What the fuck exactly, do you think you're doing?
I mean, don't you think it's rude to advertise your work on somebody else's?
You're basically trying to capitalize on someone's talent.
That's just plain out rude. Some authors even write in author's notes, "NO SELF-PROMO ON MY WORK PLEASE. THANKS."
What is it that you don't get exactly?
Bitch, this isn't Instagram. Don't beg people to give you a shoutout.
Carry your ass to one of those Wattpad clubs that helps authors promote their work.
If your book is as good as you say it is, the content in it should be enough to get you those millions of reads.
It just takes time.
Like me for example, I'm only writing Wattpad Pet Peeves (let's just call it WPP, mainly because it sounds funny) to express my frustration from the humans who just so happen to inhabit Wattpad.
It's just for fucking fun.
I'm not looking for a book-deal. I'm not trying to be the next John Green or J.K. Rowling. It's just for fucking fun.
Yes. Many people take Wattpad seriously, and many don't. But you've got to have values and be fucking considerate.
How would you feel if someone advertised their work, on something you spent hours writing?
I know I'd feel some type of way.
So moral of my rambling, don't mooch (yes I said mooch) off of the talent of others.
I mean unless the author is cool with it, or actually wants you to self-advertise on the book they put their blood, sweat, and tears in.
And fwi, most aren't.
So... I wrote this like 3 days ago and now I'm publishing it today...
But anyway, vote, comment, and all that good jazz.
I don't know when I'll update again, but it'll probably be before the end of the week.
But anyway, thanks for reading!
Much love,
KRandom Ass Fact: You're beautiful.
Wattpad Pet Peeves
Random1) I've been on Wattpad for a good minute, and I think I can safely say I've seen it all. 2)I love Wattpad, and all its inhabitants dearly, most of 'em anyway... And finally... 3) These are all my damn opinions, and it's staying that way. So. I giv...