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3rd person POV
Han and Minho's relationship isn't completely close but maybe a frenemy type, Han was still skeptical of Minho because of his play boy and bully reputation. Minho kind of hoped for their relationship to be fixed or for them to get closer on the trip.

It was the next day and today there was going to be activities prepared by the school. At around 7 am the horn was blown, waking up the students and signaling for them to get ready. Han got up early and took a shower first. He stepped outside the shower surprised to see the others awake. Minho, Hyunjin and Changbin snapped their heads towards the direction of the bathroom and stared at his lightly tanned well built body. Han who was completely embarrassed closed the door quickly and just stood there in shock. He snapped out of his thoughts and popped on his clothes. He scurried out of the room in embarrassment and made no eye contact.

Hyunjin: "Damn he's hot." He said looking towards Changbin.

Changbin: "I think you forgot that Minho likes him. But it was really hot. His half wet hair and water on his upper body like that-"

Minho: "Oh shut up." He cut Changbin off.

Hyunjin: "He's well built too." He said still trying to remember the scene.

Changbin: "Not as well built as Minho though." He said hoping to receive a praise from Minho.

Instead of a praise, Minho lifted up his hand and smacked his hand together with Changbins with a smirk on his face. The three got ready for the day hoping for the activities that day would actually be fun or enjoyable.


♕♔♕♔♕♔♕♔♕♔♕♔♕♔♕♔♕♔♕♔♕♔♕♔♕♔Once the boys walked outside they could see Jisung sitting on the wooden porch swing bed seated nicely with a rather large White off white hoodie, black ripped jeans, Harry Potter like glasses with a book on his hand

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Once the boys walked outside they could see Jisung sitting on the wooden porch swing bed seated nicely with a rather large White off white hoodie, black ripped jeans, Harry Potter like glasses with a book on his hand.

Hyunjin: "What a book worm" Hyunjin chuckled lightly.

Han: "Heard that." He said rather calmly.

Hyunjin: "You got nice hearing then." He said laughing.

Han: "Thank you." He said calmly once again.

Minho: "You coming to breakfast?" He said trying to stop them before they start bickering.

Han: "Nope, not hungry." He said fast trying to end their conversation quick.

But of course the stubborn Lee Minho made sure not to make it short.

Minho: "Do you even eat?" He asked sarcastically.

Han didn't answer he just glued his eyes on the book he was reading trying to block out all noise.

Minho: "Answer me you skeleton." He demanded.

Still, no answer.

Minho: "Oi! You deaf or what?" He said stepping closer.

Still no reaction from the younger.

Minho: "Eat."

Han: "No."

Minho: "Eat."

Han: "No."

It just kept going on and on and Changbin and Hyunjin just watched. Amused.

Minho: "Fine, but if you die of starvation expect a 'He was stubborn as hell thats why he ended up like this' on your grave stone." He said finally stepping away.

Han: "Ok" His eyes still glued onto the book.

The three boys left without him and Han didn't even bother. He was still reading this book about Korean history and he absolutely loved it. He was peacefully reading until he heard a familiar voice calling his name.

??: "Jisung-Ah!"

Jisung: "Oh Jangmi Noona!" He said placing his bookmark to the current page he was in and closing the book.

Yoo Jangmi was Jisungs close friend. They're very close considering that she'd invite him to her family gatherings all the time. Although Jangmi was three years older than him, their personalities clicked very well.

Jangmi: "Aren't you going to eat breakfast?" She asked taking a seat beside him.

Han: "Nope, not hungry." He said looking down.

Jangmi: "I won't force you. But anyway I heard your with the three bad boys or whatever?" She asked concerned.

Han: "Yeah, don't worry they don't bully me plus, I can protect myself very well." He said smiling from ear to ear.

Jangmi: "Good, because if they bully you even once their dead meat, literally." She said eyeing the names on the door.

Han: "Yeah, yeah. Anyway who're you with in your cabin?" He said making eye contact.

Jangmi: "I'm partners with Seungji and cabin mates with Yeji, Hyerim and Teeny."

Han: "Isn't it supposed to be four only?"

Jangmi: "Yeah but Teeny's partner couldn't attend so we gladly asked the teacher for her to come with us, and the teacher said yes so..." She said smiling widely.

Han: "Lucky you got to be in your friend group." I pouted.

Jangmi: "Don't worry there's only today and we're going home tomorrow." She said patting Han's back.

Just then Minho had returned from breakfast and walking excitedly to the cabin. That excitement was short lived it was replaced with jealousy once he saw Jisung with a senior student. 'I thought he was gay wait is he? Who's this girl he's hanging out with?' Thoughts like those flew around around his head but he just continued on to the cabin trying to hide his jealousy. He unknowingly slammed the door and flopped onto the bed.

Jangmi left a few minutes after Minho entered and bid goodbye to Jisung happily. Jisung grabbed his book and took off his glasses and popped his head inside the cabin.

Minho: "Hey" He said not making eye contact with the younger.

Han: "Oh, I thought you'd be mad at me after our little argument earlier." He said flopping onto the bottom bunk.

Minho: "Well, it's your body not mine." He said as he plopped his head towards the bottom bunk. "And who was that lady earlier?"

Han: "Oh, Jangmi? She's a child hood friend of mine and don't worry she's lesbian." He said smirking.

Minho: "Worry? Why would I worry?" He scoffed.

Han: "Um, you were smiling as if you weren't a devil and after I blinked once your face gave me more proof that your a devil plus, you were kinda glaring at her." He said facing him with the 'it was obvious face'.

Minho: "Yeah, whatever." He said as he went back to the top bunk and laid down comfortably.

Wc: 1029
Date: September 1, 2020
Hi author here, hey ya'll happy jungkook day! Jungkook is 23 years old internationally and *wipes fake tears* the baby is growing up fast. Get ready ya'll jilix twins birthday are 13 and 14 days from now and Seungmins is 21 days from now. Idk about you but I'm gonna get ready for one hectic of a vlive. Thank you for 242 reads I'm sobbing even more now ;-;💗💞💜

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