3 - glance

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-Notice: I made a few changes regarding spelling and grammar.-


It was the end of the day and I was in the library hearing tired senior high students clicking away in their laptops, small chats and whispers echoing all through out the library

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It was the end of the day and I was in the library hearing tired senior high students clicking away in their laptops, small chats and whispers echoing all through out the library. I decided it would be best if I would go back to the heavenly clouds later in the afternoon with less students present in school. I finally decided to leave as it was an hour passed since classes have ended. I walked to the back of the school until I felt a warm hand touch my small wrist.

Han: "Excuse me?" I said as I turned around abruptly.

Minho: "Calm down it's just me." He said in a more calming way.

Han: "How am I supposed to do that when you have the worst reputation in school?" I said trying to wriggle my wrist out of his tight grip.

Minho: "Oh so you know about that. Well I know what you are." He said trying to intimidate me.

Han: "What?" I said my eyes widened.

Minho: "Don't play around." His voice getting deeper.

Han: "I know the fact that you tried to read my mind and that you're not a mortal." I said my voice getting more confident this time.

Minho: "That's right. You're talking to a devil right now." He said smirking.

Han: "Nice information of yours." As an angel I used all my strength to break free.

In which, I succeeded and walked away. Not until I felt the same warm feeling on my skin.

Minho: "I know your not a mortal, tell me what you are."He said raising his tone a bit.

Han: "What about a 'no'. Bye!" I quickly left his sight using teleportation probably, hopefully leaving him dumbfounded.


I sigh heavily seeing him just leave like that. I teleported back to my cave and just sit on my heated bed. I was playing with the fire in my fingertips and throwing it around just day dreaming about that cute non-mortal boy at school. Is he a sea creature? Well there's the angel and devil, strongest of all. There's the ones that's simply only earth/rocks and simply just water/ocean. I don't really know. I should just confront him again until he speaks to me. I sighed as I flopped down onto my bed.

It was the next day and I used the same normal tactic and transmit myself to the back of school

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It was the next day and I used the same normal tactic and transmit myself to the back of school. I walked towards the front of the school and laid my back on a long metal pole and just stood there waiting for my two companions. I was scrolling through my Instagram feed when I felt someone's strong presence amble towards the school. I glanced upward to meet with a blond haired man wearing a white turtle neck and a black topcoat over it, with slim cut denim Chelsea boots and, I definitely can't miss his Harry Potter shaped like glasses with a black rim, gold bridge, and the gold temple as well. He looked perfect. It hadn't been long until I felt two other pairs of eyes staring directly at me.

Changbin: "Glaring at the new student, I see." He said teasingly.

Minho: "I was just glancing at him."

Hyunjin: "Sure." He said sarcastically.

Minho: "Let's just go you weirdos." I said as I walked off.

I lazily clump towards the classroom and sat at the first chair I could see, luckily being directly behind Jisung. I threw a paper at him hoping he opened it and to my avail he did. "What are you Han Jisung?" I asked through the letter. He threw it back, but to not what I was hoping for. "Shut up" he wrote in blue ink. I threw it back hoping for a different answer but instead of an answer he stood up and threw the paper through the trash bin at the back. He sat back down with a sigh this time. Was I being to annoying? 'Ding' an idea had popped through my head. What if I splash him with a tiny bit of water, he'll turn into a merman if he was water/ocean. I splashed some water directly at my finger then tapping his nape with it. Nope, didn't work. He didn't mind me though, which was good. So water/ocean is out of my list. Wait! I'm so stupid! If he teleported that means he's an angel! Water/ocean or earth/rocks can't teleport like that. I wrote on a piece of paper again and threw it at his table. "You're an angel, my smart ass was able to find out:)." He threw it back but more secretly this time. "If you were a smart ass you would've known since yesterday." I mentally face palmed myself and scribbled through out the paper to make sure it won't be readable towards the others. I threw it to the trash bin with the biggest smirk on my face and sat down. A few minutes after, the bell rang signaling lunch. I caught up to Jisung and slyly put a paper in his pocket, hoping he'd read it.

Date: August 24, 2020

Words: EDITED Date: August 24, 2020

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"I was just glancing at him."

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