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Sweet Night • KIM TAEHYUNG

The eight boys bid their goodbyes and went home, leaving the couple Minho and Jisung alone.

Minho: "What's going to happed to us?" He asked, his voice dripping with sadness.

Han: "Until the Gods separate us? I don't know." He said, his mood immediately dropping. "That's why I never wanted to get close to you or even with anyone because one day i'll go back up there and will never see anyone until they come up there." He said, his eyes welling up with tears. "Plus, i won't hurt anyone's feelings by leaving them, the God's will just erase every little fact that I'm in the mortal world, it'll just hurt me, as if I was just nothing."

Minho: "You'll never be nothing in my eyes angel, and in whatever they'll do, I'll remember you because you're the one who stole my heart." He said, his eyes welling up with tears as well. "You're the one who taught me how to love."

Just like that, they cuddled with each other until it was time to go home. They flew back to their worlds and couldn't keep it out of their mind, that one day they'll have to be separated forever and they didn't even know when they'll have to permanently stay in their own worlds.

At Minho's place, he was just lying on the bed throwing a little fireball and catching it over and over again.

Dazai: "You okay bro?"
(A/N: I love Dazai🥺💗💞)

Dazai was and is Minho's best friend ever since he was young. Dazai as you can probably tell is a demon too.

Minho: "Hey bro," He heavily sighs before continuing, "I don't wanna be separated with Jisung, my boyfriend."

Dazai: "He's your boyfriend now? Good luck dealing with that separation and I think it's almost dew." He said, catching the fireball from Minho.

Minho: "That's isn't very encouraging." He said glaring at the male.

Dazai: "Well, you can always ask the God of the underworld, maybe he'll let you go to heaven." He said, blowing the fireball to ashes. "They say it's way better there, I suggest you go there."

Minho: "Fuck, your smart!" He said, sitting up at the idea.

Dazai: "Nope you're just stupid." He said, walking away.


At Heaven, Jisung was just about to approach the God of Heaven to ask about him and Minho's relationship.

Han: "Excuse me, God Park Jinyoung?"
(Guess which one 😉 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

Jinyoung: "Yes? What is it sweetie?" He asked in a very welcoming tone.

Han: "About my boyfriend..." He asked looking down and fiddling with his fingers.

Jinyoung: "Ah, about that I have to ask the God of the underworld and the other Gods with me and the other Gods with him, my friends you know?" He asked, winking at the blond.

Han: "F-friends?" He asked slightly confused about him being friends with the Gods of the underworld.

Jinyoung: "Yes, now go on. I have some clouding to do." He asked sweetly. "But I'll do what I can."

Jisung bowed respectfully and left the God's cloud. He flew back to his cloud and sighed. Jisung went home to nine girls staring at him on the couch.

"Spill" The nine said in union.

Han: "What? About the trip?" He asked, completely confused.

Jihyo: "Yes, and the hickeys." She started staring or more of glaring at the younger.

Han: "Oh my boyfriend-" the younger was cut off.

"YOUR WHAT!?" The girls screamed looking at each other in confusion and curiosity.

Han: "My boyfriend, Minho. The only devil that I love." He said as the girls looked at him in shock.

"A WHAT!? A DEVIL!?" They all said in union.

"Is he hot?"

"Does he have abs?"

"Will you be together forever?"

"He gave you those? He good"

"I want to meet him."

"He's probably hot."

"It would be funny if he was shorter than Jisung."

"Is he a sub?"

Questions kept flying around like that and Jisung was tired and just wanted to sleep.

Han: "I want to go to bed." He said as he yawned and stretched.

Nayeon: "Girls, the baby is tired and needs to sleep, quiet down." She said, her mother instinct kicking in.

Han: "Thanks noona." He flashed a quick and tired smile before heading to bed and sleeping.

Wc: 726
Date: September 19, 2020

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