˜"*°• Fake Love •°*"˜

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--Let's play truth or dare. Truth, tell me how you really feel. Dare, prove it!--

--An ocean breeze, puts the mind at ease--

Everyone, literally anyone, I and Kim come across pays attention to her. I could be how interested in someone, it never works to my advantage or liking. It brings about as to why Lucas isn't raving over her as well, shrugging off the thought I focus on the now at hand and that is...Kai pushing her away from him with blazing eyes, if looks could kill, Kim would be sprawled out on the floor – dead. Not that I would mind at this moment, seeing as this is the ONE guy in the entire party I even got close to and feel a genuine attraction towards. "Sheesh, girl can't you control your drunken tendencies?! Start acting like a lady with class," Kai spats out in annoyance, dusting off whatever there is on his body and arms and he looks at her in nothing but disgust. "You're seriously such a low creature, it's such a shame I have to put up with you seeing as you're Y/N's best friend, although, I'd honestly say 'some best friend,' you are."

Without bothering to say anything more, Lucas comes at the same time, tugging Kai away from Kim and Kai gives me a last look, his orbs softening a bit as if apologizing inwardly to me, however, I remained rooted on the spot and keep my mouth shut. In all honestly, I appreciate Kai's harsh words towards my man-hungry best friend, seeing as no other guy EVER once took that stand, they always followed the 'easy girl,' mentality and took the bait, leaving me on my own. Feeling dejected and worthless questioning how much I am worth, maybe nothing seeing as no one but Joon ever took an interest in me, only because he's her brother.

That is until now though, at least I would love to think so as I wring my nervous fingers, looking at Lucas and Kai disappearing into the kitchen area and Taeyong pulling Kim harshly away from the scene, as others gathered about to see what all the commotion was about, seeing as Kai's voice is pretty deep and loud. "Calm down Kim, sheesh, you came here with me but you're thirsting over another, really smooth." Taeyong clicks his tongue as he shakes his head at the despicable drunken girl before him and I honestly keep to myself, Taemin standing close and placing his hand on my lower back as if I would run away. "Don't worry, Kai could just be a bit overprotective when he's interested in someone," I hear Taemin's soft voice traveling into my ear, making me smile a bit and nod my head in understanding.

"I see." Is all I got to say, seeing as Kim comes up to me and look at me with sadness in her eyes, her anger completely disappearing now as she puts on her innocent act, or I'd like to think she's genuinely feeling bad as she realized what she did, or not..."Listen Y/N focus on Lucas, that Kai guy is such a tool, disrespectful to your best friend of all people?! Y/N trust me, he's not a good guy, you can do so much better baby." She coos and smooch my cheek before stumbling away with Taeyong's aid and as he looks at me, I can tell he's pissed off more than anything else, but he mouths a soft 'sorry,' as I shake my head.

"It's always expected anyways," I mumble more to myself than anything, before glancing back to the kitchen area and I see Lucas came out first and he passes me straight, not even bothering to catch my curious gaze. I feel a sense of sadness and a bit of disappointment, but right after Kai comes out and looks at me as if I'm one of his most favorite person in the world. His lips tugging into a bright, endearing smile as he skips up to me, greeting Taemin and muttering lowly, "Hey hyung, didn't know you were back so soon. I see you've met the lovely Y/N hmm?" As he says this a bit of possessiveness leaked into his words and actions, of course, me being me, I choose to ignore it thinking that I'm overthinking things.

First of all, why would Kai even be this way with someone he just met, it's not like I'm anyone special, but his tight grip as he literally yanked me out of Taemin's hold is enough to thrust doubt into my speculation. As I look at both men I could see a sense of undeniable friendship and closeness but I cannot put my finger on it, Taemin keeps looking disappointed? Or sad...I'm unsure as he looks at Kai closer and then nods his head before walking away only to turn around and speak up cheerily compared to his expression just a minute ago. "C'mon guys, you won't wanna miss the game now would you?"

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