Chapter 12

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Tobias POV:
Christina drags us over to the table and there are TONS of papers.

" Okay we have to figure out colors, dates, dresses, cake, bridesmaids, grooms, honey-" Christina starts but gets cut off my Tris.

" Christina. Slow down. One thing at a time." She says and laugh. She laughs with me and I take her hand. She grins at me. I smile and we look back at Christina.

" Let's start with dates. When do you want your wedding?" She asks and I look at Tris.

" How about June 6th?" She asks and looks at me. I nod and smile.

" Thats perfect." I say and Christina writes it down.

" Where are we having it? " she asks and looks at me.

" How about the Chasm?" I ask and Christina gives me a funny look. No one else knows about our spot. She writes it down anyways and moves onto the next one.

" Colors?" She asks. What colors should we use? I think we should use blue and gray but I'm not sure what Tris wants.

" How about blue and gray?" Tris and I say together. We look each other and laugh. Christina writes it down again.

" Maid of honor?" She asks looking at Tris.

" You. Of course. You are my best friend." She says and smiles at Christina. Christina squeals and hugs Tris.

" Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!" She screams and writes it down.

" Best man?" She says and looks at me.

" Easy. Zeke." I say and she writes it down.

" Thats enough planning for now. Let's go get a dress!" She squeals and Tris groans.

" But Chrisss" she whines.

" No buts. Were going. " she says and grabs Tris's arm. Tris looks at me saying help and I shake my head. She groans and I smile.

" We'll be back by 5. See ya later!" Christina squeals and starts running to the wedding part of Dauntless. I chuckle and walk to Zeke's apartment. I knock on the door and he opens up.

" Hey buddy! Come on in!" He says and I walk in. We sit down on the couch and he try's to hand me a beer.

" No thanks man, I'm trying to cut down. When I have kids i don't want them seeing it. " I say. He gives me a funny look and turns on his Xbox.

" Wanna play?" He says wiggling his eyebrows.

" Just give me it" I say and he hands me the controller. We play COD and I end up beating him 50-27.

" why do you have to be so good! I was gonna win!" He whines and I laugh.

" You could never live up to my awesomeness. " I say and he whines again.

" Anyways Zeke would you like to be my Best Man? " I say and his mouth drops.

" Of course I will. Thanks buddy." He says.

" Good, because I already signed you up. " I say and he gives me a smirk. " I better go home. Tris is gonna be there soon. "

He wiggles his eyebrows again and smirks. " Don't get too crazy " he says and I give him a death stare and he backs away. "I'm just kidding calm yourself." He says and I laugh.

I walk out the door and across the hallway to my apartment. When I walk in, Tris is already there and she's laying on the couch. She's still in her full clothing and her shopping bags are right next to her on the ground. I chuckle and pick her up. I carefully carry her to our room and lay her down on the bed. I slip her shoes off and give her a kiss on the forehead.

I'm gonna make dinner for her. I walk into the kitchen and grab some pasta. I put it all together and wait for it to cook. It's about to finish and a pair of arms wraps around my waist. Tris.

I put the spoon down and put my hands on hers. She sighs into my back and starts talking.

" You didn't have to make supper." She says.

" But I wanted to" i say and she lets go. I serve the food and she takes a bite.

" Tobias this is amazing! You have to cook more often!" She says and I chuckle.

We finish our dinner and change into pajamas. Then we sit down on the couch and cuddle. She messes with my fingers while I admire how beautiful she is. I take her hand and kiss all 5 of her fingers.

" I love you" she mumbles and i smile.

" I love you too " I say and pick her up. I carry her to our room and lay her down on the bed. I get up and turn off the light and climb back in. I wrap my arms around her and she nuzzles up against my bare chest.

" Good night." I whisper into her hair. She doesn't respond. She's already asleep. I chuckle and sleep over takes me.
* time lapse *

I wake up to someone tapping my face. I groan and look over at the clock. Its 2 in the morning. I look over at Tris and see her shivering.

" You moved away from me. I'm c-c-c-cold " she says. She's only wearing shorts and a tank top.

" Come. Warmth." She says and holds out her arms. I pick her up and move her to the other side of me. She wraps my arms around me. She is cold. I put my arms around her and she buries her head in my chest. I hear her silently crying and lift her chin up.

" Whats wrong " i say softly and tears fall out of her eyes.

" I- It was another nightmare. " she says and keeps crying. She has been having nightmares the last week and there pretty bad. I feel really bad that I wasn't awake. I take her in my arms and she puts her head in my neck.

" you can talk about it if you want" I say and she nods.

" Tobias, the- they took you and I couldn't do anything about it. I-I was tied to a chair and I had to watch you slowly die. They b- beat you and k-kicked you. It was terrible." She says trembling. I wrap my arms around her tighter and her tears turn into sobs.

" Tris I would never let that happen. Ever." I say and she looks up at me.

" Really? " she says her tears drying.

" Of course." I say. " Get some sleep. I'll fight the bad dreams away. "

" with what" she asks

" My bare hands, obviously." I say and she smiles. She puts her fingers on my chin and leans up for a kiss. I put my hands on her back and we kiss for a few more minutes. She breaks away and puts her head on my bare stomach.

" I love you" she mumbles and lightly kisses stomach.

" I love you too" i say and sigh. I pull her onto my chest while I'm laying down and she wraps her arms around me neck. Its much warmer like this. I pull the blanket up around her back and her legs move to straddle my stomach. I put my arms around her waist. Her breathing evens out and I watch her sleep. She's beautiful. I follow soon after.

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