The Love Potion.

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This isn't my first story but it's my favorite story so far and so I hope you guys like it too!!

CHAPTER 1 - The Switch

What have I done? I just used the love potion on the wrong person.

1 hour earlier.

I marched into the magic shop with one intention, get the love potion and walk out quickly. Zoë's magic shop was crowded as usual when I stepped in; I ignored the old lady sitting in the middle with a crystal ball waving at me. Normally, when I came to the magic shop it was because I wanted my fortunes read, but not today, today I had a different agenda in mind.

I walked straight to the counter.

"Hi I want to buy a love potion." I blurted out and then looked around to see if anyone I knew was hanging around, I didn't want to be seen by anyone familiar buying a love potion.

The lady behind the counter lowered her glass at my pronouncement; she scrutinized me from head to toe before she said. "I wouldn't have pegged a girl like you to be having man trouble." She said half amused and half jealous.

It was my electric blue eyes; my eyes were the only attractive features I had. My mom said it was hypnotic and anyone who looked into my eyes suddenly forgot what they were about.

"Do you have some for sale or not." I said harshly than I meant to, I was in a hurry; I needed to get this love potion before Tim left for Canada in two hours.

She looked offended making me roll my eyes with impatience. Right now the only thing I cared about was the love potion I would come back to apologize later.

"36 dollars and 47 cents." She said coldly and handed me a perfume bottle, with love potion written on it. I paid her with my credit card and muttered thank you. She glared at me obviously still angry, I just ignored her. After I took the item I hurried out of the magic shop.

Outside I pulled out my phone and called Brianna, my half sister.  "Hey I got it."

"Good...take it to the airport I'll meet you there." She said.

The love potion wasn't for me it was for my half sister, her boyfriend Tim had dumped her for some stupid bimbo and she had recently discovered she was pregnant. It was my idea to buy the love potion. Tim might be a jerk but my sister loved him and he would be a great dad if you overlooked the fact that he was a man whore.

"Christina...hey Christina."

I turned around and saw my dad driving behind me in his car.  Damn it, I swore under my breath and then hid the love potion in my bag. "Hey dad what's up?" I faked my excitement to see him. Brianna was waiting for me at the airport and I needed to take this thing to her before Tim left her forever.

"Did you go to that magic shop again." my dad said, his voice was full of disapproval.

"Er yeah dad I have to meet Brianna." I said getting impatient.

"Christina I want you to stay away from that place, that been said get in I'll drop you off."

I got into the car reluctantly, if my dad found out what we were up to he would kill us.

"Dad what are we doing here."  I asked ten minutes later when we stopped at the hospital he worked.

"I just need to pick a few things then I'll drop you off." He said and got out of the car. I followed him thinking if I got to the airport late Brianna would kill me. Inside the hospital, somehow I ended up in the room of a brain dead boy. My dad had asked me to wait there while he picked up some files. I thought it was inappropriate to wait in the room of a patient I did not know but my dad insisted it was OK.

Since I had nothing better to do, I stared at the brain dead boy, he was very pale, there were all manner of tubes connected to him. From the gossip I just heard from a nurse, he was the son of some rich lady, who died in an accident, the son had survived but with brain damages. The doctors said he might never wake up, but because his mom had left him a fortune the doctors had been instructed to keep him alive even if it meant he would be like that for a thousand years.

Out of curiosity I leaned closer to look at him, definitely handsome I thought. My bag began to vibrate, the vibration was been caused by my ringing phone.

"Where the hell are you?" Brianna screamed.

"In the hospital with dad" I whispered afraid that someone might overhear.

"Christina I need it now!......PLEASE." Brianna begged. I could hear her sobbing in the background.

"Calm down Brie I'll bring it soon, so long as I've already bought it, I'll definitely deliver it relax............OOPS." My heart raced.

"Why oops" Brianna almost shouted in anxiety.


"What did you do?" Brianna bellowed.

"I dropped it." I cried out.



 What have I done!!! I just used the love potion on the wrong person. A dead boy to be exact!! I watched in horror as the contents of the love potion which I had accidentally spilled on the brain dead boy sank into the white sheets. Instantly pink and greenish smoke emerged from the sheets, it floated into the boy's nostrils. I knew once I had used this love potion on the boy we would be bonded together for life whether I liked it or not. The machines connected to the boy began to beep furiously.

The boy's eyelids trembled and fluttered open.

"YOU.....what the hell have you done." he screamed eyeballing me dangerously.

I stared at him traumatized; silently I was praying the love potion wouldn't work and that it would be a fake but I knew better, Zoë's magic shop was different.

"You've stolen my heart............reverse what you did you WITCH!!!" he yelled.

I continued to stare at him in horror, please don't let it work. In my head I knew it was too late, Zoë's magic shop wasn't one of those fake magic shops. The owner used real voodoo to make all the items sold in the store, which meant I had stolen this boys heart, the worst part was that I didn't want it. Now what?

"Christina!!!....... What the hell is going on?" Brianna yelled.

                                    To be continued........

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