Chapter 48

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Mark's pov:

"Hey." I peeked into Ria's office.

"Oh you're here." She smiled.

Lam and Park were sitting infront of her on the chairs.

I went in and closed the door behind me.

I sat down on the chair beside Park.

"So i called you here because i want to know about that incident with mr. Liam. There seems to be a lot more to it then just social anxiety." She looked at me seriously.

Park and Lam were also looking at me waiting.

"Yeah. It's way worse than that." I sighed deeply.

They kept quiet.

"Liam Brown..... that guy raped him when he was a kid." I looked at her.

Their eyes widened.

"WHAT?!" They yelled at once.

"Yeah. He actually almost killed himself that day trying to stop those memories from ringing in his head. Thankfully i found him before it was too late." I said.

They looked horrified.

"You know David Jamornhum right?" I looked at them.

They nodded.

"His company is has a close relationship with RX company." Ria said.

"That's Forth's biological father."

Their jaws dropped.

"Wait but as far as i know his son is dead." Park frowned.

"Yeah well when you sell your son to some old perverts for a night in exchange for money and he ends up running away to escape from you there's not many things you can come up with to save your own ass." I hissed.

"You mean...." Lam muttered.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"He sold his own son?!" Ria yelled.

"Not only his son. But even his wife. He told her to go to this club which turned out to be a sex club. Darvid found her and took her under his wing. She stayed with him for 6 years before leaving to live her own life."

"What the fuck...." Park muttered.

"Forth's life has been a complete mess since he was just a child. Not only did that bastard sell him, he even abused him ever since he can remember. Just because he was born with a birth defect. He was made to do all the house work. He would get beaten if he messed up even a bit. But at the same time he wasn't allowed to let his grades slip. He stayed up multiple nights in a row studying during exams. He was never able to sleep properly actually. He was scared for his life. He didn't know when that guy would barge in, grab him by his hair and throw him to the wall. And his school life wasn't any better. The kids bullied him all the time. He got suspended when he tried fighting back. The teachers believed the other kids when they said he attacked them first. And that earned him even more beatings at home." I massaged my forehead.

They looked utterly horrified at this point.

"Worst of all, his mother was taken away by Darvid when he was 8. So there was no one he could rely on. No one he could go to for help. He could only just sit there and take everything by himself."

"Oh my god....." Ria covered her mouth with her palm.

"Why didn't his mother try to take him from that bastard with Darvid's help?" Lam asked.

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