Sprits and Message

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Mallery's POV

After the visions stopped. I grabbed Lizzie's hand and i took her to my room. I locked the door and it was 10 pm. Then i set up candles and lit them, took off my necklace and placed it in the middle of the room. I turned off the lights and sat down.

" Mallery what are you doing?" Lizzie asked me looking at me.
" One of ky ancestors has a message for me and i need to hear it. It may be important." I said while looking at her.
" Okay." Lizzie said while sitting down.

Me and Lizzie started chanting a spell then Lizzie fell down because it took to much of her energy. I then seen the spirit.

" You had a message for me." I said to the spirit.
" Yes my child you are my first grandchild. Keep the necklace with you at all times it will protect you and when you need help i will be here to help you my child." The spirit said while looking at me.
" What's your name and what does this have to do with me?" I asked the spirit.
" My name is Esther im your grandmother Niklaus, Elijah, Kol, Rebekah, and Freya's mother. You never met my son Finn or your step grandfather the one who raised Niklaus, but also hates him Mikael. You will soon though. Just know Finn, Me, and Mikael are always with you." Esther said and then disappeared.

I quickly turned on my light and grabbed my necklace. I put my necklace on and i remembered what my grandmother said to me. I cleaned upped all of the candles and i carried Lizzie to her room and put her in the bed. I went back to my room and i got changed and fell asleep. The next morning i woke up and i got dressed and went downstairs. Gabby was making us breakfast. Gabby became our friend she talked to us, gave us advice, she took us shopping, bought us stuff, she even told us everything about her, and how Lizzie and I were like the children she never had. I loved New York and wanted to stay, but i knew me and Lizzie couldn't stay for long we have only been gone away from home for three days now. I knew by next week they would find us. I got Gabby's number from her phone and put it in my phone and also put my number in her's. I put me as " daughter Mallery " i wasn't gonna compel her to forget me and Lizzie. Me and Lizzie would leave by the end of this week and i am not gonna compel Gabby to forget us. I will just compel Gabby to pretend she doesn't know us unless she see's me and Lizzie. I was glad to know I had my dead grandparents and uncle by my side to protect me.

Klaus POV

We checked Stefan's old apartment in Chicago they were definitely there because they threw their phone's under the bed and stole some of Stefan's favorite alcohol.

" I can sense gemini magic." Kai said
" Well can you sense other magic too or just gemini." Freya said while looking at Kai.
" I can just sense gemini magic and siphon any other magic and gemini magic." Kai said
" So if they aren't here then that means they probably went to New York because Lizzie, Josie, and Mallery have all said how they would love to go to New York." Paige said while looking at me.
" Hold on Rebekah is calling me." Freya said answering the phone.

F: Hello Rebekah
R: Hope just got a bloody vision from our mother. Who is dead.
F: What did did she say?
R: Hope told said that mother, Finn, and father are with first born Mikaelson.
F: Which means they will help protect Mallery and help her control her Magic and make her strong.
R: Our Mother is playing bloody mind games with people even when she is dead.
F: I hate Esther more than any of you, but my father would not hurt me or kill me.
R: We know you don' t hate Mikael, but the rest of us do.
F: Have you found anything yet because were at Stefan's old apartment and found their phone's.
R: Marcel text me and said he has seen them hanging out with some woman in her mid 20's in New York.
F: So their in New York the place for any vampire to go for the perfect feed.
R: Yep Marcel told me he would let me know if he see's them again or finds out where they are living.
F: Mallery is smart she knows that a vampire can't enter someone's house without invitation
R: So they are living with a bloody human who can't talk about them unless she is talking to them.
F: Compelling people first trick in the book and easiest.
R: It Mallery is anything like us Mikaleson's then she would pick somewhere beautiful and expensive.
F: Like a New York penthouse. Its big, beautiful, and expensive and as long as a human owns it only me, Josie, Alaric can get in. She doesn't expect Kai. I have the perfect plan. Bye.

" I have the perfect plan." Freya said looking at me.

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