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The younger sighed at the sight of his two hyungs jumping and giggling with only underwear on. Han looked at Minho and he showed the same stressed expression.

Minho: "What the fuck do we do." He asked, his voice showing he is clearly annoyed.

Han: "Honestly? I think we use our powers since they are super wasted." He said still in a daze as he watched his two hyungs still laughing.

Hyunjin giggled and made his way towards the blond, biting his bottom lip in the process.

Hyunjin: "Your ass is big, i wanna fuck the life out of it." He said, grabbing the younger's butt cheek and squeezing it harshly.

Changbin: "Hey! Me want too! His his waist is is so small!" He said grabbing the younger's waist with one hand.

But before anything could happen, they both dropped to the floor.

Han: "They better be alive." He states as he used his powers to elevate the two from the floor and make them hover towards their beds.

Minho: "I want them to be dead 'cause no one can touch you, your mine." He said making his way towards the younger and grabbing him by his waist. The younger stood there flustered, not knowing what to do next. The older leaned down to the younger's neck and stopped before pecking his neck dozens of times.

Han: "Hyung not now, I don't want other students to see it tomorrow." He said pulling away from the older.

Minho: "So What? I want them to know your mine." The younger blushed at his statement and was pulled backwards by the older.

The ginger-haired soon started to make his way towards the blond's neck. He breathed warmly against it, sending shivers down the younger's spine. He licked the spot a few times before kissing it and sucking it. He swirled his tongue around the finished product a few times before looking at it. The older proceeded doing it at different spots and found one that made the younger whimper louder than the others. The older figured it was the blond's sweet spot so he continued to suck at the milky white skin below his collarbone. Jisung let out continues low moans trying to hold it in for no one to hear. He bit his lip harshly causing it to be cherry red. The older stopped sucking and looked at the bruise that was the darkest out of all the others. The ginger connected their lips together and started kissing passionately. The older's tongue entered the younger's mouth and explored it freely, tasting it again.


The next day they were finally leaving at 3pm. That was enough for the boys to finish packing and get ready for the two hour bus ride. Jisung stretched and yawned as he woke up on his bunk, thankfully with his clothes on. The younger noticed that all his hyung's were still sleeping and most probably exhausted. The blond went to the bathroom to wash his face but was completely dumbstruck at all the hickeys on his neck. An idea popped in his head and he went to go grab a white turtle neck, that is until his boyfriend stopped him.

Minho: "What do you think you're doing baby?" He said grabbing the turtle neck from the younger's hands.

Han: "Um, patching up all the hickeys you made." He said in a whisper-shout type of tone.

Minho: "Nuh-uh I made that so people will know you are mine. Don't cover that."

Jisung just groaned and folded the white turtle neck neatly and put it back in his bag. He grabbed a white Balenciaga sweater, Gucci black skinny jeans, and a white Luis Vuitton Archlight sneakers. He then took a shower and got ready for the day.

Hyunjin woke up to a very painful headache. He was very hungover and couldn't remember what happened last night. Changbin was the same they both got up with loud groans and plopped back down to bed as soon as they got up. They heard the bathroom door click and all three of their faces snapped towards the direction.

Hyunjin: "This headache is fucking killing me. But damn you look expensive." He said eyeing the younger's outfit.

Changbin: "Yea, you're wearing full on designer." He said eyeing the younger as well. "And damn the hickeys on your neck are the most important part."  He stated making the younger flush and Minho smirk.

Minho: "Yep, he mine." He said grabbing the blond by his waist and pulled him close to the side.

Minho lightly pecked the younger's head and ruffled his hair.

Minho: "I love you." He said lifting the younger's chin so the blond would face him.

Han: "I love me too." He said grinning lightly and looking away.

The others just snickered at the younger's statement and held in their laughter. Minho pulled the younger back this time their chests touching and pulled the younger's chin again, making their noses touch.

Minho: "That wasn't really the answer I was expecting baby."

Han: "I love you too hyungie." He said as he pecked the older's lips lightly and quickly.

Wc: 860
Date: September 17, 2020

"𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓮𝔂𝓮𝓼 𝓽𝓮𝓵𝓵"

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