chapter 29

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Forth's pov:

I had a bad feeling the moment he started smiling like that. 

That feeling was confirmed when he told me about his plan. 

Are you sure about this?

I asked worriedly.

"Yup. 100%. Don't worry it's just a little fun." He smirked.

I didn't want to do it but i knew he wasn't going to listen.

We stopped infront of a huge mansion. 

"Let's go." P'Mark smirked. 

I sighed and got out of the car with him. 

He went on inside while i waited outside near the door. Hopefully it doesn't go too far.

Beam's pov:

I shot up from the couch when the door opened. Dad and p'Ellie were sitting beside me. 

I frowned when i saw only uncle Mark come in. 

"Where's Forth?" I asked him. 

Mom came out of the kitchen.

Uncle Mark had a grim expression on his face. 

"Did something happen?" Mom asked worriedly.  

Uncle Mark sighed.

"Ria called us to talk about Forth's designs which were released last night." He said. 

"And? What did she say?" Dad came and stood next to me. 

I started getting anxious. 

"The amount of orders and the popularity wasn't how the company expected it to be." Uncle Mark continued. 

"What?" I frowned. "What do you mean?" 

"They weren't expecting that many comments about his designs. We were all really surprised." He looked at me.

"Where is he?" I asked. 

He sighed again. 

I was about to go and look for him when i heard chuckling. 

I turned to look at uncle Mark. He was barely holding in his laughter.

Then it clicked.

"UNCLE!" I yelled. 

"MARK WHAT THE HELL?!" Dad shouted. 

"Sorry sorry you should have seen your faces." He was holding his stomach and laughing.

"Don't pull those kind of pranks! You scared the hell out of us!" Mom walked over to him and smacked his head. 

"Ok ok i'm sorry." He put his hands up in surrender. He was still grinning widely.

"So where is he really?" I narrowed my eyes. 

He pointed at the door.

I went and opened it. I looked around outside. 

Forth was standing near the door leaning on the wall.

"You're in on this too?" I asked exasperatedly.

He made me.

"Why didn't you stop him? I thought my heart was going to stop." I asked. 

You really think he would listen if i had told him not to?

I stared at the text silently for a while before turning and looking at uncle Mark who was looking at us grinning widely. 

"Good point." I sighed.

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