Chapter 50

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. . .

"Alright. I don't see why not." Angela mumbled, grabbing discharge papers and bringing them over to me.

Juuzou giggled as I signed the papers, immediately hopping out of bed and grabbing Juuzou's hand, dragging him out the door. "Thanks Angela! I'll be good, I promise!" I called as I ran down the hall, excited to finally be in my own bed again.

"Are you sure you'll be okay? I don't want you getting hurt again..." Juuzou commented as we got into a CCG car.

"Juuzou, it's like you forget that I'm a master healer who can make concoctions that fix all my injuries pretty much immediately."

"Yeah, yeah." Juuzou pouted.

Being cooped up in the hospital was the last thing I needed after being tied to a chair for a week.

. . .

Arriving to Juuzou and my's house felt like finally coming home after being on a long and stressful mission, which, I suppose it kind of was. I could walk without crutches just fine, but for some reason Angela wanted to keep me in the infirmary in case I had internal bleeding or any infections, which just wasn't a good enough reason in my eyes. Juuzou opened the door for me and I smiled at him before walking into the house and taking in a deep breath.

It smells like Juuzou!

I giggled at the thought and turned around, engulfing Juuzou in a hug. He hugged me back and kissed my nose before taking my hand and dragging me to the kitchen. "I didn't go shopping, but Akira brought some groceries over, so I can cook food now!" He exclaimed, gesturing towards the fridge and cabinets.

I looked at our intertwined hands and smiled, realizing that pretty much ever since Juuzou had gotten me back, he wouldn't let me go. He was still talking about the groceries and what type of food he was going to make, but I kissed him on the cheek which made him stop in his tracks and look at me funny. "You haven't been listening to anything I've been saying, have you?"

I giggled. "No, but I've been staring at your moving lips, so that should count for something."

"You got home five minutes ago and you already want to get in my pants?"

"No! I just want to be in your mouth is all~"

Juuzou started laughing. "You- you are the worst!"

"But you love me!"

"Yes! I do!"

"Wanna take a shower together!"

"Yes! I do!"

We were now both smiling and laughing as we made our way to the bathroom that we shared. Juuzou turned on the water, making sure it wasn't too hot, before turning back to me. I hopped onto the counter and Juuzou began unbuttoning my shirt. He was very concentrated, and I giggled when I noticed he had stuck his tongue out the side of his mouth.

I wrapped my legs around him and he huffed. "You giggling and moving isn't making this easy. Why are these buttons so small?"

I laughed and looked down to see Juuzou almost finished with the blouse. He ended up just taking it off of me over my head as I made fun of him. "You know, you don't have the best fine motor skills." I commented, which made Juuzou scoff.

"Have you seen these stitches? I'm a pro at fine motor skills."

"How's your handwriting?"

"Shut up."


Juuzou shook his head and began unwrapping the bandages around my chest, but I stopped him, holding a more serious expression now. "Bubba, lower your expectations, okay? I'm not as pretty as I used to be." I said in a low voice, sighing as I lowered my gaze to the hem of Juuzou's shirt.

Juuzou put his hand under my chin and turned my head up to meet his eyes, giving me a soft smile. "I never fell in love with you for your body, idiot. But even if I did, you will always be the same old beautiful you are. Plus you're over exaggerating."

"I'm not!"

"You're always too hard on yourself, so yes you are." He said, moving my hand away and taking off the rest of the bandages.

There was a pause.

"They- they did this to you?" Juuzou said, his eyebrows furrowed in disbelief.

"Y-yeah. I told you it was bad."

His expression went from confused to furious to something softer, maybe empathy. He ran his fingers over my breasts and over the scars that were made when I was whipped. "They're still pretty, I mean, they're boobs." He said, to which I laughed softly, running my hands through his hair. "It must've hurt like hell though, so I'm pissed. Maybe I should've tortured him more. I guess there's always next time." He mumbled, almost to himself.

I didn't say anything, I mean, I knew he had a dark side, but he was his true happy self with me, so it was nothing I should've or wanted to complain about.

Even if it's something I worry about sometimes.

"There are some on my back too, just to warn you." I said, interrupting the comfortable silence.

"Ah, is that why there are bandages back there too? Well they aren't too bad at all, plus they'll fade even more over time."

I smiled. "You're sweet to me, you know that?"

He took the hand that was in his hair and kissed it before pressing it against his cheek. "Well it's because you're so sweet to me, (y/n)-chan!"

God I am in LOVE.

"Okay okay. Now we are just wasting water, so hurry up." I playfully scolded.

"Well it doesn't help that you're covered in bandages, naked lady."

"You haven't even taken my pants off yet!"

"That doesn't take away from the fact that you are  my naked lady!"

"That doesn't even make sense!"


I scoffed over dramatically at his joking attempt to silence me, to which he pecked my lips and pulled my pants off. My legs had bruises from the bat and burns from the acid, but other than that they were in pretty good condition. My feet and ankles on the other hand were swollen and missing nails, to which I grimaced but Juuzou investigated with interest.

"Ouch! Hey, stop that! Don't they gross you out?"

"Nope!" Juuzou exclaimed, looking at one of my toes which was missing a toenail and purple. "Your ankles and footsies are in bad shape though, so we should make the shower quick. I don't want you to be in pain."

I sighed. "Don't baby me, I'm fine."

"Hey." Juuzou said sternly, wearing a serious look on his face. "You babied me when I was injured, so I'm going to baby you. You know why? You are my baby. I get to baby you."

"Wow. Reeaally good reasoning there buddy." I said while hopping off of the counter, rubbing myself right up against Juuzou.

He sounded so serious for a moment, but the thought of him hurting or yelling at me never even crossed my mind.

I pressed my breasts up against him and kissed his lips. "Are we going to shower or not?" I said, taking the bottom of Juuzou's shirt and lifting it over his head.

"Of course we are!" Juuzou chimed.

Authors note: I love fluff with a passion <3

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