Chapter 43

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Beam's pov:

We were going around the mall looking at art supplies.

I was still a bit miffed that i can't buy anything for him, but seeing his happy expression i can't bring myself to stay angry at him.

"Excuse me are you Forth Jaturapoom?!" Some guys who looked like they were in their early twenties came up to us.

Forth smiled and nodded.

His eyes wandered to their clothes.

They were wearing his designs.

"We are big fans! We love your designs. They are so cool!" One of them said excitedly.

Forth smiled widely.

"Can we take a picture together?" Another one asked.

Forth looked at P'Mark and i.

We smiled reassuringly.

"Can you take it for us?" One of them looked at me.

"Sure." I took his phone.

"The others are going to freak out when they see this." one of them said excitedly.

We chuckled at their enthusiasm.

"We have something to do. So we'll take our leave now." P'Mark put his hand on our shoulders.

"Ok. Thank you so much for agreeing to take a picture with us." another one looked at him.

He nodded.

"We are really looking forward to your new designs in the future." With that they left.

"So it seems you became even more popular than me. They didn't even recognise me." P'Mark sighed as we went into another art store.

I chuckled.

A thought occured to me as we looked through the paintbrushes and canvases.

Beam you fucking idiot! How did you forget to ask him something like that?!

I yelled internally.

Forth tugged at my sleeve.

He was looking at me questioningly.

"I just realised i never asked when your birthday is." I groaned.

Uncle Mark also seems to have realised it. He cursed under his breath.

It's on 2nd September.

Uncle Mark and i breathed relieved sighs.

"Thank god it didn't pass yet."

He smiled.

After going to a few more shops, we went out of the mall.

I thought all the stuff wouldn't fit in the trunk but thankfully they did.

By the time we got back, it was already 6 o'clock.

We quickly showered after putting the stuff away in his room.

When we got to my parent's house, it was 7 o'clock.

"Took you long enough." Mom sighed as she opened the door and let us in.

"Sorry. We didn't notice the time while shopping." Uncle Mark said.

"So I'm guessing you were able to shop to your heart's content?" Dad smiled at Forth.

Forth smiled and nodded.

"Where's p'Ellie?" I looked around.

"She'll be here in a few minutes. She's in a meeting." Mom answered.

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