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Dandelions • Ruth B.

It was 7:42 pm and most of the students had already finished dinner. The two groups headed towards their section for the bonfires and their sitting arrangement was like this:

 The two groups headed towards their section for the bonfires and their sitting arrangement was like this:

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They all happily and excitedly took a seat as they were enjoying the heat coming from the fire. Minho noticed how Changbin and Felix seemed to get along with each other and so was Hyunjin and Seungmin. Chan on the other hand was glaring at the two males, Hyunjin and Changbin. His eyebrows were knitted together but was soon relaxed after the younger asked him to calm down. As the marshmallows were delivered to the area they all took a handful and stuck it onto the reusable stick they were using. As for Minho, he accidentally lit the stick on fire at the part to which he was holding. But this wasn't unnoticed by Jisung as he quickly set it out and fixed the stick back to it's normal state.

Minho: "I would've been caught without you." He said as he gave the younger a warm smile.

Han: "Pfft, you would've already burnt the whole campsite down if I weren't here." He said playfully.

Minho: "Nuh-uh! I'm better than that." He said as his eyes widened.

Han: "Really?" He asked with his right eyebrow raised.

Minho: "Yea" He stopped for a while before continuing. "No..." He said in defeat.

The younger just chuckled at the older's behavior and ruffled his finger locks.

Minho: "Heck, i would've probably burnt the whole forest down if you weren't here with me." He said as his gaze softened at the younger.

Han: "I don't know if I should be worried or touched." He said giggling a bit.

Minho: "Both?" He said while laughing with the younger.

The two lovebirds were talking endlessly while exchanging laughter and giggles and minding their own business.

Chan: "Wait! They're giving alcohol over there!" He said as he pointed towards the right side where Hyunjin and Seungmin were at.

The boys dashed over except for Jisung who never liked the taste or the sensation of drinking alcohol. Although non-mortals like Minho and Jisung, Minho still loved the sensation of alcohol although he does not get drunk. Non-mortals can drink but they can't get drunk, no matter how much shots of alcohol they still won't get drunk. Minho grabbed two bottles of soju and placed it on the table they got from the side. He grabbed tiny shot glasses and filled them with soju.

Minho: "Want some?" He asked, gesturing the filled glasses on the table.

Han: "Nope I hate the feeling of alcohol."

Minho: "You're no fun. It's alright tho alcohol shouldn't be given to angels like you." He said winking at the younger.

Han: "Aish, your the one who's no fun."

Minho: "Whatever you say mademoiselle." He said slightly bowing at the younger.

Their conversation was going on and on until their other companions were completely wasted. Hyunjin and Seungmin were having a heated make up session and so was Changbin and Felix. Chan was clinging onto Jeongin as Jeongin wasn't drunk nor tipsy. Jisung just sighed as the sight and decided it was time for them to separate.

Han: "Alright people, let's get going. Jeongin I'll help you get your three hyungs back to your cabin, okay?" He asked in a slightly annoyed tone.

Jeongin: "Okay"

Minho: "Pizza face, let's go." He said in the middle of their make up session.

Changbin: "I'm staying with lixie." He said with slurred words and his arm wrapped around Felix's small waist.

Minho: "No, Felix is probably still a virgin and I don't think he want's to get fucked while he's drunk." He said harshly grabbing the raven haired's wrist and pulling him while Felix was on his lap.

Felix: "yEaAaAh" He said while striding unsteadily towards Jeongin. "yEeT" He said as he tripped over his own leg.

Minho grabbed Changbin and dragged him towards Seungmin and Hyunjins make up session.

Changbin: "Drama llama! Minho will gEt MaD iF yOu FuCk SeUnGmEaN wHiLe YoU aRe DrUnK!" He said very slurred and just copying what Minho did, pulling Hyunjin harshly on the wrist and pulling him away.

Minho grabbed Hyunjin and Changbin's wrists and dragged them towards the cabin while they were having conversations like 'hyung I'm busted, am I drunk?, Woah I can't feel my legs!, Seungmin I love you, Felix tasted great!, is it bad I wanna fuck Seungmin till he can't walk for like weeks?' And it just kept going on and on.

Han on the other hand was having a harder time to control the younger and older ones.

Han: "Hyung! If you hang on to Jeongin like a koala like that he's gonna snap in half!" He said trying to drag him away from Jeongin whom you could see is physically struggling to stand up now.

Chan: "Fine! Squirrel cheeks." He said happily as he clung onto Jisung.

Jisung, who is using his supernatural abilities, carried him baby style not caring about how heavy and tall the other older male is. Chan just snuggled closer onto the younger and rested his head at the blond's neck while wrapping his arms around the younger's neck. Jeongin just shrugged it off and grabbed Seungmin by the wrist and started walking towards the cabin. Jisung grabbed Felix who was still whiny about Changbin, clung onto Jisung's arm like his life depended on it. They finally reached the cabin and luck wasn't really on Jisung's side as Chan slept on the top bunk. He climbed the ladder and placed Chan down with a loud thump but thankfully Chan was still snoring meaning he was still asleep. They all settled in and Jisung left the cabin absolutely wrecked. His soft blond locks were now messy and his shirt was tucked in in one side and not in the other. He was in a complete daze while walking towards his cabin and was met with Hyunjin and Changbin jumping around like madman's and they were only in underwear. 'Great' the younger thought.

Wc: 1014
Date: September 15, 2020
Happy birthday Felix 🎂 🥳 Sorry for not updating that quickly🥺. But anyways, thank you for 1k readssss🥳🎉! This is the best I got so far and I'm so grateful💗🥺. I wuv you💞💗

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