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⌀〄⌀〄⌀〄⌀〄⌀〄⌀〄⌀〄⌀〄⌀〄⌀〄⌀〄⌀They were still kissing on the porch swing and the more the kiss became more heated the more the swing moved

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They were still kissing on the porch swing and the more the kiss became more heated the more the swing moved. They both lost track of time and just focused on the kiss and nothing else. After all, who can see them if the other students was forced to stay in the cabins? Slowly Minho laid on top of Jisung while the younger was laying back down on the porch swing. Minho's right hand was on Jisung waist while his left was on the blonds left thigh. Their kiss was only interrupted by the pair falling off the swing and onto the cold wooden floor. They both pulled away and entered a fit of giggles. They were giggling and chuckling on the floor before standing up and cuddling on the porch swing again. They both had slight smirks on their faces and looked at each other in union.
*oof I wrote this after school, plus I really suck writing kiss scenes so..."

Minho: "Cute little baby." He said staring at the hazel blue orbs in the youngers eyes. "Your eyes are so beautiful baby."

Han: "Hm, Really? I've never actually looked at them." The blond suddenly grew curious to what his eye color was. "What color are they?"

Minho: "Hazel blue, the prettiest eye's I've seen." He said bopping the youngers nose softly with his finger. "What are mine?"

Han: "I thought they were a deep color of brown but I once I actually saw them up close, they're's a hint of red."

Minho: "Why's mine not obvious like yours?" He said pouting his lips a bit.

Han: "Because it isn't normal, mine are really rare but it's still real handsome." He said in a cute hushed tone.

Minho: "Right, mortals..." He said giggling a bit.

Han: "Alright, what about stranger things?" He said opening Netflix and searching 'Stranger Things' up.

Minho: "I'm so down." He said prolonging the word 'so'.

They watched two more episodes before hearing the doorknob click.

*oml I just like stopped thinking for a good 5 minutes. I'm not sure if I called Minho a brunette but scratch that, he's a ginger now;).*

There revealed a messy haired brunette rubbing his eyes gently while looking at the pair.

Han: "You woke up! How are you feeling now idiot?"

Hyunjin: "Actually fine, what medicine did you use? I don't feel sick anymore."  He said shocked feeling better after a nap.

Han: "Paracetamol? Probably." Han said lying when the pills clearly had magic in them.

Hyunjin: "Really? Cool." He said fully stepping outside to stretch.

Minho: "Get yo-ass back there before you get sick again." He said in a demanding tone.

Han: "What he said." He said clicking away in his laptop.

Hyunjin: "Alright." He thankfully listened.

Hyunjin glanced at the pair again and noticed the dark little hickeys on Jisung's neck. He raised his eyebrows and smirked while opening the door. 'That coward finally did it, all what's next is to confess.' That thought flew around in Hyunjins mind making him smirk widely and get a little bit excited.

Hyunjin: "Hey pizza face, give me my 20 bucks." He said smirking evilly.

Changbin: "Wait, they kissed?!" He said loud but not loud enough for them to hear outside. "Fine and also I'm your hyung so you don't just say 'pizza face'."

Hyunjin just rolled his eyes and grabbed the money from his hands.

Hyunjin: "and also, you can see the hickeys clearly on Jisungs neck." He said chuckling a bit.

Changbin: "You saw- see ya." He said quickly shuffling his feet outside.

Han: "Hi hyung, you feeling better?" He asked facing him.

Changbin didn't even answer, he clearly saw the dark hickeys on his neck, also not to mention how much there are too. A smirk just crept onto his face and his eyebrows wriggled making the other pair, confused.

Minho: "Hello? Pizza face you there?" He asked making Changbin snap out of it.

Changbin: "For the last time I'm not a pizza fa-" He said as his smirk vanished and his eyebrows went low.

Hyunjin: "Yes you are!" Hyunjin said screaming and cutting Changbin off.

Changbin: "Anyways, i feel fine, perfect actually." He takes a deep breath before continuing. "Ok bye imma take that self-confident ass down." He said rushing inside the cabin.

Minho: "Yeah, i gave you hick-" He said looking down and fiddling with his fingers.

Han: "I already read his mind and no I'm not mad." He said staring lovingly towards Minho.

Minho: "Wait, seriously?" He paused before continuing; "Oh yeah, I forgot you can remove those..." He said in a low tone with sadness underlining it.

Han: "I'm not removing it silly, I actually like it and I am fine with it, plus it's way to obvious if I remove it." He said smiling in a lovey-dovey way.

Minho: "Really?" He said thinking that the blond would hate it. "How can a man like me deserve a man like you. I'm luck as fuck." He said patting Jisungs head.

Han: "No, silly I don't deserve you." He said smiling fondly at the older.
*i cringed too*

Minho: "I've been wanting to ask you something." He said looking a bit shy.

Han: "Go ahead, what is it?"

Minho: "I liked you ever since I met you but I don't know if you did. I wanna be with you forever even with our differences I love you way too much to let that be a bother in our relationship." He placed his hands on the younger's  chin and made the blond face him. "I love you Han Jisung, my angel. Will you be my boyfriend?" He said looking at him straight in the eye.

Han: "Are you kidding?" He said a smile showing on his lips. "After all we have done together, I'd love to be your boyfriend." He said and lightly pecked the older's lips.

The two hugged tightly and had huge smiles on their faces. They cuddled up together again and continued their Netflix until it reached dinner time.

Wc: 1011
Date: September 7, 2020
This chapter was trash ik.😔😔

𝙸 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚐𝚞𝚢𝚜.💗

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