Chapter 15

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Tris POV:
* 4 months later*

Today we go to the doctor to see the gender of the baby. I want a boy but Tobias wants a girl. Tobias always talks to the baby in the middle of the night when he thinks I'm asleep. He keeps whispering the same thing but I'm not sure what it is.

I actually have a baby bump now. I decide to wear a black sweater because it's starting to get cold. I get dressed and look in the mirror. Tobias comes and wraps his arms around me from behind.

" Let's go." He says excited. He's been waiting all month for this day. He could barely sleep last night. I grab his hand and we walk to the doctors. The doctor leads us to a room and tells me to sit down on a table and pulls up a chair for Tobias.

" Please lift up your shirt." He says and I lift it up. Tobias takes my hand and smiles. The doctor puts cold gel on my stomach and I shiver. The doctor laughs and so do we.

" Do you want to know what your having?" He asks. Tobias and I nod.

" Well your having a baby ... Girl!" He says and Tobias smiles like crazy.

" I knew it." He says and goes to my stomach. This time he whispers loud enough so I can hear it.

" I love your mommy very much. I bet your going to be beautiful and brave just like her. We love you." He says and I tear up. The doctor gives me wipes to clean my stomach and I take them. I pull my shirt down and take Tobias's hand.

" Let's go shopping for the baby." I say and he agrees.

" I don't think she'll like pink. Let's paint her room yellow. " he says and I nod. We go to the store and grab yellow paint, dark gray paint, a dark gray changing table, dark gray crib, and diapers, ect.

We go home and get everything done. I go to our room and collapse on the bed. Then I start feeling kicks in my stomach. And they hurt.

" Tobias come here." I say in pain.

" Whats wrong?" He says running I to the room worried.

" The baby. She's kicking." I say and hold my stomach. He comes over and puts his hands on my stomach. The baby kicks right where his hand is. He moves it again and she kicks there too. He looks at me and smiles. The baby kicks again and I wince in pain.

" Tobias, she's hurting me." I say tears coming into my eyes. He rubs circles on my stomach and leans down.

" Slow down on the kicking please. Your hurting your mommy" he says and the kicking slows down. I smile at him and get up.

" Let's go to lunch" i say and we both get up. We get to lunch and Tobias goes to get our food. I sit down while he gets it and the kicking starts again. I tear up and hold my stomach.

" Tris whats wrong? Are you okay?" Christina asks worried.

" Its just the baby. She started kicking and it hurts.

" aww im sorry. " she says and frowns. " Wait. Did you say girl?!" I nod and smile and she kicks again. I wince again and Tobias walks over with our food.

" Tobias make her stop" I say whining. He puts the food down on the table and pulls me onto his lap.

" Makayla Grace please stop hurting your mommy." He says and rubs my stomach. I smile at the name. I love it.

" Thats her name. It has to be" I say and she kicks lightly.

" Makayla Grace" Tobias says again and she kicks lightly. " She likes it"

We look at the group and see that Christina is recording. Most of the girls are in tears except for Lynn.

" Now we can show her where her name came from" Christina says wiping tears. I smile and realize how perfect this is. I'm gonna be a mom.
* 4 months later*
I'm laying in bed and I feel a huge pain. I feel water trickle down my leg. Makayla isn't due for another month. Another pain comes on and I scream.

" Tobias!" I screech and he comes running in.

" I think I'm going into labor. Call Christina." I say trying to stay calm.

" But she's not due for another month." He says

" I SAID CALL CHRISTINA!" I scream and he runs into the living room to grab the phone. 3 minutes later Christina comes running into the room.

" Okay Tris stay calm. Were gonna get you to the hospital." She says and i nod.
Tobias picks me up and I scream.

" Its hurts so bad" i say crying.

" I know baby. It's okay, were gonna get you there." Tobias says.

" YOU DONT KNOW YOUR NOT THE ONE IN LABOR!" I scream and wince. Christina giggles and we keep moving. We finally get to the hospital and they move me into a room. I quickly change into the clothes and lay on the bed. I take Tobias's hand and squeeze it. He winces and start to say sorry but I can't.

" Okay Tris, were ready to push okay?" The doctor says and I nod. " Every time I say three you push. "

" 1,2,3" he says and I push

" 1,2,3"



" Okay one more time. Just push as hard as you can."

" 1, 2, 3" he says and I push as hard as I can. I hear bones crack in Tobias's hand. I hear whining noises and i lay my head down on the pillow. I'm done. I did it.

The doctors walk away to get her cleaned up. Their taking awhile. Is something wrong? I'm about to ask when one walks in. It's not a pink hat, but a yellow one.

" She wouldn't let us put her in pink. We tried several times so someone had to go buy yellow" the doctor says and I laugh. Tobias was right.

The doctor places her in my arms and I'm taken away. She opens her eyes and I gasp. Their gray on the insides and blue on the outsides. She has both of our eyes.

" Tobias look. Her eyes." I say and he smiles. She looks just like me.

" Just like her mommy. I knew it would happen." Tobias says and I smile.

" What would you like to name her?" the doctor asks.

" Makayla Grace Eaton." I say and the doctor writes it down.

" Congratulations. " she says and smiles.

" Thank you"

I look at her one more time and hand her to Tobias. He takes his hand and is about to touch her cheek when she grabs his finger with her hand.

" Well hello Makayla." He says and giggles. A grin spreads across her face and tears come to our eyes. Someone lightly knocks on the door.

" Come in" i say. Christina walks in with the group behind her. She has about 10 bags in her hands and the others have balloons or stuffed animals.

" Auntie Christina first!" She says and I smile. " Can I hold her?" She asks and I nod. I nod and Tobias hands Makayla to her.

" Oh my God. Her eyes" she says and everyone looks. I smile and everyone holds her until she's at Uriah and she starts crying.

" Whats wrong with Uncle Uriah?" He asks and frowns. " I'm the one thats gonna give you chocolate" Her cries stop and she smiles. Everyone laughs. She lets out a baby yawn and Uriah hands her back to me. I take her in my arms and her eyes slowly close. I smile. Christina smiles and pushes everyone out of the room.

" Good night baby" i say and kiss Makayla on the forehead. She changes positions and her hand is on the spot I kissed. Tobias takes her from my arms and lays her in the crib they brought in. He slips off his shirt and belt and climbs in bed with me.

" She's stubborn" he says and I giggle.

" I can't believe she wouldn't let them put her in pink" I say and and he smiles. I yawn and he takes me into his arms.

" I love you" i mumble and fall into a deep sleep.
Yay! Fourtris baby! How was this chapter?

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