˜"*°• Go Go •°*"˜

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--Enjoy the journey because the destination is a mirage--

--Fuck Netflix and chill, let's travel the world and make memories on different hotel balconies--

To my absolute surprise, it was Lucas questioning us, his eyes boring into my soul if possible and a wicked, sly grin spreads across his feline features. 'Gosh, I'm so whipped, this must be a freaking dream come true.' Not knowing what to do, I feel a sense of helplessness as I splutter around the air blowing against our faces, my lips becoming chapped in the process. Kim instantly chirping up without needing to be asked twice, "of course! I mean, you can either follow behind us, or we follow you or whatever, I mean we're heading in the same direction after all, what do you say Y/N?" She nudges me a little to get my attention, brown orbs shifting from the ethereal males before us to look at her with a little confused and spaced out expression, "su-sure." I finally managed to utter as I clear my throat and bring my focus down to my converse shoes, heels rocking back and forth as I try to not lose momentum and stumble, knowing me, it's highly possible with how horrifying clumsy I am. I guess that is why Namjoon and I always made such an intriguing pair, he was even worse than me, and it always had people talking about us, whether it is in an annoying manner or doting manner, we were known as the inept couple. Cute, huh? Shaking my thoughts out of my head, I zone in on the muffled conversation taking place between Taeyong and Kim as I hear snapping fingers in front of my face, a warm finger tipping my chin up and my breath comes out faster than expected in surprise. "Look here cutie, seems like that ex-boyfriend of yours, isn't as over from you as he would like to make you think huh?"

"Huh?" I murmur confused, before glancing to my right, feeling a sense of being watched from afar and that is when I spot him. His eyes being overshadowed by his sunglasses, but his jaw clenching and unclenching as he looks at us tells me that he is angry and irked. Snorting softly as I play with the strings of my hoodie, my eyes shift to the stranger in front of me, a hot stranger mind you. "Whatever do you mean?" I play coy as I feel a sense of confidence, appreciating the fact that he came closer to me, for it to look as if our skit is a reality. Twirling a strand of my hair from my loose bun, I flash Lucas a grin as I wiggle my brows, but I do not expect for him to grab me flush by the hips and squeeze my supple sides. My body crashing into his as he yanks me closer and nudges his nose against mines, before whispering against my lips, "you gotta play it better than that baby girl if you wanna sell it." His telling smirk at the 'nickname,' not to mention the instant reaction coming from it edges him on. My cheeks are fanned with a light shade of hue, butterflies churning in my stomach and I mumble without thinking, "forget the butterflies, you bring me the entire fucking zoo." Breathing out shakily, I bite down harshly on my lower lip due to nerves, not thinking much of it as his finger releases the hold of my lower flesh via my pearly whites, to trace the skin there briefly. "Don't bite your lips," his words are gruff and unexpected, I assume he got annoyed by that, what a dummy. "You cannot tell me what to do." I sneer back, defiance showing in my eyes, before being drawn to Kim coming back up to my side, after her little moment with Taeyong, and I'm sure that she just got his number. How can she be so smooth? Beats me, even though, I'd love Lucas number, his authoritative demeanor makes me feel to rebel more and act uninterested when it is far from that. 'Play hard to get Y/N, make him beg for it.'

"You ready Y/N? Or do you want to keep flirting as our adventure gets delayed? We got about an hour again on the road and we're finally there, oh my god! Taeyong gave me his number!" She practically squeals in my ear as softly as she can, but knowing that big mouth of hers, added to the fact that Taeyong chuckles and shake his head amusedly while talking to Lucas, his eyes on us, I know he heard her loud and clear. "Oh joy," I deadpan and stare at her as if I'm bored when in reality my insides are churning from the heated and cold stare coming from the taller of the two boys. "Let's just go Kim, you can tell me all about it in the car, not like I'm getting away from you there," I drawl out sarcastically, before flashing her a cheeky wink and instantly moves towards our vehicle, getting into the passenger's seat and latching my seatbelt on, not even giving Lucas any attention as I train my gaze down on my phone, going through my notifications on Instagram and Facebook, seeing our selfie already got numerous likes and comments, however, I'm not in the mood to reply to anyone, I thanked the fifty-something likes inwardly and place my phone in between my legs as Kim slides into her side, Taeyong waving at both of us and no sign of Lucas. 'What a douche, he went into the car without even bothering to say goodbye,' shaking my head, I look at the excited girl next to me, her body bouncing up and down as she tries to contain her enthusiasm. "What's the big deal, Kim? C'mon, he would just be a passing flame for this trip, you and I know this."

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