7 - trip

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-Notice: I made a few changes regarding spelling and grammar.-

THIRD PERSON POVIt was the next day and students gathered earlier than usual for the trip

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It was the next day and students gathered earlier than usual for the trip. The whole class was gathered back to the classroom to clear up their partners and rules.

Teacher: "Class let's continue from where we left off."

She continued stating the rules and moved on to the partners.

"Han Jisung and Lee Minho."

The rest non chosen girls and some boys complained that they weren't partners with Minho. Some few girls and boys complained that they weren't with Jisung but it was all good, except for the crazy Minho fan girls. The girls glared at Jisung for a few minutes before looking back at the teacher. Han just brushed the glares off and focused to what the teacher was saying.

Teacher: "Alright settle down, we're going to take cabins as well. It's be four people on each cabin the groups had been chosen by the teachers and we will not change your groups at all."

The students whined and groaned again and kept questioning why they had to assign the partners and groups anyway. The girls this time had hope that they'll be with the trio Changbin, Hyunjin or Minho. The girls in the school actually preferred hot boys like Minho, not for the soft cute types like Jisung although a bunch of them were fine and also preferred Jisung but majority liked Minho's type more.

Teacher: "Chan, Jeongin partner with Seungmin, Felix." She continued with the other students.

Han was quite disappointed that he wouldn't be with his friend group but he hoped that he won't be with those die hard fans of Minho. Han isn't great with strangers for his very introverted personality along with his anxiety, it just didn't click for him.

Teacher: "Changbin, Hyunjin partner with Minho, Jisung partner."

The girls whined louder and felt as if they didn't need to go to the trip anymore. But no one would rather study in school either. The girls slammed their tables and kept complaining about how unfair it was.

Teacher: "Girls calm down! If you don't you'll have to clean the school and not attend the trip!"

The girls slumped down to their chairs with a huge sigh and let the teacher continue. However Jisung just stiffened and grew pale from the news. He'd be with the top three students who practically bullied more than half the school. He knew and hoped that Minho wouldn't do anything to him. He trusted him already, he wouldn't break the trust right? Minho noticed Jisung stiffen up so he decided to nudge him from the back a little.

Minho: "You'll be fine." He said with a reassuring smile.

Han: "You sure?"

Minho: "Definitely." He smiled bigger and looked at him in the eyes.

They broke contact and continued on with the class. When the bell rang the students shuffled out of the classroom and towards their friends. They had half an hour before going to the bus so the students decided to meet up with their friends first.

Chan: "I know who your partner is and your cabin mates as well and I don't like it, at all." He said as his eyebrows connected making a frown.

Han: "Hyung it'll be fine, considering the warning you gave them last time." He said trying to make the older males frown disappear.

Chan suddenly started walking towards somewhere so Han followed him.

Chan: "Don't you dare hurt him. If he comes to me crying or with a bruise your dead meat." He said sternly and grabbed my wrist and left, not leaving them a chance to speak.

Han: "Oh c'mon don't be too harsh." Han said playfully nudging Chan's shoulder.

Chan: "Han, I care for you. Those awful bastards played with my old friends feelings and bullied him afterwards. I couldn't contact that friend anymore because he left, because of those three. The same almost happened to Jeongin if I hadn't stopped them. I just care for you Han, I don't want you to leave either." He said a bit teary eyed.

Han: "It won't hyung I'll make sure of that."

The school made an announcement for the students to get on our perspective buses so Han and his friend group bid their goodbyes and parted ways. Han arrived at his perspective bus and saw Minho already waiting for him at the front.

Minho: "Ya ready?" He asked with a smirk.

Han: "Definitely but where do I put my luggage?" He asked shaking his luggage a bit.

Minho: "Inside the bus. Give it to me I'll put it for you." He said placing his hand on the luggage and getting it from his grip.

Han: "Thanks."

Han couldn't really say sorry for Chans behavior earlier because it was understandable why he might be overprotective about Han. So Han decided not to apologize anymore. The went to sit in front of the bus and settled down. They were getting ready for their three hour drive so they grabbed snacks and waited for the bus to move. All was heard in the bus were very loud chatter and even some music but nothing special for them.

Date: August 27, 2020
Hi friends, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Words: EDITED Date: August 27, 2020Hi friends, I hope you enjoyed this chapter

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"Han Jisung and Lee Minho."

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