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The horn was blown, ruining Minho and Jisungs cute moment. They all stood up in union and walked towards the cafeteria.

Minho: "Are you gonna eat this time?" He asked in a more loving way.

Han: "Yeah, sure maybe?" He said unsure.

Minho: "That's an improvement." He said nudging the younger softly.

They walked towards the cafeteria with slight smiles on their faces. Minho and Jisung head to the buffet and takes a look on the food. There was chicken, pork chops, brocoli mixed with shrimp, barley rice, and corn and carrots with salmon. Minho happily took two plates and gave one to Han and one for himself. Minho grabbed a chicken drumstick and placed it at the top of his plate. Jisung grabbed a small piece of pork chop and looked at Minho as if he wanted a praise.

Minho: "Good boy." He chuckled at the cuteness of the younger.

They came back to the table with plates of food. Jisung got a pork chop and salmon. Minho got chicken, salmon and a small portion of barley rice. They were sitting across Hyunjin and Changbin who had already began eating. They also began eating in a normal pace. Jisung stuffed his cheeks with pork chop and salmon which made him look like a squirrel. Hyunjin takes a glance at the both of them and adores at how Jisung eats, it was their first time seeing it anyway.

Hyunjin: "Quokka" He said with a wide smile.

Changbin: "Aww look it looks like he has a little cheek pouch." He said tapping his cheeks lightly.

Minho just clears his throat signaling them to stop. Hyunjin and Changbin thankfully for the signal because of they didn't they'd have a whole sermon of not touching Jisung.

Minho: "You are really cute." He said staring at Jisung.

Jisung blushes madly at all the compliments and didn't even dare to look up. He just continued eating and the others continued as well. After about twenty minutes Changbin, Hyunjin and Minho were done with their food and Jisung wasn't.

Changbin: "He got the least food and yet he ain't done yet." He said facing Hyunjin. "How long are you going to take?" He asked while staring at his cheeks.

Jisung was only about half way done even after 20 minutes.

Jisung: "I'm full." He said while pouting.

Minho: "Well then, you should grab smaller portions next time." He said pushing his plate away and standing up.

Han followed after Minho but it was completely silent.



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They both sit on the stairs as they wait to go to the next activity. They still had about twenty minutes before heading to the beach. Changbin and Hyunjin chose not to swim, because who would in this freezing cold weather? Well... Minho would. Minho never felt cold he was always warm. Mortals can't control their own body temprature, but non-mortals could. jisung feeling cold was basically like an act. He wanted to seem normal because he was wearing the lightest of clothes. he had left his padded jacket at the place in where you put your harnesses on, but he didn't bother getting it. So, he decided to act as if he was cold, which did work on everyone who saw him except for Minho. Jisung latter left Minho to go and find his jacket. Luckily he found it in the little cupboards and grabbed it. he swiftly took off Chan's spare jacket and put on his own. on the way back to the stairs they sat on, he found Chan. It was perfect, he gave the jacket back to Chan and bid him farewell. he went back to the same spot he was last with Minho and found him there but with Changbin and Hyunjin.

Changbin: "Hey, are you going to swim later?" He asked expecting a 'no'.

Han: "Of course." He said proudly.

The pair were shocked and confused to why he would swim in this freezing cold weather.

Hyunjin: "Dont you feel the weather right now? Only the Lee Minho would do that." He said widening his eyes.

Han: "So what? I can do it too." He said showing a bright smile.

Changbin: "Don't come up running the beach saying 'It's so cold!' Later." He said smirking at his own imagination.

Han: "Don't worry I wont." He said winking at him playfully.

The horn was blown again signaling the boys to go to the beach or cabin, it was free time, they could go anywhere but the obstacle course. The four boys decided to go to the beach hoping and thinking no one would be there. Minho and Jisung told the others to wat for them to wait at the beach as they were still getting there swim trunks. No they didn't bring any considering that it was winter but magic can help. They went inside the cabin and made swim trunks magically appear on the bed with their perfect size. Jisung's was snowy white with a tad bit of sparkles making it look like fallen snow. Minho's was ombre, light red fading to maroon and towards the bottom right corner there was tiny golden crown.

"Perfect" The both said in union.

Jisung still grabbed a large gray hoodie and a padded jacket while Minho just grabbed a padded jacket. They put their clothes on in a snap and left the cabin. They walked towards the beach unfazed by the weather. They arrived and when they did they immediately put down their jackets and headed for the water.



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Minho got there first knowing that he was only wearing a padded jacket. Jisung arrived at the crystal clear water later but still enjoyed it as much as him. Changbin and Hyunjin looked in awe and never understood how they could stand the water. They were so confused to the point that they decided to touch the water to see if it was warm or cold. It was cold, really cold. Their fingers felt numb at the touch but Minho and Jisung just laughed at the sight remaining unfazed. Changbin and Hyunjin just watched them as if they were parents of irresponsible children. Minho and Jisung were tackling each other, splashing ach other with water and they looked like a very happy couple. Their bond definitely grew stronger while they were playing carelessly in the water.

Wc: 1058
Date: September 3, 2020
𝓼𝓽𝓪𝔂 🅿︎🅾︎🆂🅸🆃🅸🆅🅴💞💜

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