skin, and prepared the rice as well as the silverware. For breakfast, we are having fried milkfish with rice, natto, and some instant miso soup. We discovered that Eri is fond of natto and she almost begs me to give her some every mealtime.

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