Running Away

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Lizzie POV

I woke up in the morning and Josie was already up. She was already brushing her hair. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom and took a shower. I went to my wardrobe and i picked out my outfit i didn't wear my school girl outfits everyday like Josie. Me and Mallery always wore different outfits everyday. Hope was starting her first day at school today and Mallery wasn't to happy about it. She wanted to get to know her father, but she didn't like the fact that he had a daughter with a dog that he cheated with on our mom. Josie always see's the good in everyone so she was happy about Hope starting school. I walked into Mallery's room and i seen her still in bed and she didn't even get up yet and she would usually be up by now.

" Mallery wake up." I said while sitting on her bed.
" No first my school what next my life?" Mallery asked while sitting up.
" Josie is gonna be friends with her." I said while looking at Mallery.
" We should just run away we have Damon Salvatore's old car so lets use it and go somewhere." Mallery said while packing her bags.
" Good idea, but we will have to bring our ok old phones and we need to throw them out the window in some place so they track those phones." I said while grabbing a bag out of her closet.
" I will cloak us and we will go to the New York i know someone their." Mallery said while zipping up her bag.
" I will go pack my bags." I said while walking out.
" Lizzie don't let anyone else know not even Josie." Mallery said while looking at me.
" Okay I won't I promise." I said while shutting her door.

I went back to my room and Josie was gone so i hurried up and and packed my bags. I had four different bags. I left my laptop in my desk and I grabbed both of my phones, headphones, chargers, i also grabbed a picture of me, Josie, Mallery, dad, and mom. I knew this was a crazy idea, but i couldn't stay here and breathe they same air as Hope even though it wasn't her fault. Mallery grew up without knowing her dad because of Hope's mom. Mallery grew up knowing Stefan as her dad when me and Josie were little then he died and didnt get to say goodbye. Then dad came in her life and raised her the rest of the years. Me and Josie didn't know our mom either or her family, but we knew we had a crazy uncle.

Mallery POV

After packing i took the picture of me and my dad. I also took some books about him and his journals. I grabbed everything i needed and i met Lizzie by Damon's old car.

" I'm driving Lizzie." I said while putting everything in the back of the car.
" Okay but then i get to pick the music and did you cloak us already?" Lizzie asked me while shutting her door.
" Yes both of us is cloaked and i did a spell to take the trackers off of our new phones. So we can keep them and throw the old ones out." I said while starting the car.
" Ok lets go then." Lizzie said excitedly.

Once we drove away from the school and i saw the Mystical Falls sign and knew we weren't in Mystic falls anymore. My dad had a secret place and i was gonna throw our phones there.

" Lizzie we are gonna go to my dads old place in Chicago and put them at his apartment then leave." I said while driving.
" Okay but can we stop at the store and get some food, drinks, and maybe even bourbon?" Lizzie asked while scrolling through her phone trying to pick out the next song.
" Sure i will compel them to give ys bourbon just for you." I said while laughing.
" Thanks." Lizzie said while looking at me.

Once we arrived in Chicago i pulled up to an old apartment building.

" Follow me to his apartment no one has been here in ages. He also has an alcohol supply there." I said while getting out of the car.
" We will take most of the bottles." Lizzie said while walking behind me.

Once we got at the door of the apartment i opened the door.

" Throw the phones in there and crab some bottles and be quick so we can get to new york." I said while standing at the door.
" Ok." Lizzie said while walking in.

Once she threw the phones in the apartment and grabbed some bottle we hurried out to the car and once we got in we drove off to New York again. I have never been to New York and neither has the twins.

Paige POV

Ric have you seen or heard from Lizzie or Mallery all day?" I asked him in a worried voice.
" No I haven't seen either of them, but the car is missing and its been to quiet like no out burst at all today which isn't normal." Ric said while looking at me.

Then Josie and Hope come in my office.

" Mom, dad Lizzie and Mallery ran away. I was in me and Lizzie's room and the family picture was gone and half of her clothes and most of the things Lizzie would have." Josie said while looking at me.
" Did you check Mallery's room?" I asked them while looking at Ric.
" I went to get books of the shelf in the Stefan Memorial Library and all of his journals and Mallery's favorite books were missing. Then me and Hope went in her room and half of her stuff was missing and her and Stefan's picture the one thing she loves the most out of the whole world." Josie said while looking at Ric.
" She always told me that she would never leave him behind and by him she means the picture and all of his favorite things or anything about him. Stefan and Damon's dad always said he would take something very important to him to the grave." I said putting all the pieces together.
" So they ran away, but why it's not like Lizzie to run away unless its Mallery's idea." Ric said while looking at the girls.
" Mallery would get upset if something isn't her way or if she doesn't like that person or something amd Lizzie would only run away if she feels like she is not wanted or being replaced." I said while looking at Josie.
" Great we have two girls missing and there is only one other person who knows Stefan better than Stefan." I said while looking at Hope.
" My dad of course he does." Hope said while looking at me.
" Do you think you could call your family after all his other daughter id missing." I asked while looking at Hope.
" Yea i will give them a call." Hope said pulling out her phone.

Lizzie POV

So what are we gonna do next?" I asked while looking at Mallery.
" I am gonna Compel someone to let us live in their Penthouse so no vampire can get in without their permission." Mallery said while driving.
" Yay we get to live in a penthouse." I said excitedly.
" Hey maybe we can talk to dead people too play a supernatural game since where witches we can talk to spirits." Mallery said with a serious face.
" Tell me your joking. We can't talk to spirits their creepy." I said while looking out the window.
" I want to though." Mallery said while pouting.
" Fine." I said while looking at my phone.

We have been on the road for 8 hours now mom, dad, Josie, and the school is probably searching for us. Mallery is powerful so no one can uncloak us unless their power is stronger than Mallery, but Mallery is the first born Mikaleson witch which means onky her grandmother would be able to uncloak us and she is dead. Klaus made sure both grandparents along Finn would stay dead forever. Once i seen the New York sign i new we were gonna have fun. Once we parked we took our luggage out of the car. We walked in the lobby and we took the elevator and we went to the highest penthouse there and we walked in the penthouse and saw it was a woman in her 20's that lived there.

" Lizzie go in the penthouse and make her cone to me." Mallery said while putting down her luggage.

Once the man was infront of Mallery she started to compel her.

" What's your name?" Mallery asked the girl.
" Its Gabby." The girl said while looking at Mallery.
" You are gonna let me and my sister Lizzie live here with you. You will do what you normally do and you wont answer the door to anyone. You will ask me if someone if someone can come in. You will listen to me and my sister and take good care of us and you won't mention us to anyone." Mallery said while walking into the penthouse.
" Which bedrooms are available?" I asked Gabby while walking up the stairs.
" There are three other bedrooms available." She answered while walking into the kitchen.

I went to a bedroom that was already decorated and had a bed set on the bed. I put my clothes in the closet and I put the picture beside my bed. I turned off my location on my phone. I knew i wasn't allowed to text anyone. I slowly drifted off to sleep.

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