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All the students were grouped up by their cabin mates and waited for some teachers voice to finally be heard through the speakers. Finally someone spoke up.

Jinyoung: "Hello students, today the activities will be divided by gender."

Some of the girls groaned and whined while the rest was completely fine about it.

Jinyoung: "The girls will go to the beach first and do the obstacle course after. The boys will do the obstacle course first then the beach. The time slots would be 9:00 am to 12:00 pm then at 12:10 pm we all will head to the cafeteria for lunch and lunch will be from 12:10 pm to 1:00 pm. The next activity would be done from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Hope you enjoy and don't forget to stay safe." He left the stage and told other teachers to guide the girls and boys to their perspective places.

After waiting for about an hour it was Minho and Jisung's cabin to go to the obstacle course. When they saw it Minho and Jisung were filled with excitement considering their non mortals and they can do practically anything. But Changbin and Hyunjin were terrified.

Changbin: "We're supposed to ride THAT?" He said making his tone higher at the word 'that'.

Hyunjin: "We can die like this!" He said as the dramatic ass he was.

Minho: "Well you both have no choice so stop over reacting and get your ass over here!" He said as they were around two meters apart.

They slowly made their ways to them and got their harnesses on.

Han: "C'mon you scaredy cats." He said as he was in the middle of the first obstacle.

It was pretty easy for Minho and Jisung because of their incredible balance. They finished the first obstacle and stood on a pole with some sort of wooden table they could stand on. The other pair was still in the middle of the obstacle course, screaming at every step they take. Finally after about ten minutes, they stepped at the last wooden peg and was met with strong glares.

Minho: "Slow pokes, the next obstacle course is harder so get your asses ready." He said pointing towards an obstacle course that were monkey bars, really long monkey bars.

The whole course was about three meters long so it'd probably take them a longer time to finish. But, there was a thin rope they could step on for some sort of unsteady support. The two other males gasped at the next obstcle.

hyunjin: "Nope." He said turning back.

changbin: "I'm coming with you." He said following Hyunjin.

Minho grabbed Changbins wrist and Han grabbed Hyunjins.

Minho: "Hell nah." He said pulling him.

Han: "What he said." He said pulling him too.

Both Hyunjin and Changbin groaned as Minho and Jisung gestured the other pair to go first. Hyunjin being the dramatic ass he is, screamed at the top of his lungs when he grabbed the first monkey bar.

Changbin: "I'm glad i have these beautiful triceps." He said as he flexed them.

Minho: "Just go hoe."

Changbin went slightly faster then Hyunjin but without a doubt they were both so slow. Jisung and Minho was good at this because of their non mortal features they can do everything well. This was quite unexpected for Hyunjin and Changbin they honestly thought he would be a scaredy-cat like them but he wasn't, he was rather good.

Hyunjin: "Heck, Jisungs as good as Minho." He said a tad bit conscious of Minho.

Changbin: "I can't believe that I actually agree with you."

Hyunjin: "Well his body was really gre-"

Han: "Shut up" He cut Hyunjin off before he could even continue.

Minho: "Welp i'm excited to swim." He said trying to change the subject.

Han: "I kinda am too. I love playing in the water." He stopped for a moment and continued "Wait, what are we even waiting for? Go! I'm going first tho." He said as he waddled to the next obstacle.

The next obstacle course was rock climbing then rappelling down to the next obstacle course. Quite easy for Minho and Jisung but since Changbin does exercise a lot hence the nickname 'work out pig' but Hyunjin dances and that's builds some core muscle which would also be useful in rock climbing. Jisung happily waddled over to the starting point and climbed up as if he was as light as a feather.

Hyunjin: "He's really cute and tiny. I just wanna squish those little cheekies and keep him in my pocket." He said absolutely forgetting about Minho's presence.

Changbin: "Same he just so cu-" He said in a tiny voice.

Minho: "Do you know who's behind you? I can fucking kill both of you right now." He said as the other two received a hard slap on their cheek.

Hyunjin and Changbin just stood there dumbfounded. They couldn't believe they said that out loud and in front of Minho's face. Minho just went and shrugged off his anger. The other two followed behind and completed the course without any struggles. They finally completed the rather short course and sat down.

Han: "Although I moved a lot It's still freezing cold." He said as he stared visibly shivering and shaking.

Minho felt warm as always but not warm enough for him to sweat.

Chan saw Jisung at the corner of his eye shivering and rubbing his hands together. Without any single hesitation he grabbed the extra gray Jacket he brought and rushed over to Jisung.

Chan: "Here, my little squirrel got cold."

Chan often called his best friends cute nicknames so it wasn't something serious, it's just for fun. Although it is Minho could feel jealousy build inside him. His face unconsciously frowned and glared at Chan for a few seconds. Jisung grabbed the jacket and said 'thank you' before bidding goodbye to him. Minho's jealousy faded away and was replaced with affection for the younger. He slung his arm around the younger and rested it there, soon Han just melted in the touch it was warm and comfy. He knew it was Minho but he wanted more. He leaned in to the touch and snuggled his head on the older's chest and made himself comfy. Minho was happy at that moment and wanted it to last forever. He pulled Jisung closer by his waist and patted his hair a few times. Jisung was quite flustered by the sudden action but enjoyed it soon after.

Wc: 1091
Date: September 2, 2020
Hi author here, hey ya! I the orientation today sucked it was soooo boring. But ya know since my batch is crap, it made it more fun;). My teacher is quite chill and young so we had free conversations and when we didn't we chatted in the group chat of messenger. It was kinda the best first day of school considering the feast that class ended at 11:10 am :). 𝔰𝔢𝔢 𝔶𝔞 𝔫𝔢𝔵𝔱 𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯!

𝓨𝓸𝓾 ✨𝓷 𝓲 𝓬 𝓮✨ 𝓴𝓮𝓮𝓹 𝓰𝓸𝓲𝓷𝓰.

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