The Date and Official

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Mallery POV

As I went downstairs I seen Marcel starring at me. He then walked up to me.

" Mallery can I talk to you outside for a minute." He said while looking at me.
" Sure Marcel what's up?" I said while we walked outside.
" I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me this afternoon at eight." He said while looking at me.
" Yes I will go on a date with you Marcellus." I said while laughing.
" Ok I will pick you up at eight and please call me Marcel." He said while leaving.

I walked back inside and smiled. Then I seen everyone looking at me.

" What I got a hickey or something?" I asked while looking at them.
" We won't tell Niklaus about you and Marcellus, but you know anywhere you guys go and talk near this house we can hear." Elijah said while looking at me.
" Most of you can, but you can't tell Rebekah or Klaus they will be furious." I said while looking at them.
" Darling Davina will help you with your date she knows Marcel better than anyone." Kol said while looking at me.
" We won't tell and just because I despise my vampire strength doesn't mean I won't hurt him if he hurts you." Finn said while looking at me.
" Where is Josie, Hope, and Lizzie?" I asked while looking at them.
" They went out shopping and doing what normal teenage girls do." Freya said while walking in.
" Where is Klaus and Josh?" Davina asked while looking at us.
" Klaus is secretly watching the girls from where they can't see him and Josh is at Rousseau's." Kol said while looking at us.
" Okay im going to get ready Davina meet me up in my room in about twenty minutes." I said while walking up the stairs.

Once I got up to my room I went in my bathroom and took a shower. After the shower I did light make up and then i seen Davina in my room waiting.

" Davina you scared me." I said while walking near my closet.
" Sorry, anyways your outfit is on your bed and your shoes. Now get dressed and come downstairs. Klaus isn't home yet so hurry up if you don't want him to know what you and Marcel are doing. Also try to stay away from the french quarter Klaus and the girls are still in that area." Davina said while walking out.

After I got dressed I went downstairs and I saw Marcel, Davina, Elijah, Finn, Kol, and Freya looking at me.

" You look beautiful Mallery." Marcel said while walking to the stairs.
" You don't look to bad yourself." I said while walking down the stairs.
" Klaus and the girls are in the french quarter so try and stay away from there if you don't want Klaus to see you." Davina said while looking at us.
" Aww my babies are all grow up." Freya said while looking at us.
" They remind me of Davina and me when he were in love at that age." Kol said while looking at us.
" You all do realise that you have been the exact same age for like a thousand years now." I said while Marcel laughed.
" Come on lets leave the old elder ones alone." Marcel said while we walked out the door.
" They do realise that Marcel is older than me and her right." Davina said while looking at me.

Me and Marcel went out to eat and we went to all kinds of places this is the most fun I had since me and Kai, but Marcel was different from Kai. I trust Marcel and he makes me feel happy. After our date we went to his house.

" Nice place you have here." I said while walking in.
" Its kinda small,but your lucky only people who know about this place is Davina, Josh, Elijah, Rebekah, and Klaus. Kol knows of the place, but doesn't know where it is and then Finn doesn't know about it at all." Marcel said while looking at me.
" What do you want to do now?" I asked while looking at him.
" This." He said while kissing me.

We started kissing then our kissing turned into a make out. Then things git heated and then one thing leads to another. The next morning I wake up in Marcel's bed with his arm wrapped around me. I knew what we did, but I knew my family was gonna be even more furious.

" I was wondering when you might wake up." Marcel said while looking at me.
" Last night was fun." I said while looking at him.
" Your clothes are in a pile I know how your family is so I better get you home before they tell they Klaus." He said while getting dressed.

Once we got dressed he took me home. As soon as we walked in everyone looked at me. Lizzie, Josie, Hope, Freya, and Davina had smiles on their faces because they knew what happened. While Finn, Kol, Elijah, and Klaus looked furious.

" Why is she with you and why wasn't she here last night?" Klaus said while looking at us.
" How was it?" Lizzie asked while looking at us.
" We expected a date and for you to be home around yesterday night not this morning. Mini Rebekah." Kol said while looking at us.
" Ah yes Rebekah had a one night stand with Damon Salvatore twice in a row." Finn said while looking at everyone.
" I did nit need to know that one of my aunts and my uncle had anything." I said while looking at them.
" Klaus Mallery and I went on a date and then things got heated." Marcel said while looking at him.
" My daughter and you did WHAT!!!!" He said with a dark look in his eyes while everyone else was laughing.
" Elijah, Finn, and Kol I will gladly dagger you again and Freya I will snap your neck. Lizzie and Josie I can't really do anything to you, but Hope I will ground you." He said while looking at everyone.
" Dad take a chill pill everyone is having one night stands this year." Hope said and everyone burst out laughing.
" Niklaus Mikaelson do I have your blessing to date your daughter." Marcel said while looking at him.
" If he makes you happy then I suppose, but Marcel if you even dare hurt her in anyway I will hurt you." Klaus said while looking at him.
" Mallery Nikole Forbes Salvatore Mikaelson will you be my girlfriend?" Marcel asked while looking at me.
" Yes." I said while hugging him.
" Wait we just learned your middle name today and you have three different last names?" Finn asked while looking at me.
" My mom named me Nikole after the beginning of my dad's name and then my uncle Kol making Nikole. I sometimes use the last name Salvatore, but everyone calls me by Mallery Forbes because my real dad didn't know about me and wasn't in the picture." I said while looking at them.
" Well at least we know your full name." Finn said while looking at me.

Me and Marcel went up to my room and watched movies and talked. I love him, but I needed to tell Marcel about me moving.

" Marcel?" I asked while looking at him.
" Yes?" He asked while looking at me.
" I am moving in with my aunt Elena and uncle Damon I won't be going to school in Mystic Falls anymore or living there anymore. We are moving away from Mystic Falls." I said while looking at him.
" You will still come visit me down here right?" He asked while looking at me.
" Yes of course I will they told me I  could visit the Mikaelson's or Alaric and the twins anytime I wanted to." I said while looking at him.
" Well its time you come clean and tell them." He said while looking at me.
" Your right I have to tell them." I said while getting off the bed.

Me and Marcel head downstairs and I see them all in the same place. Which means its the perfect time to tell them.

" I need to tell you all something." I said while looking at them.

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