Boyfriend and Broken Deal

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Mallery's POV

I woke up and went to the bathroom to shower and brush my teeth and hair. Then I did my makeup lightly and got dressed. I went downstairs and saw that Gabby wasn't there. I saw Lizzie swimming.

" Where's Gabby at she never leaves this early." I said while looking at Lizzie
" She left a not saying she was going shopping for a bit." Lizzie said while swimming another lap.
" Well i have a date and you can't be here by yourself." I said while walking into the kitchen.
" I'll be fine besides no one can get in without Gabby inviting them in." Lizzie said while getting out of the water.
" Vampires, fully activated tribirds, and hybirds can't get in. A witch or human can get in." I said while looking at Lizzie.
" I will do an invisibility spell so no one can see or hear me. Lizzie said going upstairs.

I thought to myself maybe Kai is different i mean he looks like a eighteen or maybe nineteen year old, but i am still sixteen years old so im only two or three years younger than he is. Plus my family can't say whether i can date him or not, but its quite weird actually because they have only been calling and texting us. Which they would have by now figure out where we were which means they have someone here spying on us. After my date with Kai. Me and Lizzie are gonna leave and go to Pennsylvania. I may take Kai with me.


Gabby is now home and that's when I heard a knock at the door. I open it and I see Kai standing at the door.

" Hi I didn't know if this was the right time or not." Kai said nervously and chuckled.
" No your timing is perfect." I said while smiling.
" Bye, Lizzie and Gabby." I said while walking out of the house.

Me and Kai was already sitting at a Cafe around the corner from where me and Lizzie are staying at. Kai told me a lot about him and. I told him a lot about me and Lizzie. I actually kinda liked Kai. He seems different from most boys. Then after our date we stood up at the same time. Then all i remembered was our faces getting closer til we suddenly kissed. It was soft and sweet. Then we pulled away and things git awkward real quick.

" So what does this make us?" I asked him looking at him.
" Mallery Forbes do you wanna be my girlfriend?" Kai asked while looking at me.
" Yes of course i will be your girlfriend." I said while looking at him.

We then hugged and walked back to the penthouse. Of course i ket him come in and he stayed the night in my room. I had already told Lizzie and she started packing. As so did I. Tomorrow I was gonna compel Gabby. Kai agreed to come with us.

Paige POV

Its been a week since Lizzie and Mallery have ran away. Kai kept us updated. Then i get another text and its from Kai. After I read it I was furious and I rushed into my office where everyone else was at.

" Kai Parker is dating my daughter and broke our deal." I said while looking at Everyone.
" So what do we do now we can't just sit around and wait. Mallery is smart she would figure out our plan sooner or later." Ric said while looking at me.
" I don't know what to do she is to smart she will figure out our plan again. Unless." I said making them all look at me.
" Unless what?" Klaus said while looking at me.
" Unless we get Damon to help us. She has a soft spot for him because he is the closet thing she has left to Stefan." I said while looking at everyone.
" Because Damon is Stefan's brother and Mallery always had a close bond to Stefan and then when he died she stayed at Damon and Elena's house for weeks. She even called Bonnie to help her bring back Stefan." Alaric said while looking at me.
" She almost died that day and the next week she woke up she tried again. She wants to be reunited with her dad. Stefan and Damon is the answer to all of this." Josie said while looking at me.
" You mean my daughter was willing to risk her own just to be by Stefan's side dead or alive." Klaus said while looking at me.
" Yes she did it took months to get her out of that stage. Therapy, spa days, and we even made a self conscious crystal she could talk to. To make her self feel better." I said while looking at Klaus.
" She was worst then Lizzie." I heard a fimilar voice said.
" Damon." I said when we came in the doors and hugged me.
" I heard everything. I will help, but only so she doesn't flip the switch and tear up towns." Damon said while looking at me.
" So then why would Mikael, Finn, and mother like Mallery. To mother all supernatural are an abomination and Mikael hates Niklaus. Finn hated us all and probably still does. Elijah said while looking at Rebekah.
" Unless Esther knows what Mallery wants which means she would use that against her to do something stupid to get revenge on us. She knows when it comes to family it would lure us out. Which means she wants Mallery to raise mikael, then Mikael has Mallery kill herself. To make us come to her then kill Nik." Rebekah said while looking at me.
" So someone would probably die either way and if one of you die your whole sire line dies with you. I still don't know which sire line im from." I said while looking at the Mikaelson's.
" Well im not here for supernatural think squad. So hurry up because if she is anything like a Mikaelson she won't stop until she gets what she wants and her being raised by Stefan known as the ripper. I don't really think this will end up well." Damon said while walking to the car.

Mallery's POV

Once me, Lizzie, and Kai arrived in Pennsylvania we went to Katherine's old house we put the house in Lizzie's name so no one can enter unless Lizzie invites them in. Tomorrow would be my birthday. Everyday on ky birthday I would go with Damon and Elena to the Salvatore family tomb and would eat cake and drink bourbon at my dad's grave. That's how i loved spending my birthdays. I always felt like Damon was the closet thing i had left of my dad. Damon tells me a lot of stories about my dad and what he was like. He also told me my middle name was the name of my dad's best friend Lexi. My full name is Mallery Alexia Forbes, but I always liked putting Salvatore after Forbes. I knew I wasn't born a Salvatore, but Stefan was the closet thing i have ever had to a dad. When he died without saying goodbye I took his death harder than anyone's. I walked into my bedroom and sat on my bed and slowly fell asleep. Then i had a nightmare.

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